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Rainbowlicious Starbright Gumdrop Surprise Cake


Today I had the pleasure of having lunch with my my mom.
We usually discuss all sorts of off the wall things but today she told me about my first birthday..
I don’t have a lot of memories from my childhood (and I surely could have never remembered my first birthday).
You see I’ve been planning Colette’s first birthday, I’m not sure where I want it to be but I know I want it to be as colorful and magical for her as my mom always tried to make life for me.
My mom loved rainbows and unicorns when I was a little girl so they flood my memories of my youth and I learned that on my first birthday I had a star-shaped orange cake with rainbow gumdrops baked inside.
Doesn’t that sound splendid?

So now I’m on a mission to find a recipe to such an amazing, kitschy sounding cake that must have made my day once long ago.
It wasn’t a fruit cake which most gumdrop recipes tend to be (yuck).. so I’m thinking a tasty lemon or orange cake recipe with a cup of gumdrops (cut them in half and *discard* the black licorice ones!) added would do the trick!
Use a star pan and viola you have your very own rainbowlicious surprise cake!

I can’t seem to gather my thoughts long enough to write a sensible entry~ I apologize for all the wonkiness.

Do you have memories from your childhood (either heard or remembered) that you believe shaped who you are today?

Visual Splendor

Tanabata, the Star Festival of Love in Japan


Tanabata (evening of the 7th) is a Japanese star festival filled with sweets, wonder and a pride that cannot be explained.

According to the precious legend, the Milky Way (a river made from stars that crosses the sky), separates the lovers Orihime (Vega) and Hikoboshi (Altair). They are allowed to meet once a year on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month (July). This is the day of the Tanabata festival, when we can celebrate a tale of love in a festival or carnival setting.

My host sister knew I would love the festival so we decided grab our cameras and go.

Upon arriving I realized I was in the starry sky floating along the Milky Way because I was absolutely amazed with the lights, floats and bright colors surrounding us.

Take a look around.. I’m sure you’ll enjoy yourself! I know we did.


tanabata entrance
I remember seeing a doll on camera here..
my excitement exploded into the bright colors you see everywhere.
look away
Where should we go first??
candy stand



catch one for me

banana rama

light bright

candy strawberry
Candy strawberries, candy Mickey’s and milky candy apples!
bouncy falls

rainbow liquid

candy floats

catch one for me

cotton candy for me

snard river

balloon animals


night bright

the end

Self Decoration

Graphic Makeup


Does makeup matter? It matters as much or as little as you want it to. It can be as lovely, nude and natural as you like.. or it can be as out loud exciting as an lighting bolt. I like love it when people take things to the next level when using graphics and design to decorate their faces and bodies. YES PLEASE. YESYESYES.

Be sure to check out the step-by-step makeup tutorials in the Japanese magazine scans as well as some artist photos and tutorials below~

Makeup is a magic mask of color just waiting for you to get creative and change the rules. Wear it to a rave or, if you like to march to the beat of your own drum like most of us do, wear it to get groceries whenever you feel the need!

Decadent Makeup Here & There

From all around the world, cartoon, model or artist.. we like our makeup loud and clear.

Merci to the wonderful Audrey Kitching for her own love of the Miseducated lifestyle. She makes us so proud we could burst.

80s-inspired Magic Makeup

Courtesy of the amazing Bethany.

Colorful & Creative Makeup

This last colorful and creative makeup tutorial is by the wonderful Rebecca. Living a Miseducated life to her means, “Be yourself, never stop learning & never hold back on your creativity.”
