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Visual Splendor Vlog Wear the World

Wear the World: Pinky Paradise Vanity Contacts



First off let me say I do not condone the use of vanity contacts unless you have extensively read about how to wear, care for and use them safely. If you’re in any doubt please see an eye doctor and take the lenses to learn more about them. These lenses are a one size fits all so if you have a different eye shape it can cause complications.

Next, I finally uploaded a little review of the contacts from a NON-SEASONED contact wearer. In other words.. this was my first time wearing contacts. It wasn’t too tough or painful so I would have to say for a quick photo shoot these will do wonders! They are lovely, easy to wear and come in tons of colors and designs. If you’re looking for a good selection of lenses at an exceptional price check out Pinky Paradise. I know I’ll be getting a few more colors for fun next time!

I’m pretty new to VLOGGING on YouTube so if you’d like to be friends or collab in any way please let me know. I’m enjoying the ease these days of having a new phone to shoot and edit video on the go. The above video is one of the older tries! Beware the audio is a little slow! Ooops. Bad import.

Pinky Paradise Cosmetic Lens Closeup

Pinky Paradise Lenses

Pinky Paradise Lenses and Cat

Accessories by Sanrio and Sugar Junkie!

Design Your Life

Cats Are Good for your Health



For those who don’t know, my life mascot and furry soul mate, Hobbes, passed away in early June. He was 17. It was completely heart shattering. I felt closer to him than anyone, having him near me for 17 years, a constant in my life and losing him was very tough.

I allowed myself time to mourn and fall apart for several days and then began to pick myself up the following. In the midst of this was my daughter’s birthday and other activities so to be a good mother I took maybe one to two days to completely grieve (alone) and nothing else.. the next few days I maintained a positive outlook for our children before they arrived back home.

The days following that we began to speak about whether we would want another pet and if it would be a dog or a cat.. David was eventually open that he would want another cat because his bond with Hobbes turned him into a full blown cat person. We waited until we could have a family meeting about the passing of Hobbes and if we would want another pet. We looked online the next whole night for babies to adopt and found a little Manx which looked like a relative of Hobbes. We adopted the next weekend and David named him Calvin in honor of his big brother. It took him maybe one eve before he was completely obsessed with David and I. He is crazy, kittenish and hyper half the time while snuggly, cuddly and a nap lover the other half. He is officially our new baby boy.

So what is it about cats that steal our hearts and soothe our souls? We all know petting our cats helps us relax and feel comforted like no one else, unconditional love and admiration for every pat, but did you know they can also detect your feelings and even medical emergencies such as seizures? That they lower blood pressure and instill a feeling of safety and security?

I’ve read about quite a few cats detecting seizures on the web these days and I know my own cat always knew when I was upset or sad as he would meow to me and lay on me for hours if needed. I read up about this and scientists don’t really understand much about it other than the cats are able to detect biochemical scents. Many cats even alert family if an owner is beginning to have a seizure. Did you know cat purrs encourage the mending of broken bones? Cats have also been known to wake and alert families of house fires while they sleep. Yes, cats can save lives AND improve your health and happiness. In fact, read 8 Benefits of Being a Cat Owner by Mental Floss.


DIY Scans

Kitschy Scans: Vintage Kitty Cat


I have such a collection of vintage, kitschy goodies that I thought I would start sharing them with you. You can use these to make your own collages, ATCs and whatever else floats your rainbow sail boat! Please enjoy and stay tuned for more goodies.

Today’s freebie is a vintage kitty cat with a yellow bow and rose. So cute!

To download right click the image and load the link in a new window then save the image to your hard drive.

Diary Portfolio

Sunshine, Painting and Friendship


Lately things have been a bit crazy for me! Hard to get caught up and still keep my office/house as clean and organized as I would like to.. I always say I’m going to do better when things settle down but they never settle down. I’m going to have to become a workaholic and blog everyday whether I feel like it or not!

Today I was taking some photos of my new paintings and someone wanted to jump in the shot. He always wants to be exactly in the middle of whatever I’m doing, haha. (Sorry to those of you who saw this on my portfolio already!!)

this is in progress~

This coming month is going to be a big one for girly fun. I can’t wait! Do you have big plans for the summer?


Cats Are a Girl’s Best Friend: My Story


I have a small confession to make – When I arrive at my boyfriend’s house, my main priority is not a kiss and a cuddle with him. My main priority is his ginger cat, Greg. I will sit and question the household about Greg’s day. How is he coping with the heat? How much sleep has he had? And – most importantly – is he around for a cuddle? My boyfriend will sit in the wings, patiently waiting his turn.

