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Design Your Life

Book Review: ‘The Secret’ Starts Motivation


For the past few weeks, my life hasn’t really been what I’ve wanted. I was starting to feel distant from my friends, unmotivated in my classes, and just generally down in the dumps. The end of the semester left me drained, and I was looking for something that would turn my mood around. When I heard The Secret(by Rhonda Byrne) mentioned on a talk show, I became instantly intrigued. From how it was described, this book talked about how thinking positively can bring about instantaneous changes in your life. If you live your life based on The Secret, you can have whatever you want, whether that is love, money, health, or opportunity.

So I thought to myself: Love? Money? Happiness? Just by thinking? Count me in! I picked up a copy of The Secret from the bookstore on campus and started reading it right away. It starts with introducing what the secret is. According to this book, the secret to living is the law of attraction. Thoughts attract like thoughts. If you are thinking about being sad, the Universe will think you want MORE sad things to think about, so those will be delivered to you. Well, that made sense to me, so I kept reading. It then proceeded to explain how thanking the Universe in advance will bring things into existence. For example, if you are sick, say to the Universe “Thank you for making me healthy.” The Universe will see that you are grateful and deliver on that health. Also, if you pretend you have what you want, you will soon have it in real life. If you visualize the life you want to have, that will be the life you WILL have. Sounds easy enough right?

Well I decided to put the secret to the test. I figured I would just aim for small things, since those come into existence quicker. For my first test, I wanted to see if I could get attention from a boy I have been interested in. I visualized myself with him for a few minutes then went back to my day. About ten minutes later, I got a text from said boy. Coincidence? Maybe. But wait, there’s more. Over the past few days, he has been paying a lot of attention to me. More texts, hanging out, instant messaging. Other than the visualization, I haven’t done anything to attract this attention. So for test one, I declared success.

My other test was incredibly small. I was having some pain in my foot as I went to sleep last night, and the pain was keeping me awake. I began thanking the universe for keeping my body pain-free. Almost instantly, the pain in my foot went away. By this point, my faith in the secret was definitely building.

I plan on utilizing this secret more and more, and I’m interested to see how things turn out. If you believe in the power of positive thinking, I would recommend picking up a copy and trying it for yourself. And if you have any interesting stories about how the secret worked for you, I would love to hear them!

Design Your Life

How to Look Good and Feel Great


One important way to getting your life on track and going the way you want it to go is by keeping healthy. But for a second, forget about all the vitamins, potions, and shots that everyone says you need to keep going strong. The one easy (and fun!) way to keep yourself running like a tank is by exercising. And exercising not only keeps you healthy and fit, it can keep you looking hot!

I know, I know. You’re tired of people telling you to get your butt to the gym all the time. You think lifting weights is boring. I agree. You think running on the treadmill (literally) gets you nowhere. I also agree. I used to DESPISE going to the gym. And I do mean despise. My hall mates actually had to pick me up out of my bed and carry me to the door to get me to go to the gym with them. But when I realized I was falling victim to the dreaded “freshmen fifteen” last year, I knew something had to be done.

Getting in the habit of exercising is all about finding what exercises not only work for you but which ones you love as well. It could be all well and good that the StairMaster whips your thighs into shape, but if you dread doing it then you’ll be more likely to quit working out. I’m not gonna lie, it will take a little bit of time experimenting to find out what exercises you enjoy.

Have a cat? Cat Yoga!

It took me a few months to finally discover my thing, which happens to be cycling classes. But once I found them, I seriously fell in love. I go almost every day, and cycling not only burns a TON of calories, but the classes are fun too! They go by really quickly, and when I leave the gym I have so much more energy than I had when I got there.

Overall, I still despise the gym in general. But never again will I have to resort to attempting to lift weights in a room full of overly-buff boys, or spend 45 minutes running to nowhere on a treadmill. I found what works for me, and I really enjoy it. Since I’ve started working out on a regular basis, I have a lot more energy than I had before. Not only that, but in the midst of this awful flu and cold season, I haven’t gotten sick!

Many gyms have free trial memberships where you can check out the various classes they have to offer. Take my word for it. Go to your local gym, pick up a trial pass, and see what works for you! It could be something totally unexpected, like belly dancing or karate, but if you enjoy it and you’re getting a good workout, that’s all that matters.

Escapeland Thankful for Monday

Thankful for Monday: Web Gratitude


Gratitude journals are an easy task to add to your day that actually improves your happiness and gratefulness overtime. You begin take notice of what’s really important when you start writing down five things per day that you are thankful for.. whether you have a lot to be thankful for or not so many things.. it should help you evaluate what’s really important in your life for your happiness.

