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Business Features Visual Splendor

Saved by 6% DokiDoki in Harajuku, Japan


My first time in Harajuku I planned to find 6% DokiDoki and found it with ease, nestled away in it’s little nook of the district. I have always wanted to buy accessories from them due to the drool-worthiness insanity of their items!

I adore the shop and have been many times, it’s absolutely a trip in wonderland. When the antique music started I felt a very familiar feeling rush through me.. it happened that the song was a long, musical version of “A World of my Own – Disney’s Alice” It makes my heart jump talking about it, haha. It was truly a place for me and if it wasn’t always so damn hot and stuffy in there I would stay all day — haha. The perfection doesn’t stop with the decor, the staff wears their own token dokidoki style, sticking the sweet accessories anywhere into their hair or elsewhere. They looked like they fell into a glittery, rainbow, sprinkley, cotton candy ball! I wasn’t allowed to take photos in the store, so these will have to do! It’s rare to be allowed to shoot in a Japanese shop and this one was no exception.


{ Photos by Amber Renee }

6% DokiDoki Inspiration

Design Your Life

Living like a 5-year-old


When I was five years old, if you had asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, I would have stated, very specifically, that I was going to be a pony rider in the circus. Apparently, riding horseback in a tutu with a tent full of people watching was my greatest aspiration. Nowadays, you’ll find me working odd jobs waiting tables, organizing office files, and ringing up sale items to pay my rent, but in my heart, I’m still a performer. True, my dreams have moved beyond the circus saddle to in front of a movie camera, but actresses love their audience too. There are those who find my aspirations foolish, childish, and unrealistic; naysayers who feel it’s time for me to grow up and settle for something more sensible. So far, I’ve refused.

Why is it that we are expected, even encouraged, to have ridiculous ambitions in childhood, but realistic goals as adults? Let’s find ways to keep the magic within us alive even as we grow older. To find out how, I set out to discover what we can learn from the dream jobs of our five-year old selves. Through discussions with friends and family, I’ve compiled a few themes within common childhood dreams and ways to never let go of them.


Creativity is important to us as children. We want to color. We want to create. We want to let our imaginations run wild. Perhaps that’s why the vast majority of the people I asked remembered wanting to do something artistic or entertaining when they grew up. If we’d all had our way, today’s world would be filled with ballerinas, writers, artists, movie stars, and even a few ‘In Living Color’ Fly Girls. Maybe it was the glamour that attracted some, but I think most of us just wanted to express ourselves. That instinct doesn’t have to die with age. Ballerinas and fly girls can take a dance class or volunteer to teach dance to children. Writers can still express themselves in blogs or webzines dedicated to their subject of choice. As for the movie stars, there’s actually a lot more local film opportunity than you might know, find your way in and you can ham it up on your weekends off.


As selfish as some children may seem, there are quite a few of us that still care about the rest of the world, even at a young age. A large majority of former five-year olds that I talked to wanted to be veterinarians. As children, we sense the importance of having furry friends in our lives and want nothing more than to help them. Oftentimes this dream falls to the wayside later in life when the reality of a long veterinary education sets in. But fret not; you can still have a taste of your Dr. Doolittle dreams by volunteering at local shelters or adopting your own menagerie of pets. After all, adults need furry friends too.


For every dream that’s set aside, there’s another dream fulfilled. While my research revealed that perhaps superheroes and cowboys are aspirations best left in childhood, there are still several inspirational stories of those who are making their dreams a reality: lawyers just graduating from law school, writers working nightly on their novels, and animal lovers plugging through pre-vet exams. Anything is possible, if it’s what your heart truly wants.

Quick Tips for Making your Dreams a Reality

Be realistic about why you want what you want. Do you want the reality of your dream or the fantasy?
Don’t let television dictate what you think is real. Find out what the job is really like before deciding it’s your ideal.
Start small. No one makes a career happen overnight. Find ways to participate in your dream field, even if they’re not bringing in the big bucks.
Surround yourself with people that understand. You need support to follow your dreams. Nothing picks you up after failure like the voices of those who believe in you completely.
Never stop dreaming. Make a list of new and exciting dreams annually and don’t be afraid if your goals change, just always be honest about what you truly want. Follow your heart and you can do no wrong.


Copy and Paste CSS Candy Boxes


Want to know how to make candy CSS borders to use with your tastee backgrounds? Feel free to use these for your website, simply credit Miseducated so that others can enjoy the candy. :9 Have more fun with palettes at

Sunshine Candy

Cheshire Cat

Daisy Gnome

Wizard Wand

Moonlight Moonbounce

Download So-Net Postpet 2001


iana eats

Now you can download your favorite emailing virtual pet at Miseducated! We have version 2.1 in English for PC (Windows) only. For other versions, please visit the Official Postpet Website!

If you’re lost or need help, please let me know!
You will need an email for your Postpet (get one at Gmail).

Absolutely, there are a lot of new things to learn
so if you’re unfamiliar with postpet it can be a little confusing!
For one, you need an email server that allows use by insecure (old) apps.

Are you ready to download Postpet?
I only sell snacks here, oops!! Please visit Momo for the download!

