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DIY Recipes Vlog

Make Homemade Lollipops Without a Mold


Stay tuned to until the end of the “cooking” part and see mine and Colette’s super silly Lollipop dance to celebrate~ this is one of her favorite songs (she loves lollipops) and she has been wanting to make this video for so long haha! She also did one of her singing a Ramones song but I guess that one might come in the future.

I’m super silly in this but the recipe is on YouTube and our lollipops are super spicy but excellent adult lollipops! The kids decided on a different dessert after they felt they were too hot! I guess Mary accidentally put a bit much cinnamon oil in them. Oops! I’ve already eaten 3 so far! ha

Please subscribe if you enjoy! More videos on the way for this Youtubenewb~


Le Game

Le Game: Cuisines Around the World



Something we wish we covered more often here at Miseducated is how the many technological aids that surround us daily can make our lives much easier and our brains more knowledgable.

Exploring cuisines from around the world may sound a little unattainable but with the help of the sheer enormity of apps available now to everyone who is in the possession of a smart phone, it is possible from the comfort of your own home. These days we don’t have to travel to Asia or South America to experience a wealth of varying cuisines nor do we have to shell out large sums of money for a hefty and non-interactive cook book. The advent of innovative apps has meant that we can access large portal chockfull of resources a touch of a button.

Many leading chefs have also had the foresight to launch their own apps to try and grab a stranglehold on a very lucrative market. It has been reported by Statista that in June of this year that the amount of app downloads since 2008 has surpassed the 75 billion mark. This is in correlation with the rise in smartphone usage, with the gaming developer behind online portal PocketFruity claims that smartphone usage is up to 16%. It is statistics like this that have seen an increase in the amount of apps that hit both Google Play and the App Store on a daily basis. And the amount of apps catering for recipes is also on the rise.

Over the years, we have brought you many recipes on Miseducated, however we’ve never brought you a list of the cuisine-related apps that we recommend to our readers. So, without further ado, here are some of the apps you can download and revel in many of the world’s varying cuisines.

I’m Hungry: Vegetarian Recipes
You are spoiled with choice with this app as it has recipes from the following cuisines: Chinese, Indian, Italian, French, Spanish, American, Middle Eastern, Mexican and much more. It has a huge database with instructions and how-to prepare guides for each individual recipe.

Sweet n’ Spicy: Indian Recipes
It professes to have the largest amount of recipes out of all the Indian food apps. The app is powered by Full Meals with more than 10,000 recipes and 1,500 video tutorials.

Jamaican Cuisine
One of the hardest cuisines to master, Jamaican food has a sort of mystique surrounding it. This app gives the user a series of step-by-step guides, an assortment of video tutorials to follow and many recipes to try.

Japanese Recipes
You’ll know from reading this blog, that this list wouldn’t be complete unless it had a useful Japanese food app on it. The apps will help you learn how to cook Teryaki and sushi as well as other authentic Japanese dishes.

So enjoy learning about the many possibilities of cuisine, start cooking new dishes and invite us over for a dinner party (with tea!).. we’ll be having more of our own recipes published in the coming weeks so stay tuned!

DIY Recipes

Vegetarian Goddess Quiche Brunch Recipe


As you know, I’ve blogged recipes here in the past but have never actually made it one of my focuses at all until now. Having recently become a vegetarian and focusing much of my energy on being a domestic goddess I’ve become passionate about cooking and crafting my own recipes again as well as updating my old meat-inclusive recipe box creations.

With inspiration from my love I have began to embrace vegetarianism and healthy eating so I have updated my quiche recipe to fit our diet and to give him a little tasty and healthy pampering after a long work day.

servings: 19″ pie (serves 5)
prep time:
cook time: (10 min for veggies, 30 min for quiche)
total time:


1 pie crust
4 eggs
1/2 cup shredded carrots
1/2 onion diced
1/2 cup fresh chopped spinach
1 clove garlic crushed
splash of olive oil
1 cup shredded cheddar cheese
dash of nutmeg
salt and pepper to taste


1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
2. Heat oil in a medium skillet over medium heat and cook the vegetables in order of firmness until tender.
3. In a large bowl add sauted vegetables, cheese, eggs and spices and mix together.
4. Pour the mixture into a pie shell.
5. Bake quiche for 30 minutes in preheated oven on middle rack and enjoy.
Design Your Life Thankful for Monday

Thankful for Monday: Happiness Through Gratitude


This is a new kind of project I’m forcing myself to do. Having a few scheduled posts a week really works wonders for my over-stimulated brain. I cannot mindlessly list topics and ideas forever, brainstorming over great articles and DIY-material until I’m suddenly too drained to write or publish any of it.. silly! As much as I love lists, I’ve recently realized I’m wasting a lot of time on them. And.. as you may or may not know, a new mother’s time is very precious and limited.

So I’m urging myself to again start keeping a gratitude journal which once helped so much with my positive outlook. I had been keeping one for months on my iPhone previously, another in a journal my doctor encouraged me to start.. I must say that although I enjoy journaling and scribbling nonsense, the gratitude thing worked best digitally because it was always on hand. I could attach photos in a flash and rate my days.. sadly when I updated my iPhone OS, however, my restoration went wonky and my gratitude journal -and all of the photos- were deleted. I had a bit of a melt-down -I’m lying, it was a full-on panic attack- .. I was so upset I couldn’t now see the progress I had made.. the once unhealthy things I was so grateful for and the realization of what I should be grateful for.. to which of course my husband reminded me, “You have what you are grateful for right here, it shouldn’t be hard to start a new one. I see the progress you’ve made and deep down you know you’ve made it.”

