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Event Features Features Visual Splendor

The Indiana State Fair in Indianapolis


I have always preferred to refer to Indiana as OZ. One of my favorite movies growing up was “The Return to OZ” (it never gets old) and when I would share photos of “home” my friends from elsewhere (mostly from California, my home away from home) would call it OZ due to the bright green grass, saturated yellow goldenrod, and cheerful blue skies adorned with fluffy white clouds. Indiana has a lot of issues, as most places do, but it also has a lot of sweet spots. One of those sweet spots is the state fair which its only 6 blocks away from me!

I have always been a fair and carnival girl, I love the kitschy lights, balloons, and over-the-top sweets. I also chickens. The goat and chicken encounters are a must-see for me and I cannot leave without having the holy trinity: an elephant ear, a candy apple, and a pineapple whip cone.

Day With a Camera Visual Splendor

Day With a Camera: The Indiana State Fair


I’ve always quite a fan of the fair. Something about the red candy apples and the lights of the Ferris wheel sends my heart a flutter and my eyes sparkling like prisms in the sun. Add fancy chickens being shown like prized trophies and I’m in.

So there you have it, this is the fair through the kaleidoscope eyes of Miseducated’s colorfully skewed looking glass.

That was very Warhol of this supermarket sculptor..

This Polish chicken is patiently waiting her time to go home.

As a kid this was always my must-play game.
It was once around $1 for 20 balls and the bowls were all side to side so you won a new pet fish every time.

Esra and I adored the pineapple whip.

Esra and I had a wonderful time and seeing as our fairs are just a bit different than they are in Turkey, it was entertaining for her~ The fair is always a mixed bag.. it’s over-priced, crowded by many people you don’t want to be around and filled with delicious junk food. The lengths I go to for the fair specialties and a few glimpses of chickens is laughable.

Also, pst! If you’re going to be at the fair next Tuesday you’ll be able to see my David Cunningham’s photorealism painting demonstration in the Fine Arts Building.

Artist & Designer Features Design Your Life

Step into StoopidGerl’s Delicious World of Wonder


Bang Bang

Kim (aka StoopidGerl) is one of my closest online friends. We are both colorful artists that had adorable baby girls very close in time to each other, her Chloe Pearl was born several months before Colette Fawn and we learned a lot from each other along the way. Our pasts share many similarities as well so it’s no wonder that we hit it off immediately once upon a time. I’ve been planning a feature on Kim and her amazing creations and splendid aesthetic for WAY TOO LONG and here it is!

So as you’ve probably noticed I’ve been featuring a lot of my favorite artists and handmade mavens. I feel Kim (stoopidgerl) fits with the Miseducated way of life as much as anyone I know, her work reminds me what earth would look like if many of our rainbow-obsessed, candy-coated brains puked all over the place. Her style is no ones but her own and if you look into her world you’ll never want to leave. Please visit her gorgeously kitschy shop to purchase any of her works of art.

How long have you been crafting your world (your intoxicating-eye-candy photos and dazzlingly-saturated-with-color pieces of jewelry)?
I got started a few years ago. Working from home has been a dream come true!

When did you decide to turn that hobby into a business?
After I graduated from school I somehow ended up working a super crappy job at a Sears Portrait Studio. Going to work there made me want to kill myself! It was HELL on earth. I got pretty fed up with it and ended up quitting one day. I needed something to do and I needed money. I had been selling on Etsy for awhile and then I decided to take the plunge and try to do it for a living. I don’t know how it happened but it was magical! My shop took off quite quickly. I really love what I do and I think that is the key to my success!

All of us reach creativity blocks at some time.. where do you find inspiration when you reach a block?
The nearest candy shop~!

A lot of my inspiration comes from the past… movies I’ve seen, people I used to hang with, places I visited, my childhood…

Sometimes I find that browsing Flickr is inspirational. I love to just get lost in Flickr. I could spend hours browsing photos and adding them to my faves! There is some phenomenal shit out there!

Do you have a favorite piece of jewelry that you have made?
Oh my goodness it is hard to pick just one but if I had to choose my absolute favorite I would go with this~
Rainbow Bright Heart
It is impossible to be in a crappy mood when you surround yourself with so much color. This necklace is a sure pick-me-up when you need one!

Do you have any exciting stories about the purchase of one of your pieces?
I shit myself with glee when Courtney Love purchased a necklace from my shop several years ago.