Have you decided which pet you will adopt?
Postpet (8943 downloads )

.. and don’t forget to take some snacks with you!
Postpet Snacks (16390 downloads )

Postpet Directory

What fun is postpet without friends to mail?
Just submit your pet’s name, race, and email to be listed asap!
Updated and current as of: June 16, 2022

Momo Bear
Momo | unknown | momobear [@]







For more information, visit another current user here!

If you leave your information, let others know you’re a member! Maybe you’ll have some new Postpet friends popping in to say hello!

“PostPet” is a trademark of the Sony Communication Network Corporation (So-net).
Copyright 1996-2022 Sony Communication Network Corporation. All rights reserved.


Share Your Dreams in the Dreamland Journal


When you go to sleep and fall into a dream you get to play around in the amusement park of your mind. Whether you’re a lucid dreamer or not, you probably remember your dreams occassionally and are reminded of them throughout the day. Why not let them live on for others to enjoy as well? Your dreams are as unique as you are!

I was back at this HOOJ kiddiepark that I used to go to near Los Angeles .. I have no idea where it was now, or what it was called. The coolest thing is it was “kids only” – the parents had a place they had to wait and the kids could just run rampant – it seemed to go on for miles. The BEST thing there was the “Dragon Slide” – this GIANT slide where you slid thru a dragons head and down its tongue .. allll the way down a hillside. I dreamt I was there again and was 9 years old, and I was with some girl named Amanda (I have no idea who this was ..) and we were just running around like crazy, and I was healthy and alive again like I was as a kiddie. It felt simply wonderful. We came to the merry go round and they had closed it down, which made me sad because I love those things .. so Amanda and I broke in thru the chain link fence and rode on it ourselves. I cant express how amazing this dream was – it was just beautiful. Cottoncandy-ish, warm and fuzzy, kitten soft ..

I had a dream, that my boyfriend and I welt to a cliff and laid out a blanket to lay and watch the stars on their nightly treck across the sky.. the whole time we held hands and laughed and smiled, telling jokes and whispering sweet nothings.

Ok, ok. This will sound REEEEALLY weird, but I had a dream that I was lost in a bowl of macaroni & cheese. I was about to be eaten by my cat (who was giant & i was in HIS macaroni bowl) when Tuxedo Mask saved me. Weird, huh?
Shampoo Juliet

Chibichibi was chasing me. And the scary part was, she wasn’t cartoon, she was human. She was the scariest little kid I’ve ever seen. Can you imagine a little one-year-old with huge blue eyes, tiny nose, itty-bitty mouth, and pinky-red hair? (Not to mention she’s shouting “Cheebee cheebee!” in that little voice of hers).

I had a strange dream! I was in the mall and I was fighting some evil, thing! I had powers like SailorMoon, but I was me in regular clothes! And after I had finished killing the thing the manager of the store said I could have anything I wanted in the store! I was in there for days trying to figure out what I wanted! Finally I picked an entire outfit out. And thats all I really remember! I think it was from the snow I had eaten that day, b/c on the news they said not to eat it!! lol!
Kiwi Kitten

I once had a really sweet dream that I was in like this grape place (with Grapde vines) and i was with my friend (Trisha) and we saw this lollpop shop and they had the worlds biggest lollypop there and we brought it.. lol I had that dream 3 times and then it happened (we went to this grape vine place and saw a HUGE lollypop – except we didn’t buy it we brought big ones but not HUGE) heehee that was cool

okaie dokie.. i had a dream that i was going through candyland, and there was gumdrop trees and stuff (kinda like willie wonka, but with more cotton kandy. and then, this boy names jash started chasing me, i was scared to DEATH! when i tried to run, my fee got stuck to the ground with a BUNCH of bubble gum.. i couldn’t move! Then, i fought him, and he fell into a zillion different pieces. Then, he turned into a million little TINY JOSHES! (and he’s pretty darmed tiny!!! All the while, that Song Candyman by aqua was everywhere.. like those crazy movies.. (i forgot ALOT of this dream, it was REALLY scary!

Submit a dream? Log-in and reply or respond below while not logged in if you’d like to submit one anonymously.

Crafts DIY

Easy, Colorful Jewelry and Plasticandy Bracelets


I guarantee if you enjoy making cute, simple items this has been or will become your new favorite hobby. Preferably when drinking, relaxing, listening to records grab out your big bowl of pony beads and plastic jewelry bits. Grab some elastic cord, elastic string, invisible elastic, etc~ make sure it’s stretchy and not annoying to work with. Go to a craft shop and look in the bead/jewelry section to find a selection of elastic cord. Double stringing the bracelets is also a great idea if you’re rough on your jewelry!

starbrights plasticone

Next, pick out a color scheme or shapes you like and string the beads onto the double cord. When the beads are on the cord long enough that you can easily wrap it around your wrist with no spaces between beads, Tie it. Tie it very secure and then dab a drop of clear nail polish or super glue on the knot and let it dry.

After it’s dry put the bracelet on or give it to a friend (ideal). Deck your arms out in your best ones when you’re going out to a fun club, party or rave for the night and hand out bracelets to friends and people you meet. You’ll find that when you go out and have fun you’ll usually come home with one or no bracelets. Now it’s time to make more!