I’ve not always been so generous with my feelings for cats. In fact, I used to hate them. They would stroll into our garden, stare at me, hiss and declare their hatred of me. Terrified, I would flee in hysterics. Convinced I was a dog in a former life, I accepted cats and I would never live happily together in this world. But this was before an old ginger cat called Sandy made an appearance in my home. Senile, narcissistic and solely focused around food, I realised that cats were actually incredibly comical. And that was the start of my love affair.

This love affair has slowly spiralled (some say into madness – I beg to differ.) I reckon I’ve come to the conclusion that cats and I understand each other very well: we both appreciate the wonders of comfort, the freedom of just doing what we fancy, when we fancy, and welcome cuddles. Cats truly are inspirational creatures. You could be having a bad day at work with someone shouting in your face and you could think “You know what? I have a cat at home that’s infinitely nicer than you, and softer to stroke.” They also offer a sympathetic ear to any of your problems (read: they don’t judge you as they don’t understand a word you say).

So I’m unashamedly a crazy cat lady in the making.  I’ve done a 180 degree turn. Cats make me incredibly happy, and I’m only slightly hesitant to admit they are often a lot less hassle than humans!

Let’s pass it on over to you – why do cats have a special place in your heart?

Mull it over whilst gazing into the eyes of Greg –


Making Noise for Printable Designer Toys

Printable Panda!

Need a new, tiny photo model but don’t want to shell out cash for dolls and vinyl figures? Try a paper model, paper or not, I’m in love. (My husband says I’m like Michael Scott now because I’m in love with paper.)

Toobusytobreathe. I’ve opened back up my web design studio and have gotten so many exciting projects (did I mention we’re moving?) that I can hardly fit in the time to update Miseducated like I should — soon newnewnew. So much new you’ll bounce to the moon!

Speaking of bouncing to the moon, these printable toys make me so happy I could fly. I knew someday this would catch on again and I’m too excited!

Printable Pandas

Jessica and I have collaborated on a cute new surprise for Miseducated, her pandas in PRINTABLE FORM. Print them and you can have your own designer toy as soon as the paper cools. Put some pandas into your own world~

More Printable Designers

3 Eyed Bear
Fantastic Toys
Sal Azad

Paper Toy Books

We Are Paper Toys: Print-Cut-Fold-Glue-Fun
Paper Wonderland: 32 Terribly Cute Toys Ready to Cut, Fold & Build
Karakuri: How to Make Mechanical Paper Models That Move
Papertoy Monsters: Make Your Very Own Amazing Papertoys!

Design Your Life

Five Ways to Make Your Cat Smile


Bond with your pets by enjoying the same activity together are as often as you can. Make sure you set apart special time each day specifically for them — this will only strengthen your relationship and improve both of your health.


1. Cat Nap

Choose a cozy spot on the floor, couch or bed and curl up with a comfy blanket and pillow — cats enjoy snuggling at all hours of the day and a little sleep doesn’t hurt either! Keep a little nook near your body for him/her to lay in and bond with you.

2. Catnip Playtime

It’s always fun to grow a little fresh catnip in your balcony garden if your cat happens to enjoy the bitter scent. Although I’ve heard that some cats actually aren’t affected by it, I’ve never seen one!

If yours is fresh, dry it, if not it’s likely dried and crumbled. Bring out a cozy rug and sprinkle catnip all over it.. let kitty smell this! Grab some pompoms, little rattle balls, mice and string. Sprinkle them around the rug if catnip. Chill out with kitty and toss him/her pompoms and ribbons to delight her cat-nipped senses!

3. On the Hunt for Cookies

Give your cat something fun to do and eat at the same time. Purchase some healthy cat treats that are great for teeth (Hobbes loves Greenies!) and hide them around the room — one on a chair, one behind the table, etc. Let your cat explore the room for his favorite snack while at the same time encouraging his hunting instinct.

4. Cat Massage

Most cats appreciate attention from those they love, let alone a great massage session. Make sure you always make time each day to scratch behind his ears, scratch his back and of course cause the beloved elevator butt!

5. Smell-a-thon

Ha! So cats love to smell, if you can it’s great to take yours outside (on a harness) to sniff the plants and flowers around the home. My cat *loves* to do this.

