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New Zines / First Perzine in the Shop


You might remember a past zine post I did called I love ZINES in 2015 where I explained buying, browsing and creating zines. Well, I’ve finally made some new zines for the Miseducated Etsy shop and NO, I still have not uploaded the video I promised! Soon.

What is a zine?

A zine is most commonly a small-circulation self-published work of original or appropriated texts and images, usually reproduced via photocopier. Usually zines are the product of a person, or of a very small group.

Ichigo Leaf

“I never thought about a little zine tri-fold newsletter until my new friend, a recent swap partner, sent me hers. I LOVED it and I loved the format of using such a (usually) boring business template as a zine. I love reading hers. So first off Iā€™d love to say a big *Thank you!* to Zinedra.”

Over Booked

Over Booked ā€” My second printed micro zine. I am in a zine community and we were all asked to create a literary zine so this one mentions my favorite types of books and why.

I started by drawing the front illustration and then it was off from there! This is both typed and handwritten, full color! Similar to 5 Reasons I Love You (my first micro zine!).

Visual Splendor

RAW: Natural Born Artists presents AWAKENING


RAW Indianapolis Awakening

I was recently called about being selected for RAW: Natural Born Artist’s art event coming up in Indianapolis on a date that is to be announced. I was instantly very excited and a little nervous. Apparently they had found my digital collages online and thought they would be amazing for a showcase there. As you may know I’ve been a little behind on making any work for “myself” as I mostly work for clients online these days and take care of my family and my health. However I felt like this was the universe telling me, “It’s time” to renew my work, make some new work and get back into the swing of being a more active artist again. I’ve sat in a cocoon for over a year now rebuilding my life and truth is, it’s scary no matter when you step back out! So here I come..

Support My Work

If you would like to support my work and help the universe push me in the right direction please purchase a $15 dollar ticket for RAW. If you aren’t in the area and can’t make it I’ll send you a free signed $30 print for your support along with a million digital hugs, just let me know you got a ticket so I can send it out. I have to sell 20 tickets for the event to both promote it and learn to force myself to promote my own work to friends and family (I’ve always been shy about it, believe it or not!).

Now are you ready to see some new and revamped collages for the event? I must say that my collages are obviously mostly filled with photos of my kitschy artifacts found while rummaging through antique stores both here and in Japan. They are not the taste of everyone but they are me and my voice. If artists tried to please everyone then they would in turn lose their voice and nothing is more sad than communicating something you strongly do not believe or agree with.





Artist & Designer Features Design Your Life

Step into StoopidGerl’s Delicious World of Wonder


Bang Bang

Kim (aka StoopidGerl) is one of my closest online friends. We are both colorful artists that had adorable baby girls very close in time to each other, her Chloe Pearl was born several months before Colette Fawn and we learned a lot from each other along the way. Our pasts share many similarities as well so it’s no wonder that we hit it off immediately once upon a time. I’ve been planning a feature on Kim and her amazing creations and splendid aesthetic for WAY TOO LONG and here it is!

So as you’ve probably noticed I’ve been featuring a lot of my favorite artists and handmade mavens. I feel Kim (stoopidgerl) fits with the Miseducated way of life as much as anyone I know, her work reminds me what earth would look like if many of our rainbow-obsessed, candy-coated brains puked all over the place. Her style is no ones but her own and if you look into her world you’ll never want to leave. Please visit her gorgeously kitschy shop to purchase any of her works of art.

How long have you been crafting your world (your intoxicating-eye-candy photos and dazzlingly-saturated-with-color pieces of jewelry)?
I got started a few years ago. Working from home has been a dream come true!

When did you decide to turn that hobby into a business?
After I graduated from school I somehow ended up working a super crappy job at a Sears Portrait Studio. Going to work there made me want to kill myself! It was HELL on earth. I got pretty fed up with it and ended up quitting one day. I needed something to do and I needed money. I had been selling on Etsy for awhile and then I decided to take the plunge and try to do it for a living. I don’t know how it happened but it was magical! My shop took off quite quickly. I really love what I do and I think that is the key to my success!

All of us reach creativity blocks at some time.. where do you find inspiration when you reach a block?
The nearest candy shop~!

A lot of my inspiration comes from the past… movies I’ve seen, people I used to hang with, places I visited, my childhood…

Sometimes I find that browsing Flickr is inspirational. I love to just get lost in Flickr. I could spend hours browsing photos and adding them to my faves! There is some phenomenal shit out there!

Do you have a favorite piece of jewelry that you have made?
Oh my goodness it is hard to pick just one but if I had to choose my absolute favorite I would go with this~
Rainbow Bright Heart
It is impossible to be in a crappy mood when you surround yourself with so much color. This necklace is a sure pick-me-up when you need one!

Do you have any exciting stories about the purchase of one of your pieces?
I shit myself with glee when Courtney Love purchased a necklace from my shop several years ago.

