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Ordering Food on Etsy: Little Oven Bakery in NYC


ready to openOrder food from etsy? What? Have you thought about it?

Recently my curiosity got the best of me (as if often does) and I wondered if people really ordered food off of etsy.. Upon asking on twitter, I found that a lot of friends and readers a like have been wondering the same.

Thus, this article is born and I get an excuse to support an adorable macaron bakery AND munch on the cookies. (win/win!)

I decided to order a set of macarons from Little Oven Bakery in New York City. They offer macaron packages on Etsy and I was smitten enough to try one!

The macarons arrived fast, within a day, and were packed up so nice that they had hardly crumbled at all. I was absolutely surprised and excited to be receiving one of my favorite decadent snacks in the mail. I couldn’t believe how well they traveled.

I tasted them with my husband — we split each macaron in half and saved the second box for later (tea time).

The Flavors I ordered were Raspberry, Caramel Fleur de Sel and Meyer Lemon. We absolutely adored the raspberry with chocolate creme, the caramel being a close second and in third the lemon. I prefer a more tart lemon so it was silly to order it as a sweet macaron, however we enjoyed eating each and every one of them.

Nice crunch on the outside with a soft macaron cookie center surrounded by a complementary creme. Creme desserts are absolutely a preference of mine and these were just as delicious as having them in a French cafe with tea. Not as beautiful of course, but macarons carry a special beauty with them no matter where they are and they please everyone they meet.

safe traveling
stack em high

Interested in getting your shop reviewed here? Let us know all about it!

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  • Reply Tweets that mention Ordering Food on Etsy: Little Oven Bakery in NYC | Miseducated -- 05/17/2010 at 9:24 am

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by FeedHandmade. FeedHandmade said: Ordering Food on Etsy: Little Oven Bakery in NYC | Miseducated […]

  • Reply Ruthie 05/17/2010 at 12:27 pm

    I’ve always wondered what it would be like to order food from Etsy, nice review.

  • Reply Valerie 05/17/2010 at 11:09 pm

    I thought it was so odd the first time I saw someone selling food on Etsy. I’ve always wanted to try out one of them though. I may have to try this place. 😀 Thanks for the review.

  • Reply Kate 05/20/2010 at 4:29 am

    Oh yum. I would so have macarons delivered.. they look fantastic. Amazing how well they traveled.

  • Reply Amber Renée 05/20/2010 at 1:20 pm

    Great! So glad I decided to do this — it’s inspired a lot of people to try ordering food on Etsy. I did find a new indulgence to spend money on, though.. I can’t monitor my Etsy shopping as it is! Out of control.

  • Reply Emily 05/31/2010 at 1:06 pm

    I thought it was so odd the first time I saw someone selling food on Etsy. I’ve always wanted to try out one of them though. I may have to try this place. 😀 Thanks for the review.

  • Reply Dianne 07/20/2010 at 8:38 pm

    I love macarons! These ones look so delicious!

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