Miss World - HOLE resin necklace

What inspires you when decorating your space?
…the pursuit of happiness! I love all things that are sweet, rainbowy, clownlike, kitschy, and cool.

workspace 09-30-08 (2)

What sort of things are must haves on display in your home?
I have been a collector of cameras ever since I went to school. I took a short break from collecting for awhile and recently got back into it. I have a neat little collection of minty green vintage cameras that sits on a shelf in our living room.

all here

I also have to have clowns… lots of clowns.

Do you have any tips for readers trying to design their world?
Don’t worry about sticking with any sort of theme… just go with the flow and hoard all the things you love!

Eat Cake

You can purchase Kim/StoopidGerl’s amazing creations at her rad Etsy Store.

Event Features Visual Splendor

Sanrio Small Gift Big Smile LA VIP Party


What are the two most amazing obsessions of mine that were combined perfectly for the Sanrio anniversary events this year? Sanrio characters (duh) at the CARNIVAL. Can you imagine it? It was like a little taste of Harmonyland right here in the states! It was curated by BUBBLEPUNCH and Japan L.A. for Sanrio’s 50th Anniversary POP-UP Tour.

beam me up

Celebrities in attendance that I saw exploring the Sanrio carnival alongside us were Bridget (Girls Next Door), Tarina Tarantino, Justin Beiber (lol) and HELLO KITTY MAMA. All of your favorite contemporary artists were in attendance as well and so were their Sanrio-inspired masterpieces. Actually there were a lot more wonderful people in attendance but I was so out of it this night that I didn’t get to take everything in as I would have liked to.

Thanks for the photos, LAWEEKLY and Huffington Post.

Upon walking around and eyeing the food trucks (it’s an LA thing) we walked around the carnival and I ran into some more of my sweet online friends Maria of Locketship, Stephanie or Twinkiechan, Yume Ninja and Chubby Bunny. I sadly missed Shrinkle because I left early — we’d planned to meet up again but everything was just too crazy! The pop-up shop had me running around like a maniac, drooling all over the limited goods that you can’t even get in Japan.. it really brought me back to Puroland a teeny, tiny bit!

the sanrio carnival

I got to meet so many of you that I was overwhelmed with happiness and so sad I didn’t take more photo ops! I actually didn’t take ANY… which means I have to wait for the girls to upload their photos before you can even see what I wore, LOL. Oops. I felt like a total failure flaking out at the VIP Event but I was in SO MUCH PAIN you can’t imagine. I couldn’t enjoy myself so I tried to meet all of the friends I could and run around spotting all of the adorable décor.

I also met some of my absolute sweetest friends and co-workers which was the main reason I had decided to go. Hihi Caro whom I work with in design for SWEET STREETS is one of my absolute new favorite people. There are so many genuinely nice people in this world, and there are ALWAYS new friends to meet. (You can never have too many friends! – Hello Kitty) It’s so refreshing to find such positive, motivated and inspired girls to share my love of cuteness with.

The always adorable and sweet Audrey Kitching and I met up for a short time, she had the flu and since I’m only here for the weekend our craft trip was cut way short. After whining to each other about the inconvenience of our schedules this weekend she gave me a present filled with Tokyolux goodies from the new line we worked on and we hugged in relief to finally be together after everything we have been going through side by side.

strawberry king spotted

I would have to say the night was a complete success although I still regret not getting a red carpet photo with adorable Maria due to my anxiety and rushing around.. and I never have regrets! Maria is a really sweet girl and her jewelry (Locketship!) is as sweet as she is.

After I could no longer stand it I got a cab home alone and proceeded to experience the most horrifying night of my life (ha!). If I told you.. (which I will in another article) and you probably wouldn’t even believe me. One of those nights where everything that could go wrong went horribly wrong. I was so frazzled by the end of the night that I immediately passed out on Kimi’s (Kimikat of Rainbowlicious) couch with her cat Pekoe curled up next to my feet.

Visual Splendor

Tanabata, the Star Festival of Love in Japan


Tanabata (evening of the 7th) is a Japanese star festival filled with sweets, wonder and a pride that cannot be explained.

According to the precious legend, the Milky Way (a river made from stars that crosses the sky), separates the lovers Orihime (Vega) and Hikoboshi (Altair). They are allowed to meet once a year on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month (July). This is the day of the Tanabata festival, when we can celebrate a tale of love in a festival or carnival setting.

