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amber renee

Visual Splendor

So Little Time, So Many Things to Create


David has been working in the studio a lot lately.. he has a couple shows coming up and some other art events. So I’ve been working up in my half on making a complete mess. As I said in the last video, I’m doing wedding decor so the studio is not video-ready. It looks instead like someone took a big, pastel puke in the middle of my floor. Really though with all of the glitter, ribbons, pompoms and flowers… it was only a matter of time. I’m making just about everything in the wedding and although it will be pretty minimal, the items I make will be pop surrealism crafty cute~ pastel rainbow = my favorite thing forever.

pastel rainbow wedding

I’ll also be using a lot of these pastel kawaii materials (I got bulk goodies because I found so many great deals on things I LOVE) to make some goodies for the shop but that will probably come around after the wedding is over, maybe not but probably! The shop will be getting a revamp next year due to our new tshirt printer and products getting finalized~

On that notion I also started doing some sketches again in spare time that wasn’t spent crafting. I had painted an entire painting of an alien scene when David left a canvas he didn’t need on my craft table.. and the only thing I liked about it was the HANDS. How often do illustrators feel that way? I’m not sure.. but it’s not common for me. So I wondered why I don’t sketch anymore and how much more fulfilling it would be if I sketched a bunch of my ideas out prior to sketching on a canvas. Like I used to do. So I’ve been doing little sketches of my moods displayed on a cartoon-y girl. I also pulled one into illustrator after David asked why I’m not doing them in Illustrator. Something about the actual sketching (besides the mobility of it) is providing some sort of therapy for me in my late-night busy brain, tired body situations. If I like any enough in the future I might make some prints of them, not sure yet!

night sketching

thinking girl sketch

whatever sanrio pop kawaii bow

deer fawn girl sketch

whatever girl

And I’ve been doing dolly crocheting again while waiting for things like appointments or meetings to start..

kawaii kokeshi crochet

What have you been working on?

Design Your Life

Amnesia: When You Forget Your Life and Love



I’ve been through a lot of things in the last 30 years, and yes, I know it sounds incredibly cliche and probably quite unlikely. I never ever thought some things would happen; others were completely normal to me and even more seemed like a movie or soap opera (completely unreal and strange). Every one of these things has changed me and made me who I am today, I am grateful I can speak about these things and live a healthy life both in spite and in honor of them.

Almost exactly a year ago one of my worst nightmares came true. I say worst nightmare about several key fears of mine and every single one of them has happened in some way. I’ve arrived at a place that I’m fearful to even have a worst nightmare anymore (so I don’t!). My furry companion (and life-long best buddy!) passed away at the age of 17 as I explained in Cats Are Good for Your Health and that was tough enough.. but next I came face to face with an even scarier experience. My soul mate had a major health scare (an isolated siezure) which was followed by severe amnesia for the following two days. I was strong, I kept positive. The kids really had no idea because I maintained that everything was completely fine and that dad was just feeling sick. I helped him feel safe even when he didn’t really know who I was. I took charge of his health and comforted him when he was confused, hurt or overwhelmed. They said his memory should come back within a few days if not the following weeks or months. They said it should come back but they didn’t know when because they’d never witnessed such a severe case. I just believed his memory would come back even when I didn’t understand why. I believed he would be ok and his brain would be healthy. I believed he would again remember me, our children, our home, our life. I knew he couldn’t have a tumor or serious condition. I practiced the law of attraction and stayed positive.

His memory gradually came back over the following days and the whole experience became an invaluable lesson for both of us in different ways, something we won’t soon forget. I got the experience of knowing that if the love of my life didn’t know me and got to decide if he would choose to do it all over again, he would. He told me in his severe amnesia that although he couldn’t remember who I was or our relationship he knew inside that I was his soul mate. He said he had this feeling inside that I was the only girl for him. He knew that he wanted to marry me and he knew my nickname when contemplating for a long time in the far parts of his brain (even though he kept calling me Farah Fawcett–the sex symbol when he was a kid). What was humorous was when he told me several times he didn’t know me but he’d like to get to (hah!) and felt shocked and modest when I helped him find the restroom and stepped inside.