So, on Mondays I will begin to look back at all of the wonderful (and even not-so-wonderful!) things I should be and am grateful for. It is said that keeping a gratitude journal is very healthy, a great way to be open to all of the amazing things you have in your life that you might not be noticing. It’s also said to lift your spirits in a way that cannot be denied. I agree and I urge you to try it! Even if just for a month.



The sweet taste of a homegrown strawberry that I happened to rescue from the brink of death! We were in the grocery store and the fluorescent lighting must have left the shriveled plants with much to be desired. I instantly usherd one to the register and planted it in new soil and a large pot — now it’s branching out into my yard and attempting to spread sugary-sweet red fruit to all of the rabbits in the area. I did get to taste one berry, one very delicious berry, however when I watered it today I noticed my other three berries had been eaten. We have a cottontail friend roaming around now and again so I’m sure he was the one who experienced the delight of the fresh berries — at least someone enjoyed them!


Every single coo and grunt my daughter makes. And the fact that I unbelievably have a daughter and can talk about her. It’s absolutely a trip and I never could have imagined how wonderful it would be. She’s been in my dreams for quite awhile so I feel very fortunate that she has arrived in my arms and left me with a scar I will never forget. I can’t to experience every new moment with her and I want to remember absolutely every day.


Heart-wrenching memoirs of hardship and survival. I’m a dark, depressing memoir addict. I think it has something to do with being inspired by overcoming one’s past to become an amazing and creative person. Having been through a rough and tumbly past myself and having watched many of those I love fall to the negativity of their own past, it’s very enlightening to see what can be accomplished if you devote your life to overcoming it.


My husband’s new-found appreciation for cooking. Not just because I get to taste all of his experiments, either, but because I am also passionate about cooking up my own creations and it’s double the excitement! We have yet another interest that we share and it’s the best kind of interest — the kind that tastes delicious. He keeps practicing on fresh Tilapia and I keep inhaling it.



Thrifting for vintage, kitschy mugs. Thrifting is not only fun alone, it’s even more fun because of the people you do it with. I often go thrifting with my best friend or husband and we have a blast finding kitschy goodies, vintage magazines and trying on 70s bathrobes. It doesn’t get old! You don’t need a lot of money to have a great time combing through pop-culture memorabilia — just a lot of time and patience. Even a box of old records or postcards can become an exciting giggle fest. No matter what their selection, make sure you look through the mugs and vintage cookbooks — they’ll always provide you with some inexpensive, kitschy fun for your kitsch-en!

What are five things that you’re thankful for this week?

DIY Recipes

Cat and Kitten Recipes for Tea and More


Worried about kitty’s food allergies? ASPCA has the word on those. Make sure you don’t use any ingredients that will harm your krazee kitty!

If you’re having a kitty party and having all the kitties in your neighborhood over, don’t. Kitties prefer having tea parties with their own families and are very territorial, especially when catnip and tuna are involved!

Kitty’s Cookies

1 cup of all-purpose flour
1/4 cup of whole wheat flour
2 tablespoons of wheat germ
2-4 tablespoons of catnip
1/3 cup of water
1/3 cup goat milk
2 tablespoons of vegetable oil
1 tablespoon of molasses
1 egg

Begin by pre-heating the oven to 350*F.
Combine the dry ingredients in a bowl (flour, wheat germ and catnip).
Combine the wet ingredients in a bowl (egg, milk, vegetable oil, and molasses.
Mix the wet and dry ingredients together and work it into a dough
Lightly flour the counter or other work surface
Remove a portion of dough and use a rolling pin to uniformly flatten the dough to a thickness between 1/8 of an inch and 1/4 of an inch.
Cut the dough into 1-inch squares using a rolling pizza cutter or a cookie cutter of your choice.
Place the cookies on a lightly greased cookie sheet.
Bake the cookies for 10 to 15 minutes, or until the cookies are crisp and lightly browned.
This recipe will make approximately 50 medium-sized cat treats.

Once the treats have cooled, gently remove them and place the cookies into several small freezer bags.

Tuna Surprise Kitty Bonbons

1 cup whole wheat flour
1/2 can tuna, in oil or 1/2 cup cooked chicken, chopped into small pieces
1 tablespoon vegetable or cod liver oil
1 egg, beaten
1/4 cup water

In large bowl, mash the tuna (or chicken). Add the flour, mixing well. Stir in the water, oil and egg, mixing well. Mixture will be sticky.
Shape mixture into 1/2-inch sized balls. Place on greased baking sheets. Press balls to flatten.

Bake at 350*F (175*C) for 10 minutes. Remove treats from oven; let sit 5 minutes and then turn treats over and bake another 10 minutes or until golden brown. Cool completely on wire rack. Store in an air tight container in refrigerator.

Tuna Pops

Drain liquid from tuna packed in spring water. Freeze liquid in small ice cube trays (cocktail ice cube trays work nicely, fish shaped from IKEA trays? double points!). Give no more than 2 cubes at 1 time as a treat. Reuse your can of drained tuna by placing in it an airtight container and covering with filtered water overnight for a second batch of tuna-pop water.

Catnip Tea

tea ball loaded with catnip
1 cup Water

Put the catnip in a bottle, pour in the water. Put the cap on the bottle,and shake until the catnip tea is green.

Preserving your Cooked Treats

Since these treats are preservative-free, they will not last forever. So to extend their lives, store them inside the freezer in several small freezer bags. As needed remove a bag from the freezer and leave it out for several hours to thaw. Once the treats are thawed, transfer into a Tupperware container for easy access and store the treats inside the refrigerator for up to two weeks.