I definately keep a gratitude journal on my iPhone, it even lets you rate the day and attach a photo — great idea for bloggers! Imagine you rating each day and attaching a photo to symbolize it. What makes your days rate 5 (1-5)?

So since gratitude is always awesome I figured I’d attach some for the web world as well. I’m very thankful for the internet — without it my career would not exist. What better way to enjoy the wonderfulness of the world wide web than to appreciate 5 extra special places of interest each week?

Want to see something here? This could be related to humor, entertainment, design, diy, self-help, health, fashion, art,events, your call! If you want to let us know about your own blog or project, be sure to email us and you just might be listed here next Friday!


PaperCakes Finds (Cutie Girl Style post)
Chelsea is sweeter than sugar-coated gumdrops. When she told me her new finds list was inspired by me I was elated.. and then to see that the actual finds were snatched from my wildest dreams! This is exactly what I love the handcraft world because there is every kind of style, even my style, and they’re all made with the utmost care and precision of an artisan. Custom and one of a kind.

Instead of allowing someone to choose what is on the shelves we are choosing exactly what we want from the world and it makes us all a little bit more appreciative of the wonderful people making these amazing things. More empathy towards others is a huge thing to be thankful for — without it I would not have met many of the amazing people I’ve met on and offline.


Japan L.A.
One of the absolute cutest and most adorable pop culture shops right in L.A. They promote local artists and Japanese inspiration — two things I’m very passionate about. Absolutely adorable place, when I visited I couldn’t stop finding things to drop into my basket. I even found cute and well-loved gifts for MisterEducated and my best friend while there.

(Photo Copyright Twinkie Chan)


Twinkie Chan
If there were a more amazing decadent, pop art food textile designer I would be shocked. She creates adorable accessories that look good enough to eat sweet! Not only is she a diy-diva but she’s also a sweetheart to boot! I guarantee you’ll be drooling after you take a look at her creations!


Pupe Girl
A tasty little Japanese fashion site that you probably already know about but perhaps not.. you earn accessories and clothing by uploading photos of your own accessories and clothing as well as by participating in the community. It’s a cute Japanese social network based around fashion — what could be better?



Bento Box Guide
An ‘old skool’ website I was surprised to still find up! It’s a cute little guide on bento boxes and is absolutely aimed towards the beginner, yes even you can make them! So give it a try and be proud of your adorable, healthy lunch.

Design Your Life

Adopt your Next Best Friend


Have free time and missing some companionship? Even if you’re not you can incorporate a new friend into your family that lowers your blood pressure and actually improves your health. It gives you a schedule or routine to keep you on focus and you’ll find the payoff extremely more amazing than the work!

… BUT WAIT! Before you run to the pet store you should know that most pet stores are supplied animals through mills which treat them inhumanely and use them solely for offspring and a paycheck — they often live in VERY unsanitary conditions and are sold at a steep price.

There is good news though! Some pet store chains have regulations and encourage adoptions — PetSmart and PetCo both often show local cats and dogs from the Humane Society that need homes. Also make sure to check out Humane Societies and Animal Rescue groups in your area for more lovely animals in need of companionship.

ASPCA has a great guide on adopting and locating pets that need homes as well as lots of features and questions to ask yourself prior to adopting.

Remember to research the pets that are right for you before adopting!

.. and don’t be picky! Looks aren’t everything, this is a chance at a wonderful life for an animal — choose based on need if you want to be choosy!


Design Your Life

Finding More Love and Happiness


These are not tips meant to be solely taken for happiness, you can find tons of happiness inspiration nestled within all sorts of magazines and websites! However.. these are tips I have found to be true. Accept them and make them work for you and you’ll find some delicious new happiness.


Taking inspirations from other artists and making them work in a way that is very you and your style can be ok but make sure you’re aware of where you got it from. If what one person is doing inspires you, also make sure others know about it. Recognize and honor those who inspire you, they wont forget you as easily when they’re rising to the top.

It’s important to realize we do not live in a box closed off from the outside world and everyone’s work is everywhere. I used to get really upset about this. Still do sometimes.. but what’s the point?

Be aware that if you’re using another artist’s work without their permission in any way to benefit yourself or to gain profit, you should be strung by your shoelaces to the nearest tree until you come to your senses. The importance of the world and the internet is that we all have an opportunity to express OURSELVES. Not our neighbors.