For him, he felt grateful in an unreal way. He said he woke up into a life he couldn’t have imagined in his wildest dreams and he hoped he could always remember how blessed he is even when he feels he is struggling. He saw all of the small and big things alike and how important each and every one of them are — how lucky many of us are but we forget because we’re so involved in our lives. When we came home he couldn’t believe this huge house was our home.. he couldn’t believe he lived here with me and loved seeing the photos of the wonderful times we shared. He DID remember Hobbes and he didn’t remember that he passed, so he got to mourn that several times over the days but he also got to know Calvin (as a kitten) all over again and felt grateful that this tiny feline wanted nothing more than to cuddle him.

We fell asleep that first night in each other’s arms when he still didn’t really know who I was and I felt incredibly grateful that no matter what he remembered I knew he was the only man for me.

To be continued…


Blogosphere Features

Liebster Award: A Blog Survey & Nomination



I got nominated for the Liebster Award by Natasja at The idea of the Liebster Award is to introduce blogs to a wider audience, build community and give the bloggers a chance to share something personal about themselves.

The Questions

1. What made you want to start blogging?
I had originally started my website in the late 90s because I had gotten a computer as a 10 year old and became very interested in learning HTML and graphic design. I’ve always been into creating things so it seemed the next logical step!
2. What is your biggest dream?
My biggest dream would have to be to spend a life filled with love, fun, travels, animals, parties, good food and art with my soul mate and our children (including the furry ones!). I would love to go back to Japan with my entire family one day (all 4 kids!) and continue to enjoy making art alongside my honey.
3. If money were no object, what would you do all day?
I like to think I would still be doing what I am doing! I would definitely still create art and blog, write and create. I’m sure I would travel and shop quite a bit more and probably renovate my house more extravagantly but otherwise most things would be the same. That’s when you know you’re doing what you love!
4. What is your favorite country or place to visit and why?
My favorite places to visit are Tokyo, Japan and Paris, France. I love to travel and experience new sights, smells, foods and art. I believe traveling and meeting new friends is one of the real gems of life.
5. Oops, you’re stranded on an island (with plenty of water & food). What three things would you want with you?
Things? Hmm.. that makes it tough.. I would definitely want my family with me but if I can only bring things I believe they would be 1. a HUGE notebook; 2. a bag of pencils and 3. lots of rope (to make a home).
6. Name a movie and/or book that you recently watched/read and can highly recommend.
I recently have been watching a television show called “My Ghost Story” on Amazon (free with Prime!) — there are many seasons and some of the stories are quite spooky and interesting. I recommend if you are interested in learning about the afterlife.
7. What do you collect?
I collect a few things such as Blythe dolls, dollhouse miniatures, baby yarn, kitschy vinyl records, mugs and dishes and craft supplies of course. I have a LOT of craft supplies in my studio.
8. What do you do to get “zen”?
I like to rest on my couch with my kitty (Calvin) and knit something for someone I love. If I really am wanting a zen feeling I light a candle or incense, play some records and create something cute.
9. What is the wisest thing someone ever told you?
“Keep doing what you’re doing and never give up on what you believe is right and just.”
10. What song do you like to sing out loud?
I love to sing Ave Maria out loud when I’m alone, I belt it out and it reminds me of choir practice as a teen and fills my home with happy energy.
11. If you could learn something super fast (Matrix-style), what skill would you pick?
I’ve studied Japanese in Japan and I have a childs vocabulary. I would love to instantly know all Japanese and Kanji.

Random Facts

1. I love to cook Japanese food.
2. I have 4 children.
3. I believe in ghosts.
4. I am a MEGA animal lover and used to live on a farm but preferred the city to settle down in.
5. I lived with a host family in Japan for several months (plus visits) in college and am still close to them as though I’m there adopted daughter.
6. My soul mate was at one time my art professor and friend before we started dating many years later.
7. I always knew I would have a daughter at 25 years old and was told by a psychic she would be very special to the world. Alas at 25 after trying for over a year I got pregnant with my daughter (now 4 years old).
8. Knitting for me is meditative.
9. I live in a 3 story (plus full basement) four-square home that is 100 years old and features a mural of a castle in the dining room.
10. I love pen palling and mail art!
11. I have been writing a horror fairy tale for many years and have never released it or tried to have it published.

The Rules

1. Link back to the person who nominated you.
2. Answer the same 11 questions your nominator answered above.
3. Post 11 random facts about yourself.
4. Pick 11 nominees to answer your 11 questions.
5. You can’t nominate the person who nominated you!
6. Tell your 11 nominees you have nominated them.

