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Visual Splendor

Visual reviews of apartments, movies and more eye candy.

Magazine Clips Visual Splendor

Japanese Magazine Clippings: Decorate Everything


I’ve been meaning to update things here for quite awhile! I had an extremely long checklist and had to actually go through each and every one of our old entries.


As you know the thing I love about Japan and modern Japanese design is that absolutely anything can be decorated and that even the most minute task is done with the utmost care.

After scanning through a collection of Japanese deco books I decided I would clip out my favorite ideas.

Are you inspired?

Visual Splendor

What’s Inside My Cigar Box?


Why would you want to know WHAT’S IN MY CIGAR BOX?

You know how many ladies magazines feature what’s in “their” handbag? I decided it was time to go through some goodies of mine from childhood and feature what might be hiding inside. As you can see, 80s toys, accessories (my necklace collection!), scented-erasers and rainbows. I also had a major obsession with Minnie Mouse and her cat Figaro.

Same song, different verse. As much as I’ve changed in some ways, I’m still the same in others.

See my collection of twist-up necklaces? My favorite one is missing, not sure where or if I can find it! I loved to switch these up with different colors and styles of dresses as a little girl. The one that’s missing had popsicles and beads.

Does anyone remember toting around ‘Pocket Pretties’ ?

Mise en Snap Visual Splendor

Mise en Snap: I Love You Alice B. Toklas!


It’s about time I did another mise-en-snap!

I Love You, Alice B. Toklas is a deliciously tacky film from 1968 that parodies the 1960s counterculture. I watched it once and didn’t really pay attention.. the next time I saw everything and couldn’t stop laughing. (I always get a little mesmerized by 60s decor, trying to find ways to incorporate the hippie’s lounge pad into a family home.) The film is directed by Hy Averback and stars Peter Sellers and Leigh Taylor-Young (in her film debut). It features music by Harpers Bizarre, including the theme song that I still cannot stop singing — haha!

The title is a reference to writer Alice B. Toklas, who wrote a recipe for making cannabis Brownies released in 1954. I had the pleasure of learning about Alice B. Toklas and Gertrude Stein during a college Hemmingway class and trip to Paris — they were both pretty cool cats.

hippie market
everything = black&white
the herse
holy herse!
daisy wheels
big brother
nancy smoking
the butterfly
fudge brownies
alice b. toklas brownies
alice b. toklas brownie mix
flower car
nancy's castle
kitchen cram
Magazine Clips Visual Splendor

Japanese Magazine Clippings: Happy and Free


I’m starting off Wednesday with another Japanese Magazine Clipping Inspiration Board. I’m really loving the 80s-kiddie style they’re bringing back in Japan (as well as Fairy-Kei!) — it’s really exciting for a candy girl like me.

I used to only want to have had kids if I could have them in the late 70s/80s (haha) because everything is so magical then. Don’t you agree?

I’m also so glad they’re re-releasing all the 80s character designs in Japan again, too! It’s like they took a page from the 90s-Miseducated book.. 80s nostalgia & rainbows obsession.





Magazine Clips Visual Splendor

Japanese Magazine Clippings: Cute and Collected


I went on another Japanese magazine rampage.. I do this once a year usually during the summer when I start to really miss summer in Japan.

I’ve decided that while looking at the magazines, when I see something especially Miseducated I’ll clip it out for you to see.

The magazines I collect from are CUTiE, Kera, Zipper, Spoon and assorted fashion features.

Did you know there’s a new Japanese magazine called I LOVE MAMA? I’m in love!




Visual Splendor

Tanabata, the Star Festival of Love in Japan


Tanabata (evening of the 7th) is a Japanese star festival filled with sweets, wonder and a pride that cannot be explained.

According to the precious legend, the Milky Way (a river made from stars that crosses the sky), separates the lovers Orihime (Vega) and Hikoboshi (Altair). They are allowed to meet once a year on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month (July). This is the day of the Tanabata festival, when we can celebrate a tale of love in a festival or carnival setting.

My host sister knew I would love the festival so we decided grab our cameras and go.

Upon arriving I realized I was in the starry sky floating along the Milky Way because I was absolutely amazed with the lights, floats and bright colors surrounding us.

