Visual Splendor

Moblog: The First of Many?


Hello friends! I’m testing out WordPress’s blogging application for mobile blogging so I can see just how well it works.

Sometimes you just have to blog on the go! I’m afraid however that my obsession with post formatting won’t allow me to stick with it! Let’s see if I can take you along on my daily adventures as they happen! In fact I’ve had to format it already so it’s not actually mobile blogging! eeeek.

Here you can see some of my daily life.. my home, myself and wherever I may be going.

Let me know what you think! Xo

20110513-024048.jpg 20110513-024111.jpg 20110513-024139.jpg 20110513-024159.jpg 20110513-024226.jpg 20110523-113633.jpg 20110523-113655.jpg 20110523-113706.jpg

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  • Reply Irit 05/24/2011 at 7:59 pm

    I like it! And I think you’re very pretty. 😀 😈

  • Reply Jessmarie 05/24/2011 at 11:44 pm

    Cute! Keep moblogging, I love the pics! 🙂 😎

    • Reply Amber Renée 05/26/2011 at 4:04 pm

      Thank you both, you’re so sweet. I’ve always wished I could moblog in the past so it’s really a treat.

  • Reply Christian Hollingsworth 05/27/2011 at 7:52 am

    It looks like it’s working well. I don’t know if I could use it much either – as I’m obsessed over formatting everything properly. Maybe for my personal blog I’ll try it out – but certainly not the professional ones. The posts are just TOO long for that type of work.

  • Reply Hannah 05/28/2011 at 4:21 pm

    love the collection of photos, those green tights in the last picture look amazing! I would get annoyed with lack of post formatting in a mobile app too haha

    Bow Dream Nation xx

  • Reply Sarah at Temporary:Secretary 05/28/2011 at 4:43 pm

    Thank you so much for the blog comment, I am so glad that people stop by and leave comments because i get to discover AWESOME blogs like yours. I love it – it’s right up my street!! Kawaii and cute! I heart you! x

  • Reply Ryuluna 11/11/2011 at 10:49 pm

    oooo! Instagram!

    I do a lot of mobile blogging too! Glad I am not the only one!!

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