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Event Features Visual Splendor

See You at Small Gift, Big Smile in LA!

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So if you know anything about the creator of Miseducated you know that she is absolutely obsessed with cuteness of all kinds. Especially the kind she grew up with, the kind that wove a magical world for her to live in when she wanted to leave the real world behind. THAT’S RIGHT, I’M TALKING ABOUT SANRIO.


My love for Sanrio knows no boundries.
I have a Sanrio domain and blog that none of you even know about! LOL!
I had to go to Japan and devote a lot of my time to Puroland, Hello Kitty and other Sanrio cuteness.
I spend all of my spare money on Sanrio.
My home has no Sanrio boundries.. (my husband just deals with it, LOL)
Now that I have a daughter I spend my spare money buying her cute Sanrio goodies.

Sanrio is celebrating their 50th anniversary at Small Gift in Los Angeles as well as other places around the USA with the Small Gift Mobile Pop-Up Shop Tour October – December 2010.

See me at both the Sanrio VIP Party (on the 11th) and the Sanrio Nerd Party (on the 13th) and don’t be too shy to say hello! If you can’t make it, stay tuned for reports on all of the cuteness!

Right now myself and a few friends are planning some VERY EXCITING and CUTE outfits, all Sanrio theme of course. We’re dressing as characters and I cannot wait to show you.

Learn more here at the official website.

80s Escapeland

1980s Toy Box: Poochie by Mattel


It’s time again for another of those absolutely pointless posts that allow me to relish in the visual deliciousness of popular icons from my childhood.

I’m planning a whole slew of updated posts filled with nonsense information about the adorable icons of our past. If you lived in the 80s as a kid you’ll probably enjoy it as well.

Our first feature is Poochie. I had the cartoons and stationary.. it makes my heart go to a special place when I see things I loved as a child. Everything is colorful, cute and so very magical. I love feeling like that. Like anything is possible!

How does your childhood nostalgia make you feel?

Who is Poochie?


In the early 1980s Poochie was introduced by Mattel. She’s the cute poodle with hot pink hair and purple sunglasses who worked as an advice columnist whenever her owner was away. Sounds like an early blogger with a flare for fashion to me~

Although she was once very popular in North America she had her greatest marketing success in Italy and other parts of Europe. It’s very common to see Poochie items and ad prints in Italian!

Poochie, is it really you?
Sitting at the top knowing what to do
Poochie, now I understand–
how you’re always there with a helping hand.

Oh boy, it’s not so far away
I know you’ll be there come one day

Poochie is it really you…

Poochie Television Special

Poochie Commercials

Visual Splendor

Falling in Love With Soapylove

soapylove copy

Debbie is behind the aesthetically delicious soap design company (so perfectly named) Soapylove.

Miseducated, knowing you would love this as much as I do, just had to chat with her and plan some super special features for you in the future.

Q. How do you think of new ideas for soap themes and designs?

A. I’m very inspired by fashion and craft trends. Graphic design is my latest passion since I can now put dissolving images into my soaps. I love that!

Q. What inspires you?

A. Candy, color, cuteness, anything kawaii, and I especially love Japanese stationery supplies. Deco tape is my newest indulgence!

Q. What are your favorite scents?

A. I LOVE super fruity scents like watermelon and strawberry jam. I could smell those all day long!

Q. What’s the most exciting memory you have experiences because of soapylove?

A. Definitely when my soaps were featured on the Etsy homepage for the entire Thanksgiving weekend! That was my first year in business and the orders came rushing in. So many new opportunities came from that lucky break. It was beyond thrilling!

Q. What’s next? Can you give us a sneak peek?

A. There are so many new things coming up in Soapylove! I have amazing cupcake fizzies that I’m getting labels designed for right now, and a new collection of printed soaps featuring adorable kawaii characters! You can take a sneak peek here. I am working hard to get them ready for my shop. Stay tuned!


Now sink your eyes into this sugar surprise, a gallery of Soapylove creations~


Making Noise for Printable Designer Toys

Printable Panda!

Need a new, tiny photo model but don’t want to shell out cash for dolls and vinyl figures? Try a paper model, paper or not, I’m in love. (My husband says I’m like Michael Scott now because I’m in love with paper.)

Toobusytobreathe. I’ve opened back up my web design studio and have gotten so many exciting projects (did I mention we’re moving?) that I can hardly fit in the time to update Miseducated like I should — soon newnewnew. So much new you’ll bounce to the moon!

Speaking of bouncing to the moon, these printable toys make me so happy I could fly. I knew someday this would catch on again and I’m too excited!

Printable Pandas

Jessica and I have collaborated on a cute new surprise for Miseducated, her pandas in PRINTABLE FORM. Print them and you can have your own designer toy as soon as the paper cools. Put some pandas into your own world~

More Printable Designers

3 Eyed Bear
Fantastic Toys
Sal Azad

Paper Toy Books

We Are Paper Toys: Print-Cut-Fold-Glue-Fun
Paper Wonderland: 32 Terribly Cute Toys Ready to Cut, Fold & Build
Karakuri: How to Make Mechanical Paper Models That Move
Papertoy Monsters: Make Your Very Own Amazing Papertoys!