Take a look around.. I’m sure you’ll enjoy yourself! I know we did.


tanabata entrance
I remember seeing a doll on camera here..
my excitement exploded into the bright colors you see everywhere.
look away
Where should we go first??
candy stand



catch one for me

banana rama

light bright

candy strawberry
Candy strawberries, candy Mickey’s and milky candy apples!
bouncy falls

rainbow liquid

candy floats

catch one for me

cotton candy for me

snard river

balloon animals


night bright

the end

Visual Splendor

Don’t Be Controlled: Things You Should Do


Speaking as one of the very last people in the world that one should expect to be able to control, I’ve battled my fair share of attempts. I’ve been asked to be silent, to restrict my speech, to limit my work. My work knows no limits. What keeps me going is the aesthetic obsession I have with art and design, the need to create the world around myself and around you. The world is your canvas, express yourself vividly.

As you see this is not a ‘Design Your Life‘ article — this is a ‘Visual Splendor‘ article and with good reason. I’m being silly and contradictory and I think you should absolutely do all the things listed below daily. Please feel free to make suggestions of MUST-DOs that you enjoy daily and also suggestions of new objects I might place in my mouth for nonsensical artistic amusement. Remember, this is Miseducated and sometimes being nonsensical purely for your own endeavors is many times necessary and often unexplainable.

eat cake
EAT CAKE. Necklace by stoopidgerl

in my mouth: pink pill

in my mouth: perfume

Business Features Visual Splendor

Rice, the Colorful Home Decor Company


I recently had the delight of viewing rice of Denmark’s summer catalogues. The color and decor is very Jeu de Paumes and left my eyes swelling with sugar and sparkle. Eye candy and color for kids rooms, outside and of course, the home!

I can’t get enough, can you? I’m ready to have tea in the garden with all of these goodies tomorrow.


“Rice is a basic survival product for many people in this world, and especially in the Third World.”
~ Rice

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Picture 2
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Picture 9
Artist & Designer Features Visual Splendor

Ordering Food on Etsy: Little Oven Bakery in NYC


ready to openOrder food from etsy? What? Have you thought about it?

Recently my curiosity got the best of me (as if often does) and I wondered if people really ordered food off of etsy.. Upon asking on twitter, I found that a lot of friends and readers a like have been wondering the same.

Thus, this article is born and I get an excuse to support an adorable macaron bakery AND munch on the cookies. (win/win!)

I decided to order a set of macarons from Little Oven Bakery in New York City. They offer macaron packages on Etsy and I was smitten enough to try one!

The macarons arrived fast, within a day, and were packed up so nice that they had hardly crumbled at all. I was absolutely surprised and excited to be receiving one of my favorite decadent snacks in the mail. I couldn’t believe how well they traveled.

I tasted them with my husband — we split each macaron in half and saved the second box for later (tea time).

The Flavors I ordered were Raspberry, Caramel Fleur de Sel and Meyer Lemon. We absolutely adored the raspberry with chocolate creme, the caramel being a close second and in third the lemon. I prefer a more tart lemon so it was silly to order it as a sweet macaron, however we enjoyed eating each and every one of them.

Nice crunch on the outside with a soft macaron cookie center surrounded by a complementary creme. Creme desserts are absolutely a preference of mine and these were just as delicious as having them in a French cafe with tea. Not as beautiful of course, but macarons carry a special beauty with them no matter where they are and they please everyone they meet.

safe traveling
stack em high

Interested in getting your shop reviewed here? Let us know all about it!

Day With a Camera Visual Splendor

Day With a Camera: Craft Day


Do you need an excuse to dig out your favorite crafts you’re working on and spend the day crafting and laughing with your best friend? No! So why aren’t you calling a friend now and planning some relaxation time with color? You never know what ideas might come out of a craft day either.. maybe you’ll find your passion.

Again I urge you to take along your camera always! I used to get looked at funny for this but now everyone I know does the same. When you are creating such beautiful memories it’s often fun to take photos of them for future albums — I love looking at photos, don’t you?

craft day

jamie's afgan
This is a beautiful afghan crocheted by Jamie.