Self Decoration

Trendspotting Street Fashion in Seoul


I’m a Seoul lover. I love the flashing neon lights, the festive nightlife spirit, the glossy black Asian hair and the noteworthy combinations of layered clothing adorning every person’s body. Seoul, South Korea, is a fashion mega-center, chock full of flow-y summer dresses, flashy jeans, oversized bags, chic ensembles and a hefty supply of non-prescription glasses added to make an outfit complete.

It’s a place where you can wear whatever your heart desires and only be viewed as that much cooler (so long as it’s not dowdy slacks and mustard-stained tee’s, of course). You can wear 3-inch stiletto’s with cut off sweat pants and look fashion-savvy. Or, you can throw on a rainbow-colored skirt over a pair of lime green jeans and top it off with magenta leggings. And if you’re into sophisticated chic, there’s nothing wrong with a solid dress and sunglasses that take up half your face.

The fashion possibilities are endless in Seoul. Here’s a taste to get your mouth watering. Caution: Devour slowly.

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  • Reply Miseducated » Blog Archive » Trendspotting in Seoul 07/22/2009 at 2:56 am

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