Make sure when you come home from anywhere you let your cat smell your hand — it’s like shaking hands for them and they get all kinds of information about where you were.


A Kitty for your Thoughts


The cats in our lives are special, that’s no understatement. When people can share their homes with unconditionally loving little characters it’s always a plus. Not only do they improve emotional state but also health and help lower blood pressure. What’s better than hearing a purr lul you to sleep?


The Special One in My Life

mrrrow~ i’m hobbes! i’m a fluffy little house cat. you might think i’m a little feminine but that’s just because i’m a momma’s boy and she happens to spoil me crazy with cute, pink kitty goods.

i was born in september of 1997, the 8th to be exact! a little country cat full of spunk and covered in long, fluffy hair. because of my adorably-unique looks my owners allowed me to stay inside while my short-hair brothers and sisters continued on the country cat lifestyle. my birth mother, squirrelly, was a little bit wild and didn’t stick around too long to see me grow up~ i felt i hadn’t met my real momma yet.. i waited patiently.

when i was 5 weeks old a woman came to the country home looking for a tiny kitten as a gift for her daughter. she saw a lot of semi-wild kitties running around and worried they might be a bit sickly. the gem, myself, was kept inside and when she started to give up she spotted my handsome mane! a bit of pleading later and i was allowed to be adopted by this woman! oh oh oh, i was going to move away~ but where?

i was brought to a strange house, through a door and placed on a yellow, satin bed. a young girl walked in and squealed. oh my! i knew she was my mommy. i immediately started mewing and kneading the soft blanket as my new mommy talked to me. “do you have a name?” , she asked. her mother told her my name was hobbes, it was given to me by my first owners. she loved it and thought it fit me to a T!

i soon got very sick and they took me to the vet to realize i had an upper respiratory infection — very deadly and serious for tiny kittens! mommy to the rescue ~ with medicine and a lot of love i made it through! it wasn’t even time for my baby shots yet, i toughed out surgery as a tiny puff.

i lost a few other lives throughout the years including being hit by a car once when i ran outside and refused to come in and having a tumor removed from my butt! i’m still going strong and my doctor says i’m sooo healthy and youthful! i’m 13 years old and he says i still got a lonnngg happy life to lead, meow meow meow. everytime we come in to the office he says, “My what a healthy cat!”

we moved to the city in september of 2007 after my mommy married her high school sweetheart. oh yeah~ here i come indianapolis! i’ve never been so happy and after every poop i race up and down the spiral staircase. our apartment is soo fit for a kitty and i’m king!

i’ve been famous in the 90s on my mom’s website miseducated and i’ve had gifties sent to me for my birthdays and emails and web friends and have even had websites and blogs! i’m happy to meet you! now give me a pat and let’s share a tuna shake!


Daily Mews

If when I’m running a bath Hobbes walks in before I close the door he remains, with worry as the bath fills. When it is time to get in, he edges towards the tub in absolute shock, why would I get in the TUB?!?! Don’t I know it’s wet in there?? He sits on the edge of the bath carefully, watching as though the water may inflict some horrible pain on me. He mews and smells the water, wondering when I’ll come to my senses. If he gets stuck outside, which is most often the case, he continually howls in pain and scratches at the door until I’ve come from the terror tub. Are all cats this scared of water? I’ve heard that Sphyinxs (hairless cat breed) like water, that’s so cute.. they’re adorable.

Critter Story Submission

Cat stories and critter stories are as pleasing to tell between owners as they are to listen to. Have a sweet story about your little one? Go ahead and send it to us along with some photos to be published at Miseducated.


The Cat Haiku


An oldie but a goodie. 😉 We used to plaster this one on our kitty-themed websites along with tons of adorable information — how I miss the old silly days of web pages and graphic design!

The Cat Haiku

by Unknown

You never feed me.
Perhaps I’ll sleep on your face.
That will show you.

You must scratch me there!
Yes, above my tail! Behold,
elevator butt.

I need a new toy.
Tail of black dog keeps good time.
Pounce! good dog! good dog!

The rule for today.
Touch my tail, I shred your hand.
New rule tomorrow.

In deep sleep hear sound
Cat vomit hairball somewhere.
Will find in morning.

Grace personified
I leap into the window
I meant to do that

Blur of motion, then-
Silence, me, a paper bag
What is so funny?

The mighty hunter
Returns with gifts of plump birds
Your foot just squashed one.

You’re always typing
Well, let’s see you ignore my
Sitting on your hands.

