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Visual Splendor

Snail Mail Me to the Wall, Penpals


Few things make me happier than receiving a handwritten letter. I love snail mail. A lot. I love penpals, I love envelopes, I love bubble packs, I love zines (as you know). Throughout my life I’ve had tons of snail mail friends, both friends I only knew by conversing via letters and friends who live far enough away that to give them gifts requires a trip to the post office. My very first penpal (besides school friends that moved away) was a girl I wrote as a kid from Finland. I got her as a penpal through this snail mail elementary school project and we SO loved swapping photos and decorated letters. After awhile I had so many penpals I was sending gifts to that it was becoming quite an expensive hobby plus I was so busy in college that I backed off quite a bit.

I miss them — the decos, FBs and lovely decorated letters and packages. I’ve got a few long-distance friends that I need to write back and I’m inspired to find a few more to write soon. If you’re interested just let me know and I’ll try to fit you in~ also let me know if you’re interested in receiving a package of decos to send on!

P.S. Remember the old Penpal Cafe we have for finding penpals? I find one of my favorite ways to find new penpals is just asking long-distance friends if they’d like to swap letters and mail art. Have fun!

Mail Books/Zines

HappymaildayzinebyJennaTempleton(c)2014Happy Mail Day
by Jenna Templeton

51lge1f4UKLSnail Mail: Rediscovering the Art and Craft of Handmade Correspondence
by Michelle Mackintosh

Mail Art

by Nasya Kopteva

by Omiyage Blogs

by Boheme Circus

by Super Kitina

Snail Mail: Tip Mini Series #2 by Nadia van der Mescht

Crafts DIY Vlog

Artist Trading Cards DIY: Make and Collect


Inspired by the many trading cards of the past, artist trading cards (often called ATCs) are another fun way to trade with a personal flair. I have a feeling that even non-proclaimed-artists should create ATCs — what a cool way to revive aged-pop cultures? I plan to attach bubblegum to mine so let me know if you’d like a bite~

The cards must be 2.5in by 3.5in or 64mm by 89mm (no exceptions ^^). They are also generally made as limited editions (it’s a time to relax and handmake something small and exclusive) and should probably contain your name, theme, contact information and anything else you’d like to include! If they’re part of a series you can also number them, ex. Moon Cats 3/6. It might be a cool idea to use different themes or criteria for each series to keep it fun~ challenge yourself and be creative!


ATC envelope pattern.

Swaps & Collecting

ATCs For All Forums
Swap Bot
Altered Art Swap List
Etsy ACEOs


Penpals, Stickers and Crafting Crazy


Hello everyone! Hope you are all doing well this wonderful weekend. I’m about to go check my mailbox — I’m always smiling large after that! Especially after I started swapping and penpalling again. 😉 Wee! Just checked it and have about 4 packages and 5 envelopes — I hope I find some cute ATCs to put in my collection! I love to wait to open my mail until after I’m done with work. I like to take it all in my bedroom, on my bed, and open them one by one often with Ben by my side. He likes to see what I get. I’ve recently gotten him liking hot tea so he’s interested to see if I get any teas in the mail from other countries. If you’d like to swap tea please let me know because I’m always up to trying new ones! We stock tons of tea in our house from all over so you’ll be sure to get a tasty mix in return.

I’ve also joined this Blythe Swap Flickr Group recently and I’m joining up in my first swap this holiday. My partner is new as well so we’ve both been excitedly chatting about it a lot. I’ve already been spoiling her and purchasing REALLY CUTE winter gifts for her dolls. I want to blab all about it but I’m being polite and keeping it a surprise. 😉 I’ll be sure to update with photos after we swap.

Remember in the surprise ball post how I offered to swap them with anyone interested? Well I’ve already crafted 7 surprise balls since (including Christmas balls for Ben and Jamie!)! Whahaha! I think I’m finally becoming a pro at tucking those presents in and keeping it ball-shaped. LOL, what a valuable skill!

So since I got asked from a few of you about swapping and what kind of things I send and receive I thought I’d do a post on it. I use my Flickr as a blog sort-of, if you’re interested, I update it almost daily and often add photos of the swaps I send and receive.

matryoshka dotee doll

Recently I was in a Matryoshka Dotee Doll Swap and I sent these but I haven’t received mine yet. I’m really excited because my partner messaged me and said they were really detailed. I love matryoshka dolls. I only have one but she’s sweet, holding a cat that looks like Hobbes. If you don’t know what a dotee doll is welcome to the club. I was completely confused as to what they were so I read up on it before joining and creating a Kawaii Dotee Doll Swap.

childhood toy ATC
digital ATC
deer ATC swap
easy hearts ATC swap
three cat ATCs
deericorn the mad
my collection

I’ve also been in a ton of ATC swaps so I’m posting some that I’ve sent as well as the small collection I’ve built of ATCs and swap cards found/received and kept. ATCs are fun — I draw shaky these days and I love using textured paper so they’re not perfect but they’re fun. They’re getting me to draw and paint a lot again which is great. I’ll do a complete post on making ATCs soon.

