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Business Features Giveaway

Kawaii Box Subscription Club Review & Giveaway


Awhile ago I was invited to review the Kawaii Box which is a super cute subscription box that offers kawaii goods from Japan and elsewhere.

As I’ve said before, subscription boxes are a big thing right now — you can find them for just about anything you have an interest in! I was very excited to hear of one who only offers kawaii goodies. I did a home-stay and studied in Japan for a few months in college and had to purchase 2 more suitcases and a few shipping boxes in order to bring all of my purchases home! I can’t think of a better subscription box for me to review..

..and so please view the video review AND enter in the giveaway (lots of options for more giveaway points!) to win your own gift subscription box for a taste of kawaii delivered right to your mailbox!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Business Features Vlog

Vlog: BarkBox Review by Bacon the Puppy



Bacon and I were invited to review the Barkbox by this amazing company that provides this service, a BarkCam app for “dog selfies” and gives %10 of all money made to help dogs in need and homeless dogs find homes. So we jumped at the chance to review the box and we really enjoyed the quality of the products. Bacon’s favorites were the bully stick and the snow monster toy – he’s still in love with those!

In other news I’m sorry for being so MIA with my vlog (I missed a week!). I have had a lot of personal things going on that I’ll discuss more in the future, a huge end to something that has been going on for over 2 years. Among that are family things, house renovation, and work deadlines. But we made it through as always. I missed You(Tube) and our chats here.

In other news I turn 30 YEARS OLD on Friday so I’ll be sure to make a post about that soon. XO! Enjoy our review.

barkbox package

barkbox package


Business Features Self Decoration

Miseducated Hearts DOLLS KILL



Update: DOLLS KILL apparently steals designs from artists for their original items  but they are good at finding cute brands~ just use their website to find what you like and buy it somewhere else.

I’m feeling like a kitten lost in a carnival of catnip tea and door mice on parade so today I’d like to just enjoy gazing things that would appear to make my closet happier. If you’ve ever visited DOLLS KILL you know just what I mean.




Business Features Crafts

MADE WITH CODE: 3D Print a Free Bracelet ala Google


MADE WITH CODE by google and shape ways

I am really into the MADE WITH CODE project. It’s gorgeous and positive. As a once very young coder (11 years old) I would have exploded confetti to see such a movement on or offline. Have you heard? Shapeways (D printing marketplace and community) and Google (you know.. Google) have teamed up to promote the successful design and innovations (AND CODING!) of girls and women around the globe.

Design & Print a Free 3D Bracelet

Not only is this a gorgeous project but you can also make a 3D bracelet on your computer that Shapeways will print (FOR FREE) with their 3D printer (if you live in the US).


Join the Code Community

“Today, less than 1% of girls are majoring in CS. Tomorrow, we can make that number go up.” – Made With Code

Get Future Female Coders Involved

Maybe your daughter will be the next big designer? Let her try these adorable projects and have fun together being creative.

Learn More

Made with Code is an initiative to champion creativity, girls, and code, all at once. The movement is designed to do three things: To inspire girls by celebrating women and girls who are using code to do great things; to engage girls to try coding through introductory projects and resources; and to sustain their interest by creating alliances and community around girls and coding.

Join the movement and have fun. We sure are.

Business Features

ReTale’s Green Gesture for the Digital Age



So how did this awesome project begin?

We got inspired to start this online for bloggers after reading a study by Dr. Alexander Wissner-Gross, who calculated the average amount of CO2 emitted when anyone visits a website. Our corporate sponsor, Retale, is a digital platform for shopping, so the company is already paperless. Retale wanted to address the emissions that come from the internet in efforts to be a truly green company. Not only is planting trees vital to maintaining our environment, but it also actively fights carbon emissions. We figured the simplest way to combat carbon emissions was to try and replant America’s forests together with bloggers.

What has been the most exciting support you’ve received for this project?

The most excited support or situation we’ve had because of this project I think is yet to come. We have only just started collecting participants, although we have done this project in 5 other countries with exciting results. If I count our sister projects, I’d say the most exciting event was the replanting of the Gévezé forest in Brittany, France. With the Arbor Day Foundation, we plant species of trees that are carefully selected according to the location in which they will be planted. We will have more information on the species of trees planted after we send our first round of trees for fulfillment. This is something we’d like to include in the planting update when we get the information from the Arbor Day Foundation.

How can we bloggers get involved?

Bloggers can get involved by writing about our project, spreading the word via social media, and reducing the carbon footprint of their blog by letting us plant a tree for them. The reason why spreading the word is so important is because the more bloggers who agree to participate in the project, the more trees we will plant and the bigger the impact on the environment will be. We need great blogs like Miseducated who have a strong following to set an example for the blogosphere by proactively helping the environment. I think taking a stand to reduce the carbon emissions of Miseducated is absolutely an example of doing what you think is right no matter what others say! Many people don’t realize that CO2 is emitted by websites. They assume because it’s paperless, that there are no adverse effects to the environment, but this is not true. We need to work together to show the blogosphere that a) their blogs are emitting carbon too, and b) they can do something about it.

