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Mise en Snap Visual Splendor

Mise en Snap: White Oleander and DIY Inspiration


I had the luck of watching one of my favorites recently and decided to take photos of more delicious mise-en-scenes to oogle at later and to show you. This movie was originally a novel by Janet Fitch and was later -after being turned into a screen play- directed by Peter Kosminsky. Although movies from books are commonly *sniffle* trash this one was quite good and had more than a few visual gems for me to appreciate. I believe it should not remain unsaid that the lovely Alison Lohman is absolutely perfection on screen here, either, just as much perfection as Michelle Pfeiffer is (in the movie) and still just beginning to sparkle into a star. It is about how toxic a mother and daughter relationship can sometimes be.


the kitchen

electric daisy

painting butterflies
*hint* make your own lovely goodies and sell them at a local market stall 😮

market stall


suitcase art

Suitcase your Memories

movie inspiration
The character’s suitcase art was really interesting to me as well, they were almost like collages and memory jars as an art form within old suitcases. Why not try to find a cheap, old suitcase at your local thrift store and create a very large sort of locket of a favorite memory or time in your life? Add scraps from it, sketches, drawings, everything you don’t want to lose. Decorate it with colors, patterns, words, letters, paintings, textures.. open it and put these special items on display whenever you’re feeling nostalgic rather than keeping them tucked into a jewelry box and rarely admired.

Visual Splendor

A Little Apartment in South Korea Tour


Miseducated loves to see inside the walls of cozy apartment. How is it decorated? What unique features does it have? A person’s home says so much about them, that’s why Miseducated girls come from unique little nooks all over the world.

Now, let’s go on an official tour of Wendy Gould’s apartment in South Korea.

Want to give a tour of your home or your favorite place? Contact Miseducated and we’ll take a look and let you know if we’re interested in featuring your spot!


DIY Interior Ideas for Your Spare Room


Those of us who are fortunate to have a spare bedroom know that figuring out what to do with it can be tricky. More often than not, this room is a sight for sore eyes – full of random “keepsakes” and loads of junk. Either that or it’s a combination of an office and work out area (that just so happens to have a bed in it).

spare rooms

Here are a few ideas to help jump start your thinking process. See if any catch your eye!

An at-home Gym

How many times have you intended to work out after/before work but didn’t end up making it to the gym? Well, a home-gym is a great way to motivate you to work out. After all, it’s hard to get up early enough to drive to the gym and the last thing you want to do after a long day at work is head off to your local work-out facility.

An at-home gym is convenient for many reasons and you’re more likely to use the machinery if you’ve got a nice room designated for such activity!

A quiet/relaxation room

This room should whisper “serene” every time you walk inside it. Paint the walls a muted color that’s easy on the eyes. Fill it will soft, plush furniture, candles and lots of books or drawing/painting supplies. An indoor water fountain would be a great addition, too. Allow yourself to melt away in this sacred space with books, crafts, meditation and even sleep.

A toy room for children

If you have children who frequent your house, this is a great idea. Paint the walls a cheery color and even add some bright/child-like decals on the wall. I remember my grandmother’s playroom had several dresses filled with dress-up clothes, jewelry and accessories. Add a few books shelves and lots of stuffed animals/games. Another benefit of having a special room for children to play in (aside from you playing in the room and pretending you are a kid again) is that the mess stays there. Also, everything has its place so it’s easier to tidy up when they are finished playing.

spare room

A bar lounge

Turn your spare room into a bar/lounge, especially if you like entertaining company! It’s completely utilitarian and inspires you to invite guests, too! Make sure you have seating (be it around a table or casual lounge chairs/sofas) and plenty of sturdy tables to place drinks and food. Create a room that allows people to move freely, schmooze and relax. Avoid placing a TV in this room as it’s not conducive to conversation!

A gaming room

This is targeted to the gentlemen reading, but even a woman can enjoy a game room! Add a pool table, air hockey or a foosball table as your main feature and then add other games, too. Be sure to include a nice table for playing board games! You could go retro with arcade games or old Nintendo or you could jump into the future with more up-to-date gaming consoles (like the Wii). This is great for entertaining and sure to be a hit with friends and family.

