
Are NFTs Stupid and Bad for the Environment?


I’ve been noticing that a lot of people either don’t really understand NFTs, or mock them because they think it’s a silly (10 Reasons Why NFTs Are Stupid). This leads me to believe those who don’t understand them don’t fully understand selling art, digital art, or prints. Yes, I sell prints in my store. Some people even sell clip-art and design sets that are solely digital. Can people simply choose to right click, save as, and print them? Yes. Can they hang it on their wall without me knowing? Yes. Can they put them on their website? Well, they can, but then I can have it taken down if I really want to fight it. Unfortunately, this happens so often to digital artists that it’s a given. The theft of digital art is nothing new.

As many will point out as a deterrent to NFT-buying, can people right click and copy your NFT? Yes. Can they add it to their private wallet? Yes. Can they put a stolen NFT in a wallet where everyone can see? No. Why? Because you can easily prove they are not the owner based on the file information and their accounts will be banned from whatever NFT marketplace/website (Ex: OpenSea, Rarible, and they are displaying them on. Your wallet holds your NFTs and currency. If you buy from reputable artists and galleries — it’s yours and you can look at it or display it. You can display it in a digital frame, display it online, display it offline, whatever. It’s your digital print. Depending on what you bought it will either be 1/1 or a multiple 1/x (but that specific print number will be yours, similar to buying a real life numbered print).

One of my NFTs.

The Climate Controversy Swirling Around NFTs is another point brought up to disincentivize people about getting involved with them. “When someone makes, buys, or sells an NFT using Ethereum, they’re responsible for some of the emissions generated by those miners. What’s still up for debate is whether NFTs are significantly increasing emissions from Ethereum or if they’re just taking on responsibility for emissions that would have been generated by miners anyway.”

Does the selling and creation of art digital and non digital alike effect the environment? Yes. What are the main environmental impacts of a contemporary work of art?

Figuring out the culpability of NFTs is a little like calculating your share of emissions from a commercial plane flight.

Joseph Pallant, founder of the nonprofit Blockchain for Climate Foundation

In a time where more of us are using virtual reality headset (Around 171 million people are already using VR in some way today, XR Today) or carrying around digital photos and currency on our phones; this is inevitable. Artists are always trying to survive and thrive through whatever technology changes occur. Offering original works physically as well as digitally is just smart..

Diary Visual Splendor

Our Anniversary Weekend Away in the Country


To briefly preface this, this is the first time I’ve been away from Beatrice overnight. She’s two and a half. We decided, since it’s coronavirus life and mainly because we have never been apart, that we would just go to the country and stay in our cabin for our yearly anniversary trip. Our cabin is on a little secluded hill in a next to a small pond. We’ve never been there without our baby.

One of my anniversary gifts!

When we go to the cabin we like to wear our “cabin clothes” or what we deem as a country style. LOL. My style is mostly the same except I have a Hello Kitty camping themed backpack that I use and I’ll wear a pastel flannel occasionally.

While out in the forest, I found Turkey Tail, a healthy mushroom you can use to make tea. I made a spiced tea with it when we got home. David’s was black tea and mine was green.

We rode our 4-wheeler that we got exclusively because we wanted fun, silly things to do at our cabin, and found a beach on the White River. The river is not super clean near cities. I wouldn’t say it’s safe to swim in even away from them. It’s sad. But also confusing why when traveling on dirt roads in the country we found a big sandy beach completely undisturbed!! We relaxed here for awhile. I always bring snacks and things to do. It was perfect.

It seemed so long and so short at the same time but I know that I needed the break. We even went to a town about an hour away (Bloomington) and ate at one of my favorite restaurants, Chow Bar, and a cute coffee/juice place called Soma that I featured in the past.

At Chow Bar, I asked if I could order sesame balls and they were happy to make them off-menu (they used to have them and all of these pretty buns and bao on their amazing buffet) and I was elated).

My husband used to live here. Bloomington is another nice city-ish place to live in Indiana. It feels like a cute district of Indianapolis only it’s over an hour away,  but it’s not like an acutal city. The State college is there. A great thing is they are very forward-thinking, and there are a lot of cute shops and diverse restaurants, that even Indy doesn’t have. Sadly, of course, it looks as though coronavirus has taken down some of the cute vintage stores there such as, Cactus Flower.

One of the cutest parts of our trip was that we had to bring our, not one, but TWO dogs with us to the cabin. One of them is new to the family so she cries while I’m away. I’ve started taking them everywhere. Walking them around the forest and being surrounded by them at night was definitely a highlight. Even now I’m writing as I drink my coffee in the forest watching the sun come up and while, on each side, a small Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is sleeping quietly.

Business Features

Bodhi, Thai Me Up, and Being Inspired


I originally created this website/blog in the late 90s (ack!) because I wanted to share the awe-influencing things I see around my part of world (and my travels) so we can be inspired together. I stopped featuring places a lot, and don’t blog much except for inspiring photos, but… this place was pretty cute! The plant wall was inclusive of 2 monstera deliciosas and the patio was surrounded by vines, lights, and bamboo.

My eve during the week to go out alone and to hang with a friend is Wednesday — it makes for the perfect middle of the week re-center and is a great time to catch up with best friends. I have a toddler, a preteen, 3 bonus kids, and 3 jobs — haha. It’s hard to take breaks for art or fun but so important.

Bodhi is an adorable Thai Bistro Bar with delicious Thai food, craft cocktails, craft beer, and loads of plants.

Bodhi is located at located at 922 Massachusetts Avenue – Indianapolis (at the northeast end of Mass Ave adjacent to the Bottleworks District).

Visual Splendor

Mew for Today: Pastels Cheer Me Up


I love to curate content and inspirations most of all.

That’s all I can really seem to do with the blog lately. I’m inspired and in love with many things as always, but don’t have a lot to say.

Stay healthy~ xx

Mew for Today Visual Splendor

Mew for Today: Tuesday Tea & Baby Pink


It’s not Monday, but it still seems far from Friday.


It doesn’t blow my hair back with force, but it is full of opportunity for finding treats, teas, and treasures. My favorite new Tuesday ritual is to make a mood/inspiration board to inspire myself for the rest of the week~

Go on and make a cup of TUESDAY TEA while you look for inspiring mood board photos~



Can I Get You a Pikachu Happy Meal or a Tamagotchi?


Funny story, long ago I redesigned my Live Journal (back when Live Journal was a thing) with a McDonalds theme. At the time there was also a guy who was infamous for trashing other people’s work on his own blog to their own horror.

Well, my McDonalds blog was certainly featured front and center. However, I was honored. Most of the things I post online are in sarcasm anyway, if you know me, so the press was simply appreciated.

I realized today that I haven’t updated here with any of my newer products so this post is a shameless spill of pins and tees.

Also, side note, would anyone like it if I made and posted original phone wallpapers like the old days?

I hope you enjoy. xx

Artist & Designer Features

Selkie’s Sunscreen Dream Couture Candle


Feel like the belle of he beach at home~

Selkie’s first scent, a sweet, nostalgic tribute to summer. There is nothing quite like the feeling of summer, the memories of warm nights, long swims and new love.


12oz  100% soy wax

Top Notes

Nostalgia (toys, floaties) Sunscreen bathed skin, Jasmine

Bottom Notes

Cedar Wood, Amber, Lime, Soap