Where are these trees located?

We make quarterly donations to the Arbor Day Foundation for all the trees we plant to Green Gestures. Right now we are collecting our first 1,000 blogger participants to plant a big batch of 1,000 trees. We plan to update the Green Gestures website with information (and hopefully photos) about where the trees were planted. It depends on where the Arbor Day Foundation has the most need for reforestation. If you’re interested to see which forests they are focusing on this year, you can see a list of national forests on their website here.

Do you have any other environmentally friendly projects we should know about?

The use of paper is related to two major environmental problems: loss of biodiversity and damage to the environment. Paper production contributes to the loss of biodiversity through the destruction of native forests, the expansion of monoculture eucalyptus and pine trees, and high levels of water and energy usage. Paper consumption also generates an enormous amount of trash – much of it is not recycled and ends up in landfills, incinerators, or littering our nation’s landscape. Through our Green Gestures campaign, Retale™ aims to reduce paper consumption (and paper waste) by creating a more sustainable way to shop. With our website and mobile apps, you have instant access to thousands of diverse offers and catalogs from stores near you. Using our digital service means that you can reduce your paper waste by opting out of the weekly ads and catalogs you currently receive in favor of viewing them online.

In addition to providing a digital solution for consumer shopping needs, Retale™ also engages in efforts to help the environment with two initiatives: our “Make a Green Gesture” campaign (described above) and our Sustainable Careers portal. Retale™ also supports the green economy with our Sustainable Careers portal, a virtual service providing specialized listings for environmental and sustainable employment. Through this portal, we aim to help professionals in environmental fields find meaningful employment, and thus contribute to building a society that lives in harmony with the environment.

Business Features

Talking to PETA About Animal Abuse and Euthanasia


PETA is a group I have always been fond of. Although they get some flack for their extreme campaigns I believe these measures are taken because animals are under extreme attack and more of us should be willing to fight against it. Remember that as humans we are also animals and more compassion is needed in our world for the ethical treatment of all animals, including ourselves. I have been looking forward to interviewing PETA for some time and I am very grateful they have taken time out from their busy schedule to sit down with us for a spell~

Q: Why do you think it is most important that we as humans should be aware of the torment many animals in this world are going through?

We can make a difference. We’re faced with a lot of circumstances that are out of our control such as genocide and natural disasters but this is violence and suffering that we can actually stop. There’s no difference between a pig or turkey than a dog or cat other than how we view them. Why do we feel that way? It’s the same as when some of us look at humans as inferior. It’s injustice and these are things that no one agrees with or supports. We need to educate ourselves and others about this and realize why it’s important to go vegan.

Q: What are some of ways you feel that PETA has made the biggest differences in the lives of animals?

By educating people about what happens to animals before they wind up on your plate. You can’t trust big companies like McDonalds and Hormel to educate consumers about their food. By going vegan you can save nearly 200 animals per year. It’s important to educate people about veganism and the positive impacts it has on our environment and on world hunger. There are so many negative things directly tied to meat consumption which is why PETA steps in to remind us of a healthy diet without using meat, eggs or dairy.

Q: What are your thoughts on medicines tested on animals not for cosmetic products but for saving human and animal lives?

It’s a common misconception that medicines tested on animals save human lives. Animals are not little men and women; their bodies do not work as human bodies do. 92% of the tests fail after using live animals to test human medicines. They are unreliable, unnecessary and cost the lives of over 100 million animals every year. In fact cancer was cured in mice 15 years ago and it has never even been used for humans. The reason these tests go on is to ensure grants that go to more animal testing. So much money is used to torture animals when it doesn’t give reliable results. There are no laws to protect animals from this horrendous treatment. They are deliberately starved because no experiment is illegal no matter how cruel it is to the live animal or how little it relates to helping humans. The workers in these test labs are subject to horrible and inhumane conditions as well. All medicines are actually tested on humans before they are even able to be used on humans. This is unjust testing for many reasons unrelated to saving human lives.

Q: Do you believe animals should be kept as pets if they are given the utmost love and care? Why or why not?

Sure. PETA supports and encourages everyone who has means to adopt and care for animals from their local shelter. Each year 6 to 8 million abandoned dogs and cats enter animal shelters and approximately 3 to 4 million cats and dogs—many of them healthy, young, and adoptable—must be euthanized in these shelters every year. We must put a stop to this by spaying and neutering our pets and by researching the amount of care an animal companion needs before adopting one.

Q: What are your thoughts on the euthanasia by PETA of unwanted animals and the misunderstanding about this by many online?