Miss World - HOLE resin necklace

What inspires you when decorating your space?
…the pursuit of happiness! I love all things that are sweet, rainbowy, clownlike, kitschy, and cool.

workspace 09-30-08 (2)

What sort of things are must haves on display in your home?
I have been a collector of cameras ever since I went to school. I took a short break from collecting for awhile and recently got back into it. I have a neat little collection of minty green vintage cameras that sits on a shelf in our living room.

all here

I also have to have clowns… lots of clowns.

Do you have any tips for readers trying to design their world?
Don’t worry about sticking with any sort of theme… just go with the flow and hoard all the things you love!

Eat Cake

You can purchase Kim/StoopidGerl’s amazing creations at her rad Etsy Store.


I Love Gumball Machines


Remember the trill of gumball machines? The magic of finding the machine that has what you want and putting in a quarter only to have it pop out a tiny prize?

I LOVED them as a child and I have to admit that I still do. I still eye the quarter machines in the mall in case there’s a Blythe-sized treasure waiting to be found, I still pour yen into gashapon machines when I’m in Japan hoping for the cutest of the cute, and I still love every minute of it. They’re almost like little gambling machines that you win at every time. What could be better?

According to Wikipedia, vending machines were widely used in Europe before they became popular in the United States. In the early 1880s, the first commercial coin operated vender was introduced in London and stocked with postcards.

So this post is in honor of the gumball machine, quarter machine, gashapon (or gacha) and the chicken machine. Each of them have made my days a little brighter and a little more whimsical with their plastic, surprise balls. And you know how much I love surprise balls.

In fact, in honor of my love for the gumball machine I decided to craft my own cameo gumball rings and supply them to you in a plastic gumball capsule to remind you of those wonder-filled childhood days. I’ve also moved the shop here to stay (an economical decision!) so you don’t have to go far to browse. I hope you enjoy them!

Mew for Today Visual Splendor

Mew for Today: Loving Big Cartel


The Big Cartel directory is one of my new favorite things. Especially since I’ve already found some of the cutest stores ever and I’ve only skimmed the surface! Wow, such cuteness and character.

At Lapin & Me you can purchase Dumpling Dynasty brand housewares and more absolute cuteness. *drool*

At Electric Alice you can buy the 6%DOKIDOKI Heart Attack ring.

At Con*Tact Caffeine you can buy any scent under the rainbow of caffeinated soap.

At Shojono Tomo USA you can purchase the cutest fashion available online (as worn by Nicki Minaj). šŸ˜‰

AND at Tokyolux, as I’m sure you already know, you can purchase colorful cat tees.

Like I said, that’s me just skimming the surface. There are tons more where they came from.


Design Your Life

Etsy vs Big Cartel (Storenvy, eBay and more)


So I originally planned to write an article about using Etsy vs other cart software to open a store but then I saw my friend, Brigitte, did the same thing here. Her article is right on target so I had to feature it as well as give a few of my own findings.

As far as traffic and community goes, Etsy really has the best so it’s hard to compete. If you don’t have an Etsy account simply for buying and meeting new people you’re missing out — it has a wonderful community. However for store customization and less limitations (I can’t sell an item I didn’t make on Etsy so no collaboration pieces are allowed in my shop.) I would have to go with Big Cartel. I know artists tend to use each of these obsessively and I think they’re right on target. It all depends on what you want to do in the beginning as far as which store management you use.

To give you a little taste of what others are thinking, I ran a little poll. I asked people which buying/selling medium they prefer and why, this is what they said:

Louise: Etsy! It has a Girly/friendly feel to it. There’s a lot more communication between buyers and sellers.
Irit: Etsy for handmade items, eBay for hard-to-get items.
Chelsea: I hate eBay – it’s just not user friendly and I dont like how the combined shipping works. For homemade it’s Etsy or Big Cartel only.
Kayleigh: Etsy, mainly just because it’s what I’m used to. šŸ™‚
Amber: I prefer buying off of eBay but selling on Etsy.
Jamie: I like to shop on etsy when it comes to finished products, and I like the community aspect of it but when it comes to buying supplies, I prefer eBay because the prices are more reasonable most of the time.
Kimi: I don’t sell, I just buy. I use both Etsy and eBay.

And, in another poll, when asked which medium users prefer all users asked said Etsy first and foremost. I think you see the reaccuring theme here.

When deciding which store management to use consider the following: are you selling vintage? (Etsy) do you want to feature sold out products in your store? (Big Cartel) do you want a quick turnaround? (eBay) There are so many options for a seller online these days — the sky is really the limit. When you decide what you want to do it’s completely inspiring owning a little shop on the web. Whether you own a store currently or if you’re still researching I wish you the best on your adventures.

Etsy vs Big Cartel Articles
Looking for more articles and information before you make a decision? Check out these other articles/posts I found on the same thing:

Big Cartel or Etsy?
Etsy vs Big Cartel: The Business of Handmade
Guide to Setting Up Shop Online
Why I chose Big Cartel over Etsy
Let’s Talk Etsy vs Big Cartel
Moving Shop / Etsy vs Big Cartel
Why I moved from Etsy to Big Cartel
Etsy vs Big Cartel – How to choose?
Four Venues to Sell Handmade Goods

Visual Splendor

A Delicious Scoop of Etsy Shops You’ll Adore


Etsy is a marketplace of artists, diy-ers and more from all over the world. You can search for absolutely anything and usually find quite a few choices to pick between. Best of all? Everything is either handmade or vintage and you’ll be sure to find something your heart desires. One of a kind items are a unique kind of special and most often delivered as such in hand-prepared packaging to seal the deal.

