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penpal club

Visual Splendor

Snail Mail Me to the Wall, Penpals


Few things make me happier than receiving a handwritten letter. I love snail mail. A lot. I love penpals, I love envelopes, I love bubble packs, I love zines (as you know). Throughout my life I’ve had tons of snail mail friends, both friends I only knew by conversing via letters and friends who live far enough away that to give them gifts requires a trip to the post office. My very first penpal (besides school friends that moved away) was a girl I wrote as a kid from Finland. I got her as a penpal through this snail mail elementary school project and we SO loved swapping photos and decorated letters. After awhile I had so many penpals I was sending gifts to that it was becoming quite an expensive hobby plus I was so busy in college that I backed off quite a bit.

I miss them — the decos, FBs and lovely decorated letters and packages. I’ve got a few long-distance friends that I need to write back and I’m inspired to find a few more to write soon. If you’re interested just let me know and I’ll try to fit you in~ also let me know if you’re interested in receiving a package of decos to send on!

P.S. Remember the old Penpal Cafe we have for finding penpals? I find one of my favorite ways to find new penpals is just asking long-distance friends if they’d like to swap letters and mail art. Have fun!

Mail Books/Zines

HappymaildayzinebyJennaTempleton(c)2014Happy Mail Day
by Jenna Templeton

51lge1f4UKLSnail Mail: Rediscovering the Art and Craft of Handmade Correspondence
by Michelle Mackintosh

Mail Art

by Nasya Kopteva

by Omiyage Blogs

by Boheme Circus

by Super Kitina

Snail Mail: Tip Mini Series #2 by Nadia van der Mescht


Download So-Net Postpet 2001


iana eats

Now you can download your favorite emailing virtual pet at Miseducated! We have version 2.1 in English for PC (Windows) only. For other versions, please visit the Official Postpet Website!

If you’re lost or need help, please let me know!
You will need an email for your Postpet (get one at Gmail).

Absolutely, there are a lot of new things to learn
so if you’re unfamiliar with postpet it can be a little confusing!
For one, you need an email server that allows use by insecure (old) apps.

Are you ready to download Postpet?
I only sell snacks here, oops!! Please visit Momo for the download!

Have you decided which pet you will adopt?
Postpet (17294 downloads )

.. and don’t forget to take some snacks with you!
Postpet Snacks (25511 downloads )

Postpet Directory

What fun is postpet without friends to mail?
Just submit your pet’s name, race, and email to be listed asap!
Updated and current as of: June 16, 2022

Momo Bear
Momo | unknown | momobear [@]







For more information, visit another current user here!

If you leave your information, let others know you’re a member! Maybe you’ll have some new Postpet friends popping in to say hello!

“PostPet” is a trademark of the Sony Communication Network Corporation (So-net).
Copyright 1996-2022 Sony Communication Network Corporation. All rights reserved.