Many anti-PETA websites are run by consumer groups for the meat and dairy industries. The information they use is biased and inaccurate. PETA is open about the fact that we are forced to euthanize animals in some cases. The figures used by anti-PETA campaigners are deliberately chosen because they are just the euthanasia figures and do not include perspective—i.e., the more than 10,000 dogs and cats PETA provided with no-cost to low-cost spay and neuter surgeries and other veterinary services in the last 12 months alone, the hundreds of animals delivered to large high-traffic shelter facilities for adoption, the counseling and aid services that PETA provides in order to enable people to keep and properly care for their animals, and the animals we have put up for adoption, like the cat currently featured on our website, whom we nursed back to (almost) good health and who is still seeking a permanent home.

PETA’s Community Animal Project offers food and shelter for dogs in the poorest areas in Virginia and North Carolina, free vet services and food water and toys to animals who have never felt a kind touch in their lives. In some cases if we find an animal who has been in dire need of vet care euthanasia is the best option we can offer them. We have also offered families who cannot afford to get their pets proper vet care for long suffering animals to euthanize them which adds to the number online.

PETA’s spay and neuter program has several mobile units that spay and neuter dogs and cats for low cost or free. Thus far we have sterilized 80,000 animals in the last 10 years. PETA does a lot of preventative local work but does offer euthanasia for extremely abused animals and to relieve animals from suffering. Yes we euthanize but so do many other shelters in this country, 3-4 million animals are euthanized every year in our country because of the purchase of unwanted animals, breeding animals and owners not spaying and neutering their pets. The core issue here is that people are not spaying and neutering their pets so please encourage others to do so.

Q: A few readers who are not on board with PETA have made the assumption that you care more for animals than for people; do you have a response for this?

That’s really funny. We are unapologetically an animal rights group. Humans are animals.

For example, it takes 13 pounds of grain to produce one pound of meat. I believe everyone needs to think about how much grain they would throw away to get one pound of meat and how many people die everyday (25,000 people) from starvation because they don’t get enough to eat. Factory farming contributes to world hunger and climate change. Many think meat is vital for our health but it is not the case anymore. Meat consumption is linked to many of our biggest health risks such as cancer and heart disease. We are not only supporting animals but also human health and the earth we share.

Q: Who are the top unfriendly to animals businesses or products that should not be supported?

There are many but some major campaigns we currently have are:
Ringling Bros. Animals are beaten, hit, poked, prodded, and jabbed with sharp hooks, sometimes until they are bloody.
McCruelty In the slaughterhouses of McDonald’s U.S. and Canadian chicken suppliers, birds have their throats cut while they are still conscious. Please sign our petition and boycott McDonald’s until they can make more positive changes for animals.
UW-Madison They abuse and decapitate cats to study in their labs tortured for results that are never mentioned or used.
Whose skin are you in? Every year, millions of animals are killed for the clothing industry—all in the name of fashion. Rabbits in China are slaughtered for their fur while living.
Canadian Seal Slaughter During Canada’s annual war on seals, hundreds of thousands of seals are slaughtered for their skin. Baby seals are clubbed to death on the ice which is an off-season money venture for fisherman. This isn’t about the native people, this is just about money making for off-season fisherman.
Down Feathers Birds used for down feathers are live plucked until red, bleeding and terrified. Try down alternatives using man-made fibers.

Q: Who are the top friendly to animals businesses that should be supported?

Gardeen These vegan meat-alternative products that you can find at whole food groceries and even target are more healthy than traditional meat products.
Daiya Use these cheeses for anything you would use cheese for, it melts.
Urban Decay One of my favorite makeup brands. They were thinking of selling products in China which means they could be tested on animals which is mandatory for some products but PETA reached out to them and they decided to pull back. This company makes a huge statement by selling all vegan products.
Cirque de Soliel A circus that doesn’t use or abuse animals. They only use performers that choose to perform.

Q: Do you have any advice for those teetering on the edge of becoming an animal advocate?

Start educating yourself and become a knowledgable consumer. We all have values and ethics that we live by and every time we pay for a product we’re making a decision to support a practice or an industry. I think it’s important for consumers to know what they are supporting and promoting and for people to educate themselves and do more research before spending. We cannot expect companies to be honest outright when they have an opportunity to make money. Start questioning everything you buy and find out ways you can make a difference. Find out if the money you spend is going to companies you support. There are simple things you can do everyday that make an impact on animals, our environment and our own health and people need to look into it more.

Q: It’s so nice to have been able to sit down and get to know your wonderful organization and all of the ways that you help animals and their humans to live more positive lives. I do have one last question for you for the time being.. do you consider PETA to hold Miseducated values (Weaving a world of colorful and whimsical lifestyle inspiration.) to heart while promoting and ensuring the ethical treatment of animals?

