Miseducated has been bestowed the One Lovely Blog Award by Rachael from Glass of Win.
Of course I had quite a blast rummaging through new and old blogs alike looking for a great list a favorites that you would enjoy. I’m really excited about this award because it gets bloggers communicating with other bloggers and that’s always a great and positive thing! Hurrah for all of the wonderful ladies out there that are creatively blogging. This one’s for you!
Accept the Award
As acceptance of this award, the following criteria should be met
Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award and his or her blog link.
Pass the award to 15 other lovely blogs.
Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.

Please take me.
Lovely Blogs
1. Thompson Family Blog
2. Twinkiechan
3. Shrinkle
4. PaperCakes Finds
5. Pugly Pixel
6. Print & Pattern
7. Retro Plants
8. Gnome-N-Birdy
9. Liefgeval
10. Pink Bow
11. Bakerella
12. Smile and Wave
13. Vol.25
14. The Pink Couch
15. Polka Dot Robot