I got nominated for the Liebster Award by Natasja at Kao-ani.com. The idea of the Liebster Award is to introduce blogs to a wider audience, build community and give the bloggers a chance to share something personal about themselves.
The Questions
1. What made you want to start blogging?
I had originally started my website in the late 90s because I had gotten a computer as a 10 year old and became very interested in learning HTML and graphic design. I’ve always been into creating things so it seemed the next logical step!
2. What is your biggest dream?
My biggest dream would have to be to spend a life filled with love, fun, travels, animals, parties, good food and art with my soul mate and our children (including the furry ones!). I would love to go back to Japan with my entire family one day (all 4 kids!) and continue to enjoy making art alongside my honey.
3. If money were no object, what would you do all day?
I like to think I would still be doing what I am doing! I would definitely still create art and blog, write and create. I’m sure I would travel and shop quite a bit more and probably renovate my house more extravagantly but otherwise most things would be the same. That’s when you know you’re doing what you love!
4. What is your favorite country or place to visit and why?
My favorite places to visit are Tokyo, Japan and Paris, France. I love to travel and experience new sights, smells, foods and art. I believe traveling and meeting new friends is one of the real gems of life.
5. Oops, you’re stranded on an island (with plenty of water & food). What three things would you want with you?
Things? Hmm.. that makes it tough.. I would definitely want my family with me but if I can only bring things I believe they would be 1. a HUGE notebook; 2. a bag of pencils and 3. lots of rope (to make a home).
6. Name a movie and/or book that you recently watched/read and can highly recommend.
I recently have been watching a television show called “My Ghost Story” on Amazon (free with Prime!) — there are many seasons and some of the stories are quite spooky and interesting. I recommend if you are interested in learning about the afterlife.
7. What do you collect?
I collect a few things such as Blythe dolls, dollhouse miniatures, baby yarn, kitschy vinyl records, mugs and dishes and craft supplies of course. I have a LOT of craft supplies in my studio.
8. What do you do to get “zen”?
I like to rest on my couch with my kitty (Calvin) and knit something for someone I love. If I really am wanting a zen feeling I light a candle or incense, play some records and create something cute.
9. What is the wisest thing someone ever told you?
“Keep doing what you’re doing and never give up on what you believe is right and just.”
10. What song do you like to sing out loud?
I love to sing Ave Maria out loud when I’m alone, I belt it out and it reminds me of choir practice as a teen and fills my home with happy energy.
11. If you could learn something super fast (Matrix-style), what skill would you pick?
I’ve studied Japanese in Japan and I have a childs vocabulary. I would love to instantly know all Japanese and Kanji.
Random Facts
1. I love to cook Japanese food.
2. I have 4 children.
3. I believe in ghosts.
4. I am a MEGA animal lover and used to live on a farm but preferred the city to settle down in.
5. I lived with a host family in Japan for several months (plus visits) in college and am still close to them as though I’m there adopted daughter.
6. My soul mate was at one time my art professor and friend before we started dating many years later.
7. I always knew I would have a daughter at 25 years old and was told by a psychic she would be very special to the world. Alas at 25 after trying for over a year I got pregnant with my daughter (now 4 years old).
8. Knitting for me is meditative.
9. I live in a 3 story (plus full basement) four-square home that is 100 years old and features a mural of a castle in the dining room.
10. I love pen palling and mail art!
11. I have been writing a horror fairy tale for many years and have never released it or tried to have it published.
The Rules
1. Link back to the person who nominated you.
2. Answer the same 11 questions your nominator answered above.
3. Post 11 random facts about yourself.
4. Pick 11 nominees to answer your 11 questions.
5. You can’t nominate the person who nominated you!
6. Tell your 11 nominees you have nominated them.
My Nominations
1. Jamie from Kawaii or Die
2. Zambi from Studio Cutecake
3. Holly from A Little Stranger
4. Isabelle from Bohemian Musings
5. Lauren from Calico Skies
6. Sophie from Dark Vice
7. Erika from Erika Lee XO
8. Rachel from Glass of Win
9. Jessica from Jessica Borutski
10. Angela from This Muse is Taken
11. Victoria from Parfait Doll