Of course. There are always new ways to promote the ethical treatment of animals in our world and we appreciate the many ways there are to do it. We are very thankful to Miseducated for showing us a unique, colorful and whimsical way and we look forward to working together much more in the future. Thank you!

Thank you again, PETA! Miseducated is very excited to have teamed up with you and to be collaborating on more projects in the future. We adore you, what you do for us and most of all for our furry soul mates! XOX

Visit PETA online for more information about how you can support animals.

Business Features

Indy Three Dog Bakery is a Perfect Pooch Patisserie


Three Dog Bakery (that’s right — it’s a bakery for dogs) is one of my favorite little shops in Indianapolis, Indiana. I happen to be lucky enough to live right in between Mass Ave and Broad Ripple Village which are two of their three Indiana locations. The 3rd is located in Hamilton at the Hamilton Town Center and is the largest of the 3 locations. Both of the Indy district locations are in the perfect spots to catch any number of human and canine foot traffic out for a daily walk or jog. Not only do they cater to dogs but dogs are always welcome to come inside to shop and have a free cookie and some attention from the super sweet employees. Often times owners claim their dogs drag them the whole stroll upon realizing they’re anywhere near the dog bakery. It’s no secret that Three Dog Bakery happens to be many Indy dogs’ absolute favorite spot to wag their tails.

Three Dog Bakery offers dog and cat foods and treats with all-natural, holistic and human-grade ingredients that contain no chemicals, artificial ingredients or by-products. They are not connected to nor affected by the expansive Pet Food Recall.

“As part of our commitment, we have gone to great lengths to ensure that all products are produced in a clean, inspected facility in order to prevent harmful toxins from tainting ingredients. Ultra Premium is the standard we set. For instance, the wheat in our food is manufactured in the heart of the U.S. Wheat Belt at a facility that makes human-quality wheat. In fact, all of our ingredients come from the U.S., and most are produced right in the heart of the Midwest. Even our chicken is 100% USDA approved, human-quality chicken.”

Their mission is to fresh-bake the world’s best dog biscuits and give dog lovers everywhere a healthy, all-natural, bone-ified treat to give their favorite four legged friends.

So don’t hesitate to grab a leash for your pup and stop by a Three Dog Bakery today to enjoy their excellent products and customer service first hand.

Indiana Locations

Broad Ripple Village
844 Broad Ripple Ave.
Indianapolis, IN 46220

Mass Ave (Downtown Indianapolis)
444 Massachusetts Ave.
Indianapolis, IN 46204

Hamilton Town Center
13904 Town Center Blvd.
Suite 200
Noblesville, IN 46060

Website | Indy Website | Twitter | Facebook

Business Features

New Business Cards: VistaPrint is my VistaPrince


I recently had some new business cards printed. It’s been quite a while. I had a box of cards left with a wrong number from 7+ years ago and another box of cards that were simply for design AND not as clean as I’d like. I wanted a new card to promote myself AND mainly Miseducated. I had been featuring many businesses lately and finding new affiliates yet my card did not portray the importance of this whimsical land. Thus, my new cards were born promoting our beloved blog on the front and myself on the back which is really just more Miseducated brand. I’m VERY pleased with them and a lot of other recent orders for my store materials so I had to write a little post honoring their service in case there are others looking for a place to print.

I’m sure if you are a professional of any sort online then you’ve heard of VistaPrint before while scrolling amongst the tons of searches for print companies and inexpensive business cards. I first learned about them many years ago when a friend ordered their free business cards, found out I can completely customize my order in every way and have been hooked since. I use them for most, if not all, of my professionally printed business materials and I have never been disappointed. I have in fact ordered the wrong item before and they fixed it immediately. I have had a slight error in the past and I received the correct item free of charge in a flash. I also prefer MOO cards but with the inexpensive quality and quantity that VistaPrint offers I most often turn to them for basic business printed materials. I highly recommend VistaPrint to all of my art and design friends and have heard very similar reviews. My boyfriend uses them, my best friends use them. If you’re looking for something done right and affordable this is where you go. And here’s a few VistaPrint coupon codes for even better print deals.

If you’re interested in ordering materials from VistaPrint or another print company but need an affective and original design for yourself or your brand do not hesitate to ask me. I’m always open to discussing new projects with readers and helping you out in any way that I am able to.

Business Features Self Decoration

Bando: Bows From Your Hair to Your Toes


I have recently fallen in love with Bando, a shop which has adorable bows for your hair, clothes, toes, allover! They also have these absolutely delicious candy-coated chiffon pompoms for your shoes~ “These adorable silk chiffon pom pom shoe clips were inspired by cotton candy clouds and bon bon pillows.” ~ Bando

The story behind their shop is as cute as the brand itself; they urge you to spurge on yourself once in awhile and I’m going to have to. Better yet they offered us an adorable gift for our next giveaway this Spring so you’ll have a chance to win something beautiful from their shop.