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Business Features Vlog

Vlog: BarkBox Review by Bacon the Puppy



Bacon and I were invited to review the Barkbox by this amazing company that provides this service, a BarkCam app for “dog selfies” and gives %10 of all money made to help dogs in need and homeless dogs find homes. So we jumped at the chance to review the box and we really enjoyed the quality of the products. Bacon’s favorites were the bully stick and the snow monster toy – he’s still in love with those!

In other news I’m sorry for being so MIA with my vlog (I missed a week!). I have had a lot of personal things going on that I’ll discuss more in the future, a huge end to something that has been going on for over 2 years. Among that are family things, house renovation, and work deadlines. But we made it through as always. I missed You(Tube) and our chats here.

In other news I turn 30 YEARS OLD on Friday so I’ll be sure to make a post about that soon. XO! Enjoy our review.

barkbox package

barkbox package



The New Puppy (Bacon) is Here!


If you’re pretty close to me then chances are you know I’ve been wanting a baby like crazy for a couple years! When I started my life over I took the cat and my ex took the dog (Wanwan.. who is still as cute and sweet as ever). My always dreamed for baby girl, Colette, isn’t a baby or even a toddler anymore! She’s a big girl. She is my favorite playmate and always such a charm and I just cannot fathom having a human baby that would take any attention from her. She is perfect, she is so much like me too and I feel if you have absolute perfection then why keep going? A new baby takes a lot of attention and energy that our already-here children need and want.

My Mister has been against getting a dog until Mary (10) is 14 and can help take care of it. Even then he was absolutely not willing to get a puppy due to the energy, time, and messes as well as post-traumatic stress from dealing with an ex who has severe animal issues. However after tiny, baby Calvin was successfully reared into a loving and silly cat alongside our 4 children I feel he started to open his mind. Then we rescued a dog from the cold until he could find his home and we realized we’re ready for our own dog.

So I found a puppy from a wonderful couple who runs Smithpaws and knew I had found the one! I was telling my friend that I’m dealing with many of the baby-life changes now except for healing from a tummy scar.. then I realized I did have a scar and my emergency surgery was right when my puppy was born! So it was definitely meant to me and he is wonderful. He’s tiny and a ball of love and happiness. He’s the easiest to train and he’s always ready to snuggle. He is a tricolor Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. So happy~

His & Hers Vlog

His & Hers: The New Puppy Talk with MisterEducated


his and hers

I finally got a blog of myself and MisterEducated in the car and asked him about our upcoming puppy. I still need to work a lot of kinks out for instance our in-car station doesn’t fit our new phones so I had to hold it awkwardly. Boo! Next time the video will be less jumpy.


The Chihuahua and Her Wardrobe


Hello, my name’s WANWAN and I’m a little deer chihuahua.
I find that only the cutest outfits make their way into my wardrobe and I absolutely adore prancing around and playing in them. My hair is quite short you see, I’m mostly bald! I get awfully shivery without anything on! Because of my bald little body, I also just love standing on the heat vent. Whenever it turns on I hear it and trot on over pretending I’m Marilyn Monroe.


It’s getting a little chilly here in western-US so I’ve decided it’s time to whip out all of my fibers and create a little wardrobe for my Chihuahua. I’ve composed a pattern to create an easy coat for small dogs and also for cats (although my cat is a thick puffball). The front and mid section are attached by way of your choosing (buttons, snaps, velcro). You can also knit your little one a sweater. My own pattern is simply a small tube with arm holes due to my pup’s tiny size. The coats are so easy to customize! Change up your fabrics and liners, try embroidery, patches, buttons, yo-yos, bows and all sorts of cute. Thing of fun patterns, check a vintage book for inspiration! Fun coat themes include fall, daisy meadows, mushroom forests, snow, winter wonderlands, russia (nesting dolls?), snow bunnies, etc.

Wanwan’s Picks

running!Modern Tails, The Pet Boutique, Trixie & Peanut, Calling All Dogs, Paw Palace, Pooch Online, Artful Pups, Chic Dog, Bella Claires, Paws on 5th,Doggie Clotheslines, The Ritzy Rover, Pool Pup, Bella Claires, Paws on 5th, Doggie Clothesline, The Ritzy Rover, Pool Pup, Funny Fur*, G.W. Little, Haute Dog Boutique, The Haute Hound, Ezra Dog

Doggy Tip

Dogs are a little bit stinky so it’s important to bathe then only in a special shampoo formulated for your dog’s skin. Myself, being the cat person I am found the dog’s natural scent very unappealing in the beginning. After a nice warm bath in her favorite shampoo, she smells like a coconut and as her own scent comes through I find it a sweet match. 😮 She uses an organic oatmeal shampoo for dogs and cats made with aloe, vitamin e and skin-softening nutrients I picked up at the local pet store. They have aisles of pet shampoos at all major pet stores — take a look!