Let go of your superiority complex if you have one. People are going to copy you if you’re doing something groundbreaking, it’s not a new tale. Instead of trying to monitor the whole world (impossible even for Bush), accept that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Can you imagine if Andy Warhol exerted energy making sure no one copied his work? You’re inspiring others. Be proud of yourself. Artists have inspired other artists since the beginning of time. That being said DON’T COPY. Find inspiration but BE YOURSELF.


Study daily, anything you have an interest or passion in. Continue learning about it and never stop — let your passions guide you and your dreams. Live your life doing what you love and enjoy everyday you have alone and with those you adore to the utmost. Share your passions and research, in this way we’re always learning about new things from each other. Master your craft and you will find true happiness and satisfaction inside.

Flamers & Trolls

Everywhere that there are amazing and positive, creative, successful people you’ll find a group of jealous and conniving. They feel that instead of working on their own dreams they’d prefer to shatter yours and inspire you to fail. Don’t ever give up and let them win — be true to yourself and you’ll attract friends that are true to you, too. Everyone has people that do not like them, everyone clashes with someone. Don’t ever beat yourself up for it, focus on those you love and that love you. Always be open to new friends. You only live this life once, spend it with and thinking about the positive relationships you have and move on from the negative. They’ll only cause you pain in the end and it’s usually taking away from your family and friends that stood by since the beginning.


Or souvenirs of the mind. Collect good memories and let go of hurtful ones. Be aware that you cannot change the past and your new life starts today. If you feel there is something missing from your life that you see in your memories — realize that is a charm to be shared with only you and whomever you may experienced it with. If you can locate them let them know what they mean to you, if you cannot mentally thank them for the wonderful adventures and move on to have new ones. When people separate it can be for a million reasons, all that matters is the memories they shared. Don’t focus on what you had, focus on what you have. It’s nothing but a Polaroid to hold sentimentally in your mind, let it inspire you to spend new amazing times with the people you care about now.


Be a little bit more compassionate! Not only will it improve your happiness but it will improve the receiver’s happiness as well. Even if you feel fake, like you don’t mean the help you are extending, keep offering and building character because soon you will feel it. You’ll feel better for being reliable, too. 🙂


It also doesn’t help to take a trip to your nearest carnival and grab some cotton candy or a candy apple or saltwater taffy! If you were really feeling indulgent you might get all three, haha.

Self Decoration

Graphic Makeup


Does makeup matter? It matters as much or as little as you want it to. It can be as lovely, nude and natural as you like.. or it can be as out loud exciting as an lighting bolt. I like love it when people take things to the next level when using graphics and design to decorate their faces and bodies. YES PLEASE. YESYESYES.

Be sure to check out the step-by-step makeup tutorials in the Japanese magazine scans as well as some artist photos and tutorials below~

Makeup is a magic mask of color just waiting for you to get creative and change the rules. Wear it to a rave or, if you like to march to the beat of your own drum like most of us do, wear it to get groceries whenever you feel the need!

Decadent Makeup Here & There

From all around the world, cartoon, model or artist.. we like our makeup loud and clear.

Merci to the wonderful Audrey Kitching for her own love of the Miseducated lifestyle. She makes us so proud we could burst.

80s-inspired Magic Makeup

Courtesy of the amazing Bethany.

Colorful & Creative Makeup

This last colorful and creative makeup tutorial is by the wonderful Rebecca. Living a Miseducated life to her means, “Be yourself, never stop learning & never hold back on your creativity.”


Visual Splendor

All About Tea and Tea Time Talk


There’s nothing that fills my beating heart with as much happiness as a steamy cup of hot tea and the soft pages of a new book. Lucky for me, tea comes in a multitude of flavors, styles and pretty little boxes, all the more reason to spend hours admiring my options in the tea aisle of my local grocery.

Now, I’ve tried a variety of teas in my day, from strawberry iced goodness to chocolate-lovers delight. All have proven to be extraordinary! So, you can imagine my delight when I discovered the positive, health benefits associated with sipping the delicious beverage! And, imagine my double delight as I discovered that each kind of tea has its own benefits to boast! Let me share:

tea time talk

Rooibos (or Red Bush) Tea

This red tea comes from Africa and can do a body good. It is a pure tea, meaning there are no additives, and it helps slow the aging process. This non-caffeinated tea is great to drink before bedtime because it helps with insomnia, headaches, nausea and heartburn!

Herbal Tea

One of the best things about herbal tea is that you can drink it before bedtime (or if you just want to refrain from caffeine in general).