My host sister knew I would love the festival so we decided grab our cameras and go.

Upon arriving I realized I was in the starry sky floating along the Milky Way because I was absolutely amazed with the lights, floats and bright colors surrounding us.

Take a look around.. I’m sure you’ll enjoy yourself! I know we did.


tanabata entrance
I remember seeing a doll on camera here..
my excitement exploded into the bright colors you see everywhere.
look away
Where should we go first??
candy stand



catch one for me

banana rama

light bright

candy strawberry
Candy strawberries, candy Mickey’s and milky candy apples!
bouncy falls

rainbow liquid

candy floats

catch one for me

cotton candy for me

snard river

balloon animals


night bright

the end

Design Your Life

Finding More Love and Happiness


These are not tips meant to be solely taken for happiness, you can find tons of happiness inspiration nestled within all sorts of magazines and websites! However.. these are tips I have found to be true. Accept them and make them work for you and you’ll find some delicious new happiness.


Taking inspirations from other artists and making them work in a way that is very you and your style can be ok but make sure you’re aware of where you got it from. If what one person is doing inspires you, also make sure others know about it. Recognize and honor those who inspire you, they wont forget you as easily when they’re rising to the top.

It’s important to realize we do not live in a box closed off from the outside world and everyone’s work is everywhere. I used to get really upset about this. Still do sometimes.. but what’s the point?

Be aware that if you’re using another artist’s work without their permission in any way to benefit yourself or to gain profit, you should be strung by your shoelaces to the nearest tree until you come to your senses. The importance of the world and the internet is that we all have an opportunity to express OURSELVES. Not our neighbors.


Let go of your superiority complex if you have one. People are going to copy you if you’re doing something groundbreaking, it’s not a new tale. Instead of trying to monitor the whole world (impossible even for Bush), accept that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Can you imagine if Andy Warhol exerted energy making sure no one copied his work? You’re inspiring others. Be proud of yourself. Artists have inspired other artists since the beginning of time. That being said DON’T COPY. Find inspiration but BE YOURSELF.


Study daily, anything you have an interest or passion in. Continue learning about it and never stop — let your passions guide you and your dreams. Live your life doing what you love and enjoy everyday you have alone and with those you adore to the utmost. Share your passions and research, in this way we’re always learning about new things from each other. Master your craft and you will find true happiness and satisfaction inside.

Flamers & Trolls

Everywhere that there are amazing and positive, creative, successful people you’ll find a group of jealous and conniving. They feel that instead of working on their own dreams they’d prefer to shatter yours and inspire you to fail. Don’t ever give up and let them win — be true to yourself and you’ll attract friends that are true to you, too. Everyone has people that do not like them, everyone clashes with someone. Don’t ever beat yourself up for it, focus on those you love and that love you. Always be open to new friends. You only live this life once, spend it with and thinking about the positive relationships you have and move on from the negative. They’ll only cause you pain in the end and it’s usually taking away from your family and friends that stood by since the beginning.


Or souvenirs of the mind. Collect good memories and let go of hurtful ones. Be aware that you cannot change the past and your new life starts today. If you feel there is something missing from your life that you see in your memories — realize that is a charm to be shared with only you and whomever you may experienced it with. If you can locate them let them know what they mean to you, if you cannot mentally thank them for the wonderful adventures and move on to have new ones. When people separate it can be for a million reasons, all that matters is the memories they shared. Don’t focus on what you had, focus on what you have. It’s nothing but a Polaroid to hold sentimentally in your mind, let it inspire you to spend new amazing times with the people you care about now.


Be a little bit more compassionate! Not only will it improve your happiness but it will improve the receiver’s happiness as well. Even if you feel fake, like you don’t mean the help you are extending, keep offering and building character because soon you will feel it. You’ll feel better for being reliable, too. 🙂


It also doesn’t help to take a trip to your nearest carnival and grab some cotton candy or a candy apple or saltwater taffy! If you were really feeling indulgent you might get all three, haha.


Download So-Net Postpet 2001


iana eats

Now you can download your favorite emailing virtual pet at Miseducated! We have version 2.1 in English for PC (Windows) only. For other versions, please visit the Official Postpet Website!

If you’re lost or need help, please let me know!
You will need an email for your Postpet (get one at Gmail).