A movie room

Whether you’re a movie buff or simply like to watch movies, go all out with this one! If you have the means, purchase a nice television and surround sound system. Add (really) comfortable sofas or chairs that are great for movie-watching and a few tables to set food/drinks. As for decoration, you could go with a genre theme. For example, a 40s theme with lots of movie posters, quotes, etc.

A library

This is great for those of us who always have our nose in a book! It’s also nice for those who wish their nose was in a book more often! Make this room one that you can relax in. Soft colors, plush seating and great lighting. Then, add lots and lots of bookshelves and fill those babies with books! You can even organize the books however you like: by genre, by author, etc. One thing that may be interesting for decoration is framed book covers or pictures of your favorite authors!

Visual Splendor

Adoring the Interiors of Amelie


You may have noticed the heavily magical and saturated imagery in Amelie by Jean-Pierre Jeunet. It was an eye candy carousel for my mind and I can’t watch it enough. It actually started me on a kick of running to Mass Ave Video to rent every cute, feminine, French film I could find in hopes to see more of this style. I found a few gems and one of them actually is a bit like this, magical and sweet: Love Me if you Dare.

Below I’ve captured some delightful interior shots from the film Amelie. Enjoy the quaint decor and be inspired by the tiny interiors of Paris radiating huge personality.








Visual Splendor

Lala’s Kitschy Paradise and Thrifting Tips


Something I noticed when first talking with Lala is that she is a different kind of girl. She has so many amazing, random interests that it’s hard to focus, when talking to her, solely on thrift shopping and her amazing home. She plays the drums, bass guitar and even customizes hot rods in her spare time!
In the past she has owned her own ‘Studio 54’ disco club and edited, published and wrote for dozens of underground magazines.

To say that she is interesting is an understatement and now Miseducated gets the inside scoop on her most prominent hobby and her fabulous home.


What is it about thrift shopping that gets you going?


“Definitely the thrill of the hunt! You never know what’s waiting on that table or in that box on the ground. At any moment you can find a treasure you’ve searched for five years, or you can go forever just having fun looking. It’s a great outing, can be great exercise and is the perfect way to spend time with friends.”


How would you encourage someone to go thrifting if they had never been?


“Just about everyone collects something, so pointing out that any collection can benefit by a good thrifting trip is the first step to getting someone into the thrifting mood. A trip to a large antique mall, or a flea market that is known for vintage and antique items is ideal. You’ll be amazed with what a trip down memory lane a thrifting outing can bring.”


What tips would you give someone who has never gone?


“If you’ve never been to say, a flea market before, or any antique venue, really– just ask your friends and relatives if they have any recommendations of good places to shop in your area. There are also flea market finders and antique store guides online, which are very helpful if you don’t know where to shop in your area.
Make a little ‘wish list’ in your head of what you would like to bring home with you at the day’s end, and tell anyone who goes with you what you’re after. It’s great fun to look for your friends, as well as yourself.”


What are some of your favorite finds?


“Some of my favorite finds are things I didn’t even realize I would enjoy so much when I initially bought them. Little jewelry boxes, a small ceramic deer or a yard of colorful fabric can turn into something that puts a smile on your face each time you see them.
It’s always nice to find a good buy, too. When you find something that you thought was out of your price range for a real bargain, it can make a piece even more special.”


You claim your house is authentic to the 60s’, tell us about it. What are your favorite pieces in your home?


“My house was built in 1960, and luckily some of the original lighting fixtures and other features are still present.
You have to remember, the 1960s were the golden age of the space-chase and “atomic” era. My grandparents who built the house spared no expense with placing the modern conveniences of the time into the house.
Some of the neat things that are still intact are an intercom system throughout the house that also can also double as a room-to-room stereo system, sputnik chandeliers, and electric switches located upstairs that can “pop” open & unlock the front and downstairs door. The stairwell banisters are also original and contain a popular 1950s “color block” pattern in very distinctive colors.
The craziest thing is probably the elevator. Yes, there is an elevator in my house that was installed in the late 1960s. It still works! Everyone can’t get over it. That’s why I love old houses– so much character!”