Not only that, Etsy is a great community.

So you’ve probably already heard of Etsy and have spent countless hours skimming through the goodies or even sprucing up your shop to sell your own wares. I adore shopping there most of all but I have recently opened my little print shop back up — also to feature OOAK goodies for Miseducated readers in the future. I had some bad experiences with a buyer (whom I did refund and who did receive the print) but all in all I’ve met a lot of great people there.

These shops aren’t my absolute favorites nor is this a list of the best, but they each have an adorable product and they each made me squeal.

Your Highness To You Doll face Necklace

Featured Shops

Printable and plush toys at Fantastic Toys
Cute, modern necklaces and more at Joo Sweetie
Pizzicato Kei creates adorable Fairy-Kei and Japanese street fashion inspired accessories
So much more than perler beads at A Self Portrait
Kawaii Friends Cafe serves up permanent handmade sweets
Pony dresses and party corsets at Lexi Bee
Mon Sherry lolita shop with adorable cat scarves

Design Your Life

Who Do You Push Out and Close Down?


You’re getting with your friends realizing how amazingly successful everyone is (let’s be honest each one of them seems to divulge in a different success each turn) but do they really feel successful? If you often really ask people they’ll tell you they’re nowhere near where they want to be because we’re always striving for more.

Do you feel successful?

Being an artist as a career is tough.. no one wants to take you seriously, especially when you’re a tiny girl that loves cuteness. One day you feel you’re getting somewhere, perhaps you’re illustrating a new layout for your favorite art magazine, and then the next day immediately it feels like everything can be taken in an instant.

We are constantly averting our attention and watching as new art shops and artists pop online one after the other.. we’re constantly deciding who we want to succeed and who we want to fail.

We are? Yes. You’re deciding right now what succeeds and what fails, take a look at the support you have for the art or DIY community.. whatever you buy or pay attention to, you’re ensuring their success.. whatever you pass by without a second glance, you’re obviously not ensuring their success. We have more power than many of us like to think and it’s time we realize that.

If success was based solely on the artistic vision, genuineness, and quality then there would be no problem, but with the resurgence of options what really is getting weeded out? Is it the amazing acrylic jewelery artist who coined the peppermint ring? Are we purchasing the rip off and ensuring their success while the genuine artist is missing our patronage? It’s worth thinking about.

Is it tough to be unique in a world that’s constantly adopting your ideas and incorporating them into their own artistic vision?

All jobs are hard in some way and everyone can master something amazing in their lifetime.. why not also realize you’re ensuring your community’s success also?

Mew for Today Visual Splendor

Mew for Today: Where in the World?


It’s been quite a terrible week! What better reason than that to go shopping in Japan? Another department store no less, this one, tailored for us online shoppers! It’s a big stop for Japanese and Americans alike~

I’m a little speechless today because all I want to discuss is the features coming up soon and I’m trying to wait.. šŸ˜‰ You’re probably not as silly as I am, but if you love toys, cuties, and more you’ll be happy!

Speaking of toys, cuties and more… let’s get a load of the goodies I found while searching high and low in the wonderland of Japanese whimsy splashed product. I’m certainly feeling the urge to go back to my heartland soon… Where do you feel you belong in the world? I’ve been questioning this a lot recently as we’ve been prepared to move for quite awhile and yet we find ourselves unable to make a move.. or should I say ME. Until very soon.

So to relieve my worries I’ve always found happiness in being surrounded in cute, lovely, well-designed items.. I’d love to hear your ways of coping with stress and anxiety as well! Feel free to leave them below — much appreciated~

Did I mention How Magazine added us as one of the Top 10 Sites for Designers this month? It’s funny because I *love* that magazine, always looking hot on the shelves begging me to dive into jumpstartworkmode.

Self Decoration

Blythe Gets Dressed in Dessert 1.4


No matter how busy you are you should always make time to get dressed-up! Today she’s a candy striper and she’s loving our friends that are new to the dessert party, little odd forest and Mod Cloth.


Now what kind of character model can wear clothes similar to human-style? What model inspired millions and millions of people to create, do, go, wear, buy, sew, photograph… ?

If you thought BLYTHE, then that’s right! I decided my own little milky Amelia would be perfect with some miseducated touches.. So here she is, Miss. Educated on her debut and dressed for dessert. Not only does this bubblegum princess make the rainclouds pour star sprinkles but she has the best taste — she just whispers what she would like to wear for today’s theme and I dress her! With the help of many amazing designers and *soon* diy goddesses.

Would you like to see her dressed in your creations next? Or perhaps you’d love to decorate her apartment with your interior goodies? Want to suggest the next theme? Answer all these questions and more in the little white comment box. It’s just waiting for you to feed it puffy pink marshmellow rope letters dusted with pink lemonaid LETTERS.

Past Outfits