My small cardboard box
You cannot see me if I
Can just hide my head.

Terrible battle
I fought for hours. Come and see!
What’s a “term paper”?

Kitty likes plastic
Confuses for litter box
Don’t leave tarp around

Small brave carnivores
Kill pine cones and mosquitoes
Fear vacuum cleaner

Want to trim my claws
Don’t even think about it!
My yelps will wake the dead

I want to be close
To you. Can I fit my head
inside your armpit?

Wanna go outside.
Oh, no! Help! I got outside!
Let me back inside!

Oh no! Big One
has been trapped by newspaper.
Cat to the rescue!

Humans are so strange.
Mine lies still in the bed, then screams!
My claws aren’t that sharp….

Cats meow out of angst
“Thumbs! If only we had thumbs!
We could break so much”

Litter box not there
You must have moved it again
I’ll crap in the sink

The Big Ones snore now
Every room is dark and cold
time for “Cup Hockey”

We’re almost equals
I purr to show I love you
Want to smell my butt?


Power Animals: What is Yours?


“I think I could turn and live with animals,
they’re so placid and self-contained,
I stand and look at them long and long.
They do not sweat and whine about their condition,
They do not lie awake in the dark and weep for their sins,
They do not make me sick discussing their duty to God,
Not one is dissatisfied,
not one is demented with the mania of owning things,
Not one kneels to another,
nor to his kind that lived thousands of years ago,
Not one is respectable or unhappy over the whole earth.”
~ Walt Whitman , “Song of Myself”

Animals have been admired, revered and even worshiped throughout the history of mankind. They are so beautiful and powerful that I sometimes think that we envy them, in the ways that we strip from them their coats and skin, or how we try to mimic their physical features. Although I’m not much for the skinning, I do love the cat-eye eyeliner effect.

You may also feel a special connection to a certain species, maybe even a sense of kinship. Do you find yourself enamored with fascination at the sound of a wolf howling, or have you ever stopped to look up at the sky as a hawk or eagle flew overhead? Is there a certain animal that stalks your subconscious mind and maybe scares you a little? Many indigenous cultures around the world believe that different animals all carry a lesson for mankind. An “animal totem” (also known as a “power animal”) is an animal spirit that watches over an individual or a group–looks out for them and teaches them what they need to know to survive.

I’ve always been fascinated by wolves and thought they were beautiful creatures. I started learning more about them and found out that they are very family oriented and support the other members of their pack. The females all help each other with the birthing and taking care of the babies, and I love the fact that they “sing” together by howling at the moon in an eerie chorus. They are also one of the few kinds of animal that mates for life, which really signifies to me how intelligent they are.

Like the loyal and family-oriented wolf, there may be an animal that reflects your own personalty traits, or represents to you a trait that you value. The beaver is an animal that works hard to build a sturdy structure for him and his family, a home that he can pass down through the generations. The eagle flies high over head so she can see for miles around, but she can still see when a field mouse peaks its head out of a tiny hole in the ground. After you learn more about your favorite animal, you might even discover that you admired them for a trait that you value that goes way beyond the physical.

The connection you have with a certain animal doesn’t always need to be spiritual. If you admire a certain animal for their physical traits–such as the antlers on a male deer, or the eyes of a cat or the paw prints of a dog, you can incorporate these symbols into your wardrobe or your home decor. The animal may even be so close to your heart that you feel compelled to get a tattoo related to them. Recently, an image of a piranha kept popping into my head, and it wouldn’t stop until I sat down and drew a picture of this animal. I think this particular animal was showing up in my subconscious because it represented my fears toward a certain situation, and I had to face that fear before it could stop tormenting me.

If there is an animal that wants out of your subconscious, let it roam free and howl or roar or whatever it wants to do. Let your inner doe run gracefully and silently through the trees. Try to see the world through your hamster’s eyes by getting down on his level. Imagine weaving a net-like home for yourself, suspended in the corner of a dark basement, waiting for your dinner to fly in. Animals represent our inner, primal natures that sometimes get repressed, and this is a side of ourselves that we should explore so that we can come to fully understand ourselves and the world around us.

Here is a short list of animals and the things that they generally represent:


Weaving illusions, writing or creating art.


Strength and protecting your family and territory.


Courage, agility and being able to see into the mysterious.


Playfully joyous and lovers of life.


Adapting to a situation and knowing when to leap.


Knowing when to take swift action.


Loyalty and selflessly protecting loved ones