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Artist & Designer Features Design Your Life

Step into StoopidGerl’s Delicious World of Wonder


Bang Bang

Kim (aka StoopidGerl) is one of my closest online friends. We are both colorful artists that had adorable baby girls very close in time to each other, her Chloe Pearl was born several months before Colette Fawn and we learned a lot from each other along the way. Our pasts share many similarities as well so it’s no wonder that we hit it off immediately once upon a time. I’ve been planning a feature on Kim and her amazing creations and splendid aesthetic for WAY TOO LONG and here it is!

So as you’ve probably noticed I’ve been featuring a lot of my favorite artists and handmade mavens. I feel Kim (stoopidgerl) fits with the Miseducated way of life as much as anyone I know, her work reminds me what earth would look like if many of our rainbow-obsessed, candy-coated brains puked all over the place. Her style is no ones but her own and if you look into her world you’ll never want to leave. Please visit her gorgeously kitschy shop to purchase any of her works of art.

How long have you been crafting your world (your intoxicating-eye-candy photos and dazzlingly-saturated-with-color pieces of jewelry)?
I got started a few years ago. Working from home has been a dream come true!

When did you decide to turn that hobby into a business?
After I graduated from school I somehow ended up working a super crappy job at a Sears Portrait Studio. Going to work there made me want to kill myself! It was HELL on earth. I got pretty fed up with it and ended up quitting one day. I needed something to do and I needed money. I had been selling on Etsy for awhile and then I decided to take the plunge and try to do it for a living. I don’t know how it happened but it was magical! My shop took off quite quickly. I really love what I do and I think that is the key to my success!

All of us reach creativity blocks at some time.. where do you find inspiration when you reach a block?
The nearest candy shop~!

A lot of my inspiration comes from the past… movies I’ve seen, people I used to hang with, places I visited, my childhood…

Sometimes I find that browsing Flickr is inspirational. I love to just get lost in Flickr. I could spend hours browsing photos and adding them to my faves! There is some phenomenal shit out there!

Do you have a favorite piece of jewelry that you have made?
Oh my goodness it is hard to pick just one but if I had to choose my absolute favorite I would go with this~
Rainbow Bright Heart
It is impossible to be in a crappy mood when you surround yourself with so much color. This necklace is a sure pick-me-up when you need one!

Do you have any exciting stories about the purchase of one of your pieces?
I shit myself with glee when Courtney Love purchased a necklace from my shop several years ago.

Miss World - HOLE resin necklace

What inspires you when decorating your space?
…the pursuit of happiness! I love all things that are sweet, rainbowy, clownlike, kitschy, and cool.

workspace 09-30-08 (2)

What sort of things are must haves on display in your home?
I have been a collector of cameras ever since I went to school. I took a short break from collecting for awhile and recently got back into it. I have a neat little collection of minty green vintage cameras that sits on a shelf in our living room.

all here

I also have to have clowns… lots of clowns.

Do you have any tips for readers trying to design their world?
Don’t worry about sticking with any sort of theme… just go with the flow and hoard all the things you love!

Eat Cake

You can purchase Kim/StoopidGerl’s amazing creations at her rad Etsy Store.

Visual Splendor

Fashion. Cut to the left! Cut to the right!


The video and marketing direction behind these fashion and beauty product videos by Juicy Couture is enough to make my heart hurt and my eyes bleed rainbows, glitter and grime. Take in the visual splendor with me and feel inspired to live a life as art. I can never get enough of their saccharine sweet, colorful, serendipitous and opulent campaigns that have always been right up my alley (cat).

Behind the Scenes

Design Your Life

Change and Toxicity in all Colors


Ever look at a photo of yourself from a week ago (or even days ago) and feel so happy and proud that you are no longer the same person? That you hardly recognize yourself? Sometimes events force you to become the person you were meant to be, sometimes you need tough love or a hard push in the right direction just so you can prove to yourself you CAN do anything. Most times though all you need to make the right change is YOU.

“They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.”
~ Andy Warhol

Turning to Smoking for Stress Relief?

Most continual smokers assume that smoking a cigarette eases their stress and anxiety when actually they are relieving their desire for nicotine. Smoking is obviously an unhealthy way to relieve stress and anxiety but it actually increases stress on the body and tends to create more anxiety as smokers rely on or desire nicotine to relieve their stress. Want the cycle to end? Stop smoking.

Visual Splendor

A Perfect Day for a Tea Party


Today we did our photoshoot and it went very well. I must say I feel bad for Jamie getting stuck with me as a model, though. In every single photo I’m leering from the sun and have my chin in the double position. Ahh! How embarrassing! I’ll be sure to show you her shoot when she uploads it.

We’re already planning a new one and I can’t wait. This was so much fun.

If you’re looking for where to buy the goodies in these shots head on over to Sugar Junkie and our shop.