What is your favorite piece of furniture?


“My favorite piece of furniture is a great blue swivel bucket chair from the early 1960s. It was bought for under fifty dollars from an antique mall in Virginia. It’s perfect.


What are your favorite resources for kitsch and vintage?


“Estate sales! A decent one is so hard to come by, but if you can find one with the style of items you’re after– they are unmatchable! I can be like a kid in a candy store in the opening minutes of a great estate. Bargains galore and incredible finds!”


What makes your home special?


“How many people can say they’ve lived in the same house there entire life? Most people can’t wait to move away from home when they “grow up.” I couldn’t wait to grow up and “inherit” my childhood home. The house was built in 1960 by my grandparents and has always been the center of attention in my hometown. In the ‘60s, a few of my uncles’ friends– the too-hip rock band, The Royal Guardsmen even held band practice in the downstairs rec-room. I’m currently trying to restore it to where it authentically looks as if you have stepped into the era that it was built.”


What is your advice to readers looking for the vintage, kitschy feel?


“Flea markets, thrift stores, antique malls, garage sales, auctions & estate sales are all great places to find authentic vintage items. The best advice for any purchase you make it to buy what you like, then you’ll always be able to relate to your atmosphere.”


What did you try to do in your home?


“That’s funny you should ask, I just repainted my bedroom a light lavender two weeks ago.
Currently I’m trying to “lighten” my house up a bit. I had dark orange and deep purple walls which were quite odd when you think about it. A can of paint can change the entire feel of a room. Sometimes if paint can’t help there are other solutions. For example, I couldn’t get the color of my living room walls ‘just right’ so I made an entire wall mirrored.
I try to never steal design ideas, but after seeing Elvis’ basement party room with wall to wall mirrors, I had to cop the idea. He was a man of great style!”


What else inspires your decor? Do you read any decor information?


“I’m actually inspired by the items I find. I’ve been known to even build an entire room around one item. I collect vintage fabrics, textiles and crafting supplies whenever I run across them at thrift stores and yard sales. I save them and whenever I get the urge or the need for a new item, I try to make it myself. I pride myself in trying to be original and having one-of-a-kind items. I’ve learned the best way to achieve that is to make it yourself.”

Create a Record Bowl


Can you teach us how to create anything ‘fab’, or point us in the direction of how to create something kitsch for our home?


“Here’s a really easy tip that can change a room’s whole appearance almost instantly. An old trick for instant art in the 1960s was to take a canvas frame and staple a piece of bright colorful fabric that you love, especially one that has an exciting pattern to it. I see copies of this style in decor stores now for well-over fifty dollars, when it is easy-as-pie to create your own for practically pennies. Plus, when you make it yourself– you pick the size, shape and pattern.

Record bowls make great conversation pieces, instant works of art, and great places to keep odds-and-ends! They are also pretty simple and fun to make. Follow these directions and you will have your very own record bowl in near-to-no time!

First of all you need to choose a record to make your bowl out of. A good choice is to find a newer VINYL record– ones that still have a little static cling when you run your hand over them work best. A neat twist you can try is to use colored vinyl! Colored vinyl, especially a few different colored record bowls in different sizes (7”, 10”, 12”) on a table together look really awesome!

Your first step in actually making your bowl will be preheating your oven to 350ˆ F.

Next put an oven-safe bowl slightly smaller than the record you are using on a cookie sheet on lowest shelf of the oven. Once the oven is nice-and-hot, use oven mitts to balance your record on top of the bowl in the oven.

After three or four minutes start checking for the record’s sides to start drooping over the sides of the bowl.

When the sides drop, carefully remove the whole record/bowl/cookie sheet from the oven. Now, pinch your record into the shape that you wish your bowl to be in, then leave it to cool.

If you happen to make a mistake, put your project back in the oven and start over again.

Enjoy your bowl!”


Thank you for sharing your fabulous style and crafty project with us, Lala. Any last words for our readers?


“Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to talk about the things I love most! I hope that no matter what your style is that you have great success with creating a unique ambiance that makes you happy.”

Don’t forget to visit Lala’s official website for more kitschy-vintage fun!