My Nominations

1. Jamie from Kawaii or Die
2. Zambi from Studio Cutecake
3. Holly from A Little Stranger
4. Isabelle from Bohemian Musings
5. Lauren from Calico Skies
6. Sophie from Dark Vice
7. Erika from Erika Lee XO
8. Rachel from Glass of Win
9. Jessica from Jessica Borutski
10. Angela from This Muse is Taken
11. Victoria from Parfait Doll

Visual Splendor Vlog Wear the World

Wear the World: Pinky Paradise Vanity Contacts



First off let me say I do not condone the use of vanity contacts unless you have extensively read about how to wear, care for and use them safely. If you’re in any doubt please see an eye doctor and take the lenses to learn more about them. These lenses are a one size fits all so if you have a different eye shape it can cause complications.

Next, I finally uploaded a little review of the contacts from a NON-SEASONED contact wearer. In other words.. this was my first time wearing contacts. It wasn’t too tough or painful so I would have to say for a quick photo shoot these will do wonders! They are lovely, easy to wear and come in tons of colors and designs. If you’re looking for a good selection of lenses at an exceptional price check out Pinky Paradise. I know I’ll be getting a few more colors for fun next time!

I’m pretty new to VLOGGING on YouTube so if you’d like to be friends or collab in any way please let me know. I’m enjoying the ease these days of having a new phone to shoot and edit video on the go. The above video is one of the older tries! Beware the audio is a little slow! Ooops. Bad import.

Pinky Paradise Cosmetic Lens Closeup

Pinky Paradise Lenses

Pinky Paradise Lenses and Cat

Accessories by Sanrio and Sugar Junkie!

Mew for Today Visual Splendor

Mew for Today: Kawaii Tarot Cards



Who says the occult can’t be kawaii? For a long time I’ve loved tarot card art and the amount of dedication it must take to finish such a large deck. It’s a stretch, something totally new I never considered really doing. I know this is the next step!

So my next huge personal project is designing an deck of TAROT CARDS >> This is big for me to admit. Dedicating my next year/s to producing extensively designed mixed media tarot cards (78 in a deck) that will be available as very limited large prints until the entire deck is complete and then they will be made into decks of cards included as a lovely kit complete with a book written by a friend on interpretations.

I’ve also recently become obsessed with cute tarot cards such as those by Sanrio, Aya Takano (THE BEST: top of my wish list), the numerous cat and animal tarot cards, etc so I had to feature them! I’ve always wondered how I can add a totally different style/take into the world of the tarot.

The first of my new prints will be on show RAW located at the Murat on [official date announced!!] March 19th (buy a ticket ($15), you wont regret it! if not in the area comment and receive a free print at $30~). “XXI The World” is the first card and, as stated, will be first available at RAW.






Business Features

New Business Cards: VistaPrint is my VistaPrince


I recently had some new business cards printed. It’s been quite a while. I had a box of cards left with a wrong number from 7+ years ago and another box of cards that were simply for design AND not as clean as I’d like. I wanted a new card to promote myself AND mainly Miseducated. I had been featuring many businesses lately and finding new affiliates yet my card did not portray the importance of this whimsical land. Thus, my new cards were born promoting our beloved blog on the front and myself on the back which is really just more Miseducated brand. I’m VERY pleased with them and a lot of other recent orders for my store materials so I had to write a little post honoring their service in case there are others looking for a place to print.

I’m sure if you are a professional of any sort online then you’ve heard of VistaPrint before while scrolling amongst the tons of searches for print companies and inexpensive business cards. I first learned about them many years ago when a friend ordered their free business cards, found out I can completely customize my order in every way and have been hooked since. I use them for most, if not all, of my professionally printed business materials and I have never been disappointed. I have in fact ordered the wrong item before and they fixed it immediately. I have had a slight error in the past and I received the correct item free of charge in a flash. I also prefer MOO cards but with the inexpensive quality and quantity that VistaPrint offers I most often turn to them for basic business printed materials. I highly recommend VistaPrint to all of my art and design friends and have heard very similar reviews. My boyfriend uses them, my best friends use them. If you’re looking for something done right and affordable this is where you go. And here’s a few VistaPrint coupon codes for even better print deals.