Hair and Makeup: Pajamie
Stylist: Amber Renée
Photographer: Amber Renée
Accessories: Sugar Junkie and Miseducated
Clothing: Miseducated


take a bite

you're my cuppa

tea party

cup of tea

having tea


We’re On Our Way


It’s been quite a busy week and there’s still so much to do before this weekend. I’m excited to tell you that I have fashion tutorials and possibly even some video tutorials coming for you very soon! I’ve also been working on several collaborations and I cannot wait to show you the results. Some great artist interviews are on the way with Kim Ripley of stoopidgerl and pop surrealist painter Camilla D’Errico. Wee! We also have a great load of new sponsors ready to support Miseducated in the coming months. (Email us if you’re interested in more information about advertising here.)

This is the Bunny Queen in her palace.

Lately I’ve been up to a lot whole lot of working and mothering. I’m just trying to catch up and keep my head above the water. I’ve also been doing a whole lot of loving, which is obviously really important. Don’t forget to tell everyone you love that you care because there’s nothing like giving and receiving love. Especially right now.

Trying to keep positive and actually getting the apartment organized and clean.. I have company coming soon and I need to do a top to bottom spring (summer!) cleaning. I’m so looking forward to it! Now if I could just start and end somewhere besides the litterbox… I can’t seem to get past it. Keeping up with everyone’s (Colette’s, Hobbes’s, Wanwan’s) poop schedules all day long is daunting!

Have you been keeping cool?

Diary Portfolio

Sunshine, Painting and Friendship


Lately things have been a bit crazy for me! Hard to get caught up and still keep my office/house as clean and organized as I would like to.. I always say I’m going to do better when things settle down but they never settle down. I’m going to have to become a workaholic and blog everyday whether I feel like it or not!

Today I was taking some photos of my new paintings and someone wanted to jump in the shot. He always wants to be exactly in the middle of whatever I’m doing, haha. (Sorry to those of you who saw this on my portfolio already!!)

this is in progress~

This coming month is going to be a big one for girly fun. I can’t wait! Do you have big plans for the summer?

Visual Splendor

Packaging Design: Sobrainie Cocktail Cigarettes


Don’t you agree that the best cigarettes are simply beautiful to gaze at (and not to smoke)? These are my absolute favorite cigarettes both because of the design and because of the quality. In this ever-changing world quantity seems to become more important than quality and that’s sad.





Rainbowlicious Starbright Gumdrop Surprise Cake


Today I had the pleasure of having lunch with my my mom.
We usually discuss all sorts of off the wall things but today she told me about my first birthday..
I don’t have a lot of memories from my childhood (and I surely could have never remembered my first birthday).
You see I’ve been planning Colette’s first birthday, I’m not sure where I want it to be but I know I want it to be as colorful and magical for her as my mom always tried to make life for me.
My mom loved rainbows and unicorns when I was a little girl so they flood my memories of my youth and I learned that on my first birthday I had a star-shaped orange cake with rainbow gumdrops baked inside.
Doesn’t that sound splendid?

So now I’m on a mission to find a recipe to such an amazing, kitschy sounding cake that must have made my day once long ago.
It wasn’t a fruit cake which most gumdrop recipes tend to be (yuck).. so I’m thinking a tasty lemon or orange cake recipe with a cup of gumdrops (cut them in half and *discard* the black licorice ones!) added would do the trick!
Use a star pan and viola you have your very own rainbowlicious surprise cake!

I can’t seem to gather my thoughts long enough to write a sensible entry~ I apologize for all the wonkiness.

Do you have memories from your childhood (either heard or remembered) that you believe shaped who you are today?

Visual Splendor

Making Things and Sticking to Resolutions


Have you been living a whimsical life? Turning your inspirations into new and wonderful creations? I’ve been making some things lately for our Etsy store and it relieves my stress so much! If you haven’t taken time out for crafting and diy lately now’s a great time to do it. Always improve your world. <3 I'm going to be making some new resolutions to follow. Things I know I can do if I just challenge myself to do them. Who says New Years Day is the only time we can create resolutions? 1. Take more photos and include many more photos/images in posts. 2. Start a few new features and maintain some old favorites. 3. Have more fun.
4. Create more.
5. Start journaling again.
6. Lose weight and get fit.
7. Create digital scrapbook pages by year for Colette.
8. Organize organize organize and do a major Spring Clean.

What are some resolutions you’d like to stick to?

Self Decoration

Play Date with Nylon Magazine


I had to feature this NYLON photoshoot because it’s so Miseducated I can’t stand it. Rainbows, hearts, plastic jewelry, pigtails, rollerskates and vintage-inspired frocks. Did they raid my closet? Is NYLON following me? Just kidding of course.. but seriously this looks like it was inspired by us. Not like you needed anymore reasons to read NYLON though, huh?