Diary Wear the World

Wear the World, Giveaways and Siren Love


Hello! How are you doing today? I’ve been busy preparing items for an upcoming gallery and doodling psychedelic cats for Tokyolux’s new line.

It’s been quite awhile since I’ve uploaded any photos of myself so I thought I’d update with an outfit finally, as I’ve really been meaning to do for quite a long time. Today’s outfit is brought to you by Tokyolux — the sweater was a gift from Audrey. I love it, it’s large and comfortable.

After these photos were taken I proceeded to burn my tights (accident) so I’ll be uploading a DIY distressed tights tutorial soon~

As you can see I’ve also added a sneak peek photo of our upcoming giveaway! A couple more items are on the way but I just couldn’t wait to show you what cute items we’ve received already. The giveaway will be taking place this spring so stay tuned for more information on that in the future!

Lastly, Siren London sent me a package stuffed full of their amazing clothing samples which I’ll also be featuring later. If you’ve never checked Siren out do so now, you’ll drool! They are the cardigan queens.

upcoming giveaway sneak peek

new package from siren london

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  • Reply Angie 05/01/2011 at 9:46 pm

    Ahhh your animal head pictures are epic. :mrgreen:

  • Reply Crystal 05/02/2011 at 8:28 pm

    Ha – caticorn is amazers! You’re such a rad designer. What font did you use for the “sneak peek”?

  • Reply Amber Renée 05/02/2011 at 11:04 pm

    Thank you both so much! I’ll keep making them so you can keep on being creeped out! haha

    It’s called sachi alphabet!

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