The Magic of Creating and Sending Packages



What makes you happier than a kitten at a sushi carnival? Is it a super special gift in the mail especially for you? Handcrafted and prepared with love?

It’s almost like a holiday everyday that a package comes in the mail, packages from friends stuffed with glitter, tissue paper and sweet smelling fragrance.

Shake it and it almost sounds like candies are inside.. small trinkets rolling around under larger, sweetly wrapped gifts stored in cupcakes and hearts. When you open the package the smell of perfume and a cloud of glitter dust fills the air. When you look inside you see bags, paper and stickers decorating the precious gifts inside.

Packages, and even envelopes stuffed with surprises, are a favorite past time of many friends who have ever experienced a long distance relationship or taken a trip from home. There was nothing I loved more than stuffing packages with gifts of cuteness when in Japan, so excited when my best friends would recieve the silly gifts and laugh.


Give it a Try

They’re as fun to send as they are to recieve. Try it.

Package decorating and stuffing is a bit of a crazy obsession in cute land. I know many girls use character tape (myself included), markers and more to make a statement before the box is even opened. If you’re sending a package, why not make it really special miseducated style?

You can make package contents as well as buying them. I have friends whom I swap kitschy antiques with and friends whom I share all of my ‘oldskool’ saved stationary with.. (I might as well use it before I die, right? What point is there in hoarding all of this cuteness??)

It’s easy to try. Start by sending your best friend a letter stuffed with some cute trinkets next time you go on a trip — chances are you’ll inspire her as well! Send a letter filled with stickers and stationary, it doesn’t have to be quite so taxing in these crazy economic times.

Who said you have to grow up and leave penpals behind? Slipping in a letter is sweet too, in the world of emails we all appreciate to see a little handwritten note every now and again!

Visual Splendor

Middie Blythe is Here!


All of the information about Middie Blythe has been officially released from

A new sized model for your creations and photos awaits!

Middie (Middle) Blythe is here — but she doesn’t have a middle child complex because she has a super cute charm that the other’s don’t have. She can turn her head to the side!

Not too big, not too small, she’s just right!
For everybody who was wondering who Middie Blythe is, your wait is over!
Middie looks slightly younger looking than a Neo Blythe and slightly more grown up than a Petite Blythe.
She is called “Middie” because her size is in between Neo and Petite, but it spells “Middie” instead of “Midi” so it sounds like a cute girl’s name.
Her head is table to tilt to the left or the right with eye move technology enhancing her charming gaze!


[ Middie Blythe Stats ]
Size (height): About 20cm
Eye color: 1 color (eye direction is moveable from left to right)
Eyelids: Set (do not close or open)
Neck: Moveable to left and right
Arm: Moveable
Waist: Stable (does not twist)
Knee: Stable (does not bend)


.. and as if you needed any more reason to love and want a Middie Blythe of your own, CWC is releasing an exclusive “Macaron Q-Tea Party” in collaboration with Q-pot.

Check out all the information directly from

Tea time is the perfect time to retire to the garden for a relaxing escape.
The intoxicating aroma of the flowers in the sunshine fill the air.
The light colors of the pink tea roses resemble the color of sweet Parisian macarons.
Once the treats are done baking we will be ready for our luxurious afternoon tea party, make yourself at home and enjoy this time with us!

“Macaron Q-Tea Party” has a soft and welcoming look coordinated with her sweet and romantic styling.
Her strawberry pink dress is embroidered with the Q-pot. brand, signature “Q” and whipped cream print.
Her apron is light and airy, and brings to mind fresh whipped cream.
Her gorgeous little hat is a little tea cup filled with mint tea!
Like any proper tea cup, it features a beautiful rose and lace motif to make it truly festive for our afternoon tea!
Her necklace and earrings have the signature Q-pot.’s “Q” and are made to look like strawberry and mint green Parisian macarons, how sweet!
She wears lace tights and mint green strapped shoes.
Her hair is a lovely honey blond, and has a slight wave perm giving her a romantic and sweet look.
She wears mint green eyeshadow and has fresh pink lips and cheeks, just right for an outdoor party.
Her eyes are blue and are so inviting and warm.
Her skin type is Very fair.

[ Skin Type ] Very fair
[ Make-up ] Eye shadow: mint green, Lips: blushy pink, Cheek: warm pink
[ Eye Color ] Blue
[ Hair Color ] blonde with a touch of brown (two mixed saran colors!)
[ Earrings ] Q-pot. Brand signature macaron earrings in mint green and strawberry
[ The set includes ] Doll, pink dress with decorative print, apron, tea cut hat, Q-pot. brand signature macaron necklace in mint, Q- pot. Brand signature macaron earrings in mint green and strawberry, tights, mint green shoes, bloomers, and new Middie Blythe stand.

Scheduled release Date: October 2010
Suggested retail price: 14,490yen
Limited to 3500dolls

Blythe Character © 2010 Hasbro, Inc. All rights reserved.
Blythe Character licensee rights for Asia © 2010 Cross World Connections, Ltd.
Photographs © 2010 Junie Moon-CWC

Design Your Life

Five Ways to Make Your Cat Smile


Bond with your pets by enjoying the same activity together are as often as you can. Make sure you set apart special time each day specifically for them — this will only strengthen your relationship and improve both of your health.