Absolutely, there are a lot of new things to learn
so if you’re unfamiliar with postpet it can be a little confusing!
For one, you need an email server that allows use by insecure (old) apps.

Are you ready to download Postpet?
I only sell snacks here, oops!! Please visit Momo for the download!

Have you decided which pet you will adopt?
Postpet (17294 downloads )

.. and don’t forget to take some snacks with you!
Postpet Snacks (25511 downloads )

Postpet Directory

What fun is postpet without friends to mail?
Just submit your pet’s name, race, and email to be listed asap!
Updated and current as of: June 16, 2022

Momo Bear
Momo | unknown | momobear [@]







For more information, visit another current user here!

If you leave your information, let others know you’re a member! Maybe you’ll have some new Postpet friends popping in to say hello!

“PostPet” is a trademark of the Sony Communication Network Corporation (So-net).
Copyright 1996-2022 Sony Communication Network Corporation. All rights reserved.


Share Your Dreams in the Dreamland Journal


When you go to sleep and fall into a dream you get to play around in the amusement park of your mind. Whether you’re a lucid dreamer or not, you probably remember your dreams occassionally and are reminded of them throughout the day. Why not let them live on for others to enjoy as well? Your dreams are as unique as you are!

I was back at this HOOJ kiddiepark that I used to go to near Los Angeles .. I have no idea where it was now, or what it was called. The coolest thing is it was “kids only” – the parents had a place they had to wait and the kids could just run rampant – it seemed to go on for miles. The BEST thing there was the “Dragon Slide” – this GIANT slide where you slid thru a dragons head and down its tongue .. allll the way down a hillside. I dreamt I was there again and was 9 years old, and I was with some girl named Amanda (I have no idea who this was ..) and we were just running around like crazy, and I was healthy and alive again like I was as a kiddie. It felt simply wonderful. We came to the merry go round and they had closed it down, which made me sad because I love those things .. so Amanda and I broke in thru the chain link fence and rode on it ourselves. I cant express how amazing this dream was – it was just beautiful. Cottoncandy-ish, warm and fuzzy, kitten soft ..

I had a dream, that my boyfriend and I welt to a cliff and laid out a blanket to lay and watch the stars on their nightly treck across the sky.. the whole time we held hands and laughed and smiled, telling jokes and whispering sweet nothings.

Ok, ok. This will sound REEEEALLY weird, but I had a dream that I was lost in a bowl of macaroni & cheese. I was about to be eaten by my cat (who was giant & i was in HIS macaroni bowl) when Tuxedo Mask saved me. Weird, huh?
Shampoo Juliet

Chibichibi was chasing me. And the scary part was, she wasn’t cartoon, she was human. She was the scariest little kid I’ve ever seen. Can you imagine a little one-year-old with huge blue eyes, tiny nose, itty-bitty mouth, and pinky-red hair? (Not to mention she’s shouting “Cheebee cheebee!” in that little voice of hers).

I had a strange dream! I was in the mall and I was fighting some evil, thing! I had powers like SailorMoon, but I was me in regular clothes! And after I had finished killing the thing the manager of the store said I could have anything I wanted in the store! I was in there for days trying to figure out what I wanted! Finally I picked an entire outfit out. And thats all I really remember! I think it was from the snow I had eaten that day, b/c on the news they said not to eat it!! lol!
Kiwi Kitten

I once had a really sweet dream that I was in like this grape place (with Grapde vines) and i was with my friend (Trisha) and we saw this lollpop shop and they had the worlds biggest lollypop there and we brought it.. lol I had that dream 3 times and then it happened (we went to this grape vine place and saw a HUGE lollypop – except we didn’t buy it we brought big ones but not HUGE) heehee that was cool

okaie dokie.. i had a dream that i was going through candyland, and there was gumdrop trees and stuff (kinda like willie wonka, but with more cotton kandy. and then, this boy names jash started chasing me, i was scared to DEATH! when i tried to run, my fee got stuck to the ground with a BUNCH of bubble gum.. i couldn’t move! Then, i fought him, and he fell into a zillion different pieces. Then, he turned into a million little TINY JOSHES! (and he’s pretty darmed tiny!!! All the while, that Song Candyman by aqua was everywhere.. like those crazy movies.. (i forgot ALOT of this dream, it was REALLY scary!

Submit a dream? Log-in and reply or respond below while not logged in if you’d like to submit one anonymously.