Crafts DIY

Let’s Make & Receive Surprise Balls!


Remember my post about surprise balls? How I promised to post a tutorial soon and a feature on the ball I recieved? Well this is that tutorial and feature! I even got the chance to host the surprise ball swap this time around which has made me so inspired and excited! I just love swapping these things! If you’d like to buy one I also have them in my shop! I told you I was surprise ball crazy!

surprise ball

You’ll Need

  • crepe paper streamers (in a couple of colors!)
  • 10-20 candy and small gifts
  • a plastic capsule or small box
  • a sticker or label
surprise ball prizes
surprise ball prizes

Collecting the gifts is almost as much fun as making the ball! If you’re making it for someone be sure to include things they like. Some ideas of what to include: candy, small toys, jewelry, stickers, memo pads, erasers, rubber stamps, ink pads, glitter, craft supplies, tea, keychains, beads, charms, small tubes of glitter glue, etc.

surprise ball

Start with your plastic capsule or small box and fill it with one of the gifts. Then wrap the crepe paper around it until it’s covered.

surprise ball

Next add another surprise and wrap it up. Make sure you keep wrapping a bit after each gift so that they don’t fall out too fast!

surprise ball
surprise ball
surprise ball
surprise balls

Continue adding surprises and wrapping them up until the ball is finished then tape the end down and top with a cute sticker or label.

Now.. as if it wasn’t enough fun to *make* these I actually received one as well (from the original swap). I was so excited about opening this rainbow-covered ball that I giggled the whole time as candy and kawaii gifts fell into my lap. This ball was extremely large and took quite a long time to unwrap! My partner is a surprise ball pro! Thank you so much!

surprise ball received
surprise ball received
surprise ball received
surprise ball received

The Magic of Creating and Sending Packages



What makes you happier than a kitten at a sushi carnival? Is it a super special gift in the mail especially for you? Handcrafted and prepared with love?

It’s almost like a holiday everyday that a package comes in the mail, packages from friends stuffed with glitter, tissue paper and sweet smelling fragrance.

Shake it and it almost sounds like candies are inside.. small trinkets rolling around under larger, sweetly wrapped gifts stored in cupcakes and hearts. When you open the package the smell of perfume and a cloud of glitter dust fills the air. When you look inside you see bags, paper and stickers decorating the precious gifts inside.

Packages, and even envelopes stuffed with surprises, are a favorite past time of many friends who have ever experienced a long distance relationship or taken a trip from home. There was nothing I loved more than stuffing packages with gifts of cuteness when in Japan, so excited when my best friends would recieve the silly gifts and laugh.


Give it a Try

They’re as fun to send as they are to recieve. Try it.

Package decorating and stuffing is a bit of a crazy obsession in cute land. I know many girls use character tape (myself included), markers and more to make a statement before the box is even opened. If you’re sending a package, why not make it really special miseducated style?

You can make package contents as well as buying them. I have friends whom I swap kitschy antiques with and friends whom I share all of my ‘oldskool’ saved stationary with.. (I might as well use it before I die, right? What point is there in hoarding all of this cuteness??)

It’s easy to try. Start by sending your best friend a letter stuffed with some cute trinkets next time you go on a trip — chances are you’ll inspire her as well! Send a letter filled with stickers and stationary, it doesn’t have to be quite so taxing in these crazy economic times.

Who said you have to grow up and leave penpals behind? Slipping in a letter is sweet too, in the world of emails we all appreciate to see a little handwritten note every now and again!

Design Your Life

10 Ways to Brighten Your Days


It’s easy for us to feel down with the daily grind of life. Especially if you’re working a full time job or constantly busy with school. It’s important to keep individuality in your life, regardless of your hectic schedule. It brightens up your world and makes you feel a little cheerier. So, what should you do?


Update your wardrobe, and don’t be afraid of color. Sometimes when I peer into the depths of my closet all I see is black, gray, and more black. Color is your friend, even if you’ve got the professional hat on. Don’t be afraid to buy something that catches your eye. If you’ve got a uniform to wear, put on some bright nail polish or find some lovely under things.

Change your hairstyle. Cut? Color? Go for it. Hair grows out so don’t be afraid to do what you want with it. One of the best confidence builders you can get is a great hair day.

Are you a hard working student? Get yourself some adorable school supplies. Check out Kawaii Gifts!

Keep a little journal with you to write down all the positive things that happen in your life. You can keep another one to vent too, but keep it separate. This one’s all about the positive. You can even write yourself little love notes to read on a rainy day.

Make like a Japanese school girl and give your cell phone a makeover. Check out Strapya World.

Start working some leg wear into your attire. Take a peek at Sock Dreams.

Find a pen pal. Send each other letters and cute little things in the mail. Instant day brightener.