One of the most popular herbal tea’s is world-approved Chamomile. There’s a reason your mother served you chamomile before you laid your sleepy head to rest. One of its most obvious effects is that it is a muscle relaxant! It also helps with skin issues (from rashes to burns to irritation to acne) and fights off all kinds of unwanted illnesses and diseases. Not to mention it smells heavenly…

Anyway, some other great herbal tea’s include: Ginseng (Chinese, cures just about everything just as its name implies: “all heal.”), Ginger (helps with motion sickness/nausea/indigestion), Peppermint (muscle relaxer, stomach cramps, freshens breath), Cinnamon (lowers cholesterol/blood sugar),

Black Tea

I enjoy a Black tea to help wake me up in the morning. I appreciate how stable my body is throughout the day after a hot cup, as opposed to the high and low I get with coffee. Black tea is especially great for cardiovascular issues and is rich in antioxidants and cancer-fighting agents. According to, “Recent studies in leading medical journals declare black tea a potential heart tonic, cancer blocker, fat buster, immune stimulant, arthritis soother, virus fighter and cholesterol detoxifier.”

Some great Black tea’s to try include: Darjeeling and Nilgiri (both from India), Yunnan (Chinese) and Keemun (also from China).

Green Tea

Green tea is famous for its beneficial effects, so it should come as no surprise when I tell you it’s probably the healthiest kind of tea for you! In fact, it’s commonly believed that by drinking more green tea you can increase your longevity and lead a happier life. So what, exactly, are the great benefits? Let me get you started.

Green tea is linked with weight loss, reduces the risk of all types of cancers and lowers cholesterol levels. In addition, it prevents/helps rheumatoid arthritis, infections and inhibits blood clots! All because of a very powerful antioxidant called EGCG (Epigallocatechin Gallate) that stops cancer cells from growing (by killing them), all the while nurturing healthy body tissues. Sweet!

TIP #1: Let your tea bag, or tea strainer for loose tea, steep for at least 3-6 minutes in order to get the most out of it (taste wise and health wise).

TIP #2: Add a slice of lemon to your tea and be amazed as your headache eases (or even melts away completely).

DIY Recipes

Sensational Seaweed and Beauty Recipes


Seaweed is one of the healthiest things out there and it can do wonders for your hair, skin, nails and body. You can often find seaweed in the exotic food section of your grocery store or seaweed products (ie. Kelp, dulse, nori, sea lettuce) at a health food store/online. The following are great DIY beauty recipes that you can prepare and use in the comfort of your own home.


Seaweed Detox Wrap

This recipe cleanses your body of all unnecessary that build up by simply walking around. It also relieves stress, slims and is a lovely treat after a long day at work. Here’s what you need:

8 ounces powdered seaweed (kelp is easiest to find)
1 cup hot warm water
2 plastic sheets (saran wrap works well).

Before you begin, prepare your bathroom for the wrap treatment. I like to lay a blanket down in the bathtub, light a few candles and let hot water run for a while to get that steamy effect (if you run water in the bathtub, lay the blankets down afterward obviously). I’ve also heard of people putting space heaters in the bathroom to keep it warm.

Next, set your plastic sheets out (or sarah wrap) so that it’s ready to go. To prepare the seaweed past, simply pore the powdered seaweed of choice into a medium sized bowl. Next, add a little bit of a water at a time and stir. Do this until you have reached a consistency that is not too thick but still applicable and will stick to your skin.

Apply the mixture to different areas of your body, such as your stomach, arms, legs, feet. Wrap with the plastic sheet or saran wrap and sit in the bathtub under a second blanket. Listen to soothing music or sip on tea for 20 minutes. Next, remove the plastic wrap and soak in the bathtub for 10 minutes or so and rinse all the residue away. Apply lotion as desired and relax for a little while longer.

Lavender and Seaweed Bath Tea

I love this recipe because you can make it in bulk and it serves as the perfect gift. Here’s what you need:

Tea bags (or tea filters)
1/2 cup dried seaweed (kelp, seaweed flakes, nori)
1 cup dried lavender

Once you’ve gathered the ingredients, mix the seaweed and lavender until you have an even mixture. Next, divide the mixture up into the tea bags and tie (you may need to purchase string depending on the types of tea bags you purchase). Draw yourself a warm bath, light some candles and drop 2 tea bags into the water. After letting it steep for 5 minutes, hop in and enjoy!

Note: If you can’t find teabags in the tea section or your local craft store, try using pantyhose.