1. Cat Nap

Choose a cozy spot on the floor, couch or bed and curl up with a comfy blanket and pillow — cats enjoy snuggling at all hours of the day and a little sleep doesn’t hurt either! Keep a little nook near your body for him/her to lay in and bond with you.

2. Catnip Playtime

It’s always fun to grow a little fresh catnip in your balcony garden if your cat happens to enjoy the bitter scent. Although I’ve heard that some cats actually aren’t affected by it, I’ve never seen one!

If yours is fresh, dry it, if not it’s likely dried and crumbled. Bring out a cozy rug and sprinkle catnip all over it.. let kitty smell this! Grab some pompoms, little rattle balls, mice and string. Sprinkle them around the rug if catnip. Chill out with kitty and toss him/her pompoms and ribbons to delight her cat-nipped senses!

3. On the Hunt for Cookies

Give your cat something fun to do and eat at the same time. Purchase some healthy cat treats that are great for teeth (Hobbes loves Greenies!) and hide them around the room — one on a chair, one behind the table, etc. Let your cat explore the room for his favorite snack while at the same time encouraging his hunting instinct.

4. Cat Massage

Most cats appreciate attention from those they love, let alone a great massage session. Make sure you always make time each day to scratch behind his ears, scratch his back and of course cause the beloved elevator butt!

5. Smell-a-thon

Ha! So cats love to smell, if you can it’s great to take yours outside (on a harness) to sniff the plants and flowers around the home. My cat *loves* to do this.

Make sure when you come home from anywhere you let your cat smell your hand — it’s like shaking hands for them and they get all kinds of information about where you were.

Visual Splendor

The Cutest Wine You Can Drink


I know you probably don’t choose your wine by the bottle… but if you’re anything like me that definitely sweetens the deal! Wine bottles (after you share the contents with your best friend over chocolate-covered strawberries) can be turned into vases and lamps (DIY ala Wit and Whistle) to name only a couple of uses!

It also doesn’t help that one of the Hello Kitty Wines comes with a necklace. Are they marketing this FOR us? I’ve heard the rants about inspiring children to drink with the cartoon character but what they don’t understand is in Japan and Asia cute characters are the norm. Your average business man on a train more than likely has a cute character attached to his cellphone in Tokyo — It makes me wish we Americans understood that design can be cute. Cute can be good. It makes you happy and it delights your senses if you let it. (I promise!)

Sofia Mini Blanc de Blancs are one of my all-time favorites (pre-pregnancy of course!) and it’s a sparkling white grape wine so no staining your teeth! Perfect size can to fill a wine class and if you’re hanging around outside you wont even want one. The straws were attached, as rumored, so that women could drink the wine without ruining their lipstick, says a server at St. Elmo Steakhouse Indianapolis — a grand place to be served Sofia wine.

Mew for Today Visual Splendor

Mew for Today Vol 4.19.10


So there are a quite of a few things I cannot get enough of, things I enjoy that make the days a little more magical and aesthetically tasty. In honor of these wondrous things decorating the world I’ve started a new ‘Favorite Things’ post — so expect to see follow up posts with more more more.

Favorite things are things I’ve loved for awhile and that are very special to me in some silly or not-so-silly way. What are a few of your favorite things?

Boopsiedaisy Bunka Dolls

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{ Photos and dolls by Boopsiedaisy }

Sidewalk Chalk

sidewalking it

Irregular Choice

in her shoes

.. and yes I had to wear the Blythe heels in my wedding along with a Hello Kitty tiara because both characters mean so much to me. Ha! I definitely recommend putting your own spin on any event that you’re involved in. .. and yes, even if your spin is of the cute and colorful sort (especially then)!

Small Cacti


Tea Parties

with wine…

trois tea
Business Features Visual Splendor

Sugarpill Cosmetics: Candy for Your Eyes


Amy Doan is an absolute sweetie with a look to make your eyes cry for candy. So that’s just what she did, she created Sugarpill Cosmetics so I can coat my eyes in all of the candy I want to. With colors like Absynthe (my favorite- a candy green), Decora (a GLITTERY pink — best color ever), Royal Sugar (shimmery blue with blue glitter, as to die for) and more more more it’s easy to see why I can’t get enough.

The makeup itself blends GREAT, I added some of my eyeshadow base and it went on like a dream and stayed on to boot. I can’t stand eyeshadows that fade during the day! When I went to sleep late that night my eyeshadow was still smiling back at me like a green fairy.

All of the goodies she sent were immediately added to my makeup case along with my favorite Darla Makeup glittery shadows, I’m really starting to feel excited living in such a wonderful world that talented girls are making their dreams happen everywhere. Keep it up!


Sugarpill In the News

Sugarpill is proud to be the official makeup brand for Sanrio’s Hello Kitty 35th Anniversary Celebration. The grand 3-week event took place at Royal/T Cafe in Culver City, California. Models lit up the catwalk wearing colorful Sugarpill makeup to compliment their Hello Kitty themed outfits.