Plan out your meals a little better. Working hard, being starving when it’s time for lunch, resorting to some greasy fast fast food & then feeling awful about it is an ultimate mood killer. Don’t skip breakfast either! Maybe it’s time to get into the art of bento boxes.

Clean out your life! Get rid of everything you don’t need. Donate! Your first assignment: clean out your wardrobe. Get rid of everything you don’t wear. This makes room for all your colorful updates.

Stop focusing so much on “practical” and “sensible” 24/7 and start caring more about what makes you happy. Don’t let things stand in the way of your joy! Happiness is the secret to life, after all.


Find a Penpal at the Penpal Café


Penpaling is fun and swapping is extremely fun! Want to penpal but don’t have anyone to write? Why not join our penpal classifieds by listing your own information, you can also grab a penpal here if you don’t want to wait!

Remember, however, to execute caution when contacting new friends and sharing personal information. Most importantly, have fun and make new friends.

Please post your information here if you are interested in gaining penpals and meeting other Miseducated visitors.


Swap List

Tran Hong Nhi | 26 | female | Vietnam | email
Hobbies Waching news, listening to music ( pop, rock , rap, country music..),comic, action or kungfu films, fashion
About Just call me Nhi. I am 26 years old. i am living in Ho chi Minh city of Vietnam. i am single, attractive, friendly,responsible and good hearted. i want to make friends with the ones who have something common with me. i strongly believe that Good freindship is a good background for further relation.
I wish you all best health and success in life.

Bali | 20 | female | Taiwan | email
I am searching for a pen pal in English and Japanese. Nice to meet you!

Lana | 25 | female | Taiwan | email
Hobbies travel, make friends, music, shop,……….
About Hi, My name is Lana^^ I am a 25 year-old girl from Taiwan. I am here for looking for penpals who are really sincerely and can make long-term friendship with me, not just write one or two letters > < I know nowadays people like to use e-mails instead of letters to communicate with each other, especailly e-mails is faster and convenient for people. But I still prefer snail mails,and I really hope I can find people who like it,too. Anyway, I like to write by snail mails,and e-mails toghter. So, if you are interested , just write to me!! I think I am a good penpal^^I ok, see you I am looking forward to hearing from you soon!!

Lisa | 23 | female | England | email
Hobbies penpalling, reading, listening to music, photography, crafts
About Hiya i am looking for female only snail mail pals please email me with an introduction xxx

Natalija | 25 | female | England | email
Hobbies reading,cooking,shopping
About I enjoy reading,writing poetry and prose,listening to the music,taking photos,travelling,cooking and shopping. I am collecting DVDs,CDs,angels,souvenirs from all around the world,hair/scarf pins,badges,autobiography/memoir books. I love chocolate and candies.
I’d love to exchange letters and little packages with fun and cute stuff.Getting to know my pen pals and sharing our thoughts is amazing experience.Age is not restricted,but no males please.I’m looking for a life-long friendship.


Please let us know your name, location, age (18+), hobbies and a bit about yourself to be published here!


Kao-Ani Club: Pixel Your Own!


What is a kao-ani?
An animated face, it’s a cute Japanese emoticon.

How can I make one?
There’s a great tutorial here at this kao-ani fansite, if you’re just getting started!

What about more pixeling techniques?
Check this out for more information about pixeling and great tutorials. It’s a fun hobby to get lost in.

How can I animate my pixels?
Adobe Photoshop CS+ by using layers, it’s easy! How?


1. Create kao-ani that represents you :3
2. Swap with others, link kaos back to owners so swappers may explore through other kao member pages and swap with new friends.
3. Link back here wherever you decide to show off your kaos so that others may join, too!

Member Kaos

These kaos were left here by the members that created them~

amber renee's kao kimi/luna daisy's kao kimi/luna daisy's kao

Download So-Net Postpet 2001


iana eats

Now you can download your favorite emailing virtual pet at Miseducated! We have version 2.1 in English for PC (Windows) only. For other versions, please visit the Official Postpet Website!

If you’re lost or need help, please let me know!
You will need an email for your Postpet (get one at Gmail).

Absolutely, there are a lot of new things to learn
so if you’re unfamiliar with postpet it can be a little confusing!
For one, you need an email server that allows use by insecure (old) apps.

Are you ready to download Postpet?
I only sell snacks here, oops!! Please visit Momo for the download!

Have you decided which pet you will adopt?
Postpet (8943 downloads )

.. and don’t forget to take some snacks with you!
Postpet Snacks (16390 downloads )

Postpet Directory

What fun is postpet without friends to mail?
Just submit your pet’s name, race, and email to be listed asap!
Updated and current as of: June 16, 2022

Momo Bear
Momo | unknown | momobear [@]







For more information, visit another current user here!

If you leave your information, let others know you’re a member! Maybe you’ll have some new Postpet friends popping in to say hello!

“PostPet” is a trademark of the Sony Communication Network Corporation (So-net).
Copyright 1996-2022 Sony Communication Network Corporation. All rights reserved.