If you’re interested in ordering materials from VistaPrint or another print company but need an affective and original design for yourself or your brand do not hesitate to ask me. I’m always open to discussing new projects with readers and helping you out in any way that I am able to.

Visual Splendor

A Perfect Day for a Tea Party


Today we did our photoshoot and it went very well. I must say I feel bad for Jamie getting stuck with me as a model, though. In every single photo I’m leering from the sun and have my chin in the double position. Ahh! How embarrassing! I’ll be sure to show you her shoot when she uploads it.

We’re already planning a new one and I can’t wait. This was so much fun.

If you’re looking for where to buy the goodies in these shots head on over to Sugar Junkie and our shop.

Hair and Makeup: Pajamie
Stylist: Amber Renée
Photographer: Amber Renée
Accessories: Sugar Junkie and Miseducated
Clothing: Miseducated


take a bite

you're my cuppa

tea party

cup of tea

having tea

Diary Wear the World

Wear the World, Giveaways and Siren Love


Hello! How are you doing today? I’ve been busy preparing items for an upcoming gallery and doodling psychedelic cats for Tokyolux’s new line.

It’s been quite awhile since I’ve uploaded any photos of myself so I thought I’d update with an outfit finally, as I’ve really been meaning to do for quite a long time. Today’s outfit is brought to you by Tokyolux — the sweater was a gift from Audrey. I love it, it’s large and comfortable.

After these photos were taken I proceeded to burn my tights (accident) so I’ll be uploading a DIY distressed tights tutorial soon~

As you can see I’ve also added a sneak peek photo of our upcoming giveaway! A couple more items are on the way but I just couldn’t wait to show you what cute items we’ve received already. The giveaway will be taking place this spring so stay tuned for more information on that in the future!

Lastly, Siren London sent me a package stuffed full of their amazing clothing samples which I’ll also be featuring later. If you’ve never checked Siren out do so now, you’ll drool! They are the cardigan queens.

upcoming giveaway sneak peek

new package from siren london


Making Noise for Printable Designer Toys

Printable Panda!

Need a new, tiny photo model but don’t want to shell out cash for dolls and vinyl figures? Try a paper model, paper or not, I’m in love. (My husband says I’m like Michael Scott now because I’m in love with paper.)

Toobusytobreathe. I’ve opened back up my web design studio and have gotten so many exciting projects (did I mention we’re moving?) that I can hardly fit in the time to update Miseducated like I should — soon newnewnew. So much new you’ll bounce to the moon!

Speaking of bouncing to the moon, these printable toys make me so happy I could fly. I knew someday this would catch on again and I’m too excited!

Printable Pandas

Jessica and I have collaborated on a cute new surprise for Miseducated, her pandas in PRINTABLE FORM. Print them and you can have your own designer toy as soon as the paper cools. Put some pandas into your own world~

Grape Panda (29261 downloads ) | Orange Panda (28769 downloads )

More Printable Designers

3 Eyed Bear
Fantastic Toys
Sal Azad

Paper Toy Books

We Are Paper Toys: Print-Cut-Fold-Glue-Fun
Paper Wonderland: 32 Terribly Cute Toys Ready to Cut, Fold & Build
Karakuri: How to Make Mechanical Paper Models That Move
Papertoy Monsters: Make Your Very Own Amazing Papertoys!

Visual Splendor

Don’t Be Controlled: Things You Should Do


Speaking as one of the very last people in the world that one should expect to be able to control, I’ve battled my fair share of attempts. I’ve been asked to be silent, to restrict my speech, to limit my work. My work knows no limits. What keeps me going is the aesthetic obsession I have with art and design, the need to create the world around myself and around you. The world is your canvas, express yourself vividly.

As you see this is not a ‘Design Your Life‘ article — this is a ‘Visual Splendor‘ article and with good reason. I’m being silly and contradictory and I think you should absolutely do all the things listed below daily. Please feel free to make suggestions of MUST-DOs that you enjoy daily and also suggestions of new objects I might place in my mouth for nonsensical artistic amusement. Remember, this is Miseducated and sometimes being nonsensical purely for your own endeavors is many times necessary and often unexplainable.

eat cake
EAT CAKE. Necklace by stoopidgerl

in my mouth: pink pill

in my mouth: perfume