It’s that time again for all of the glitziest, most sparkling parties to dust our city with their crystalline love for the passing of time and in celebration of the New Year! This coming year happens to look very exciting for me for several reasons. One because 13 is my lucky number, somehow I always get dealt 13 whether it’s my locker or another random number. Another because 2012 was one of the absolute worst years of my life, actually it WAS the worst year of my life hands down for reasons those close to me know and that I will discuss further in the future. And lastly because the end of 2012 has been surprising me with the absolute best gifts I could ever imagine receiving. Not only is the future glistening brightly in my eyes but I’m really excited to start the New Year with the new love of my life.
So what better way to start this New Year than with 10 grand resolutions to bring even more health and happiness into my life? Why don’t you join me and craft a few of your own to share? Together we might even inspire even others to start their own resolutions and to actually hold themselves accountable for them! I know I will because I’ve gotten much more disciplined this year. There’s nothing like losing everything to bring what’s really important (health, love and happiness) to the surface!
As you probably know New Years resolutions are quick to become a subject of the past. They fade away as the days of the New Year linger on and new opportunities occur. The most common reason we forget about our resolutions or leave them behind is due to the unrealistic goals we have set for ourselves in anticipation of quick changes.
Tips for Succeeding
- 1. Keep your resolutions realistic and achievable.
- 2. Share them with a friend not for accountability but for encouragement.
- 3. Focus on changes you’ve been planning to make for awhile.
“John Norcross of the University of Scranton concluded that 75% of resolution-makers will be successful in mid-January, 50% will still be sticking to it by the end of the month and 40%-46% can claim success six months out.” – USA TODAY
My Resolutions for 2013
- 1. To have my *gulp* divorce finalized and custody agreed upon.
- 2. To publish one or more of my books I’ve been endlessly putting off.
- 3. To blog at least twice a week, publish articles/interviews that have been waiting and put much more effort into Miseducated now that my life is whole.
- 4. To continue to grow more serious in my beautiful relationship.
- 5. To organize and spring clean our entire home.
- 6. To produce more work for myself, collaborations and for clients.
- 7. To lose 5-10 pounds, eat healthier and exercise more.
- 8. To grow even more spiritual and study religion further.
- 9. To list the new items I’ve been dutifully creating for the shop.
- 10. To obtain a larger vehicle (kid count grew from 1 to 4 this past year!).
What are yours?