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Self Decoration

Mise En Snap: Skins: A Teenage Wasteland

through the rabbit hole

I recently overheard another journalist saying that this is the first generation that has no hope that the future will be brighter. It makes me instantly imagine the wreckage this is causing to the beautiful people in our world. It also makes me consider what one would do if they had no hope for the future.. I know by experience that drugs are the easiest ways to leave the scene and to botch up your life. Is that what future generations are doomed to obsess over? Isn’t that what all generations did when they were young?

Are we just doom and gloom because of the poor economy? Are we insisting to each other that things are horrible and that they are not going to improve? Is it hopeless?

So I decided to do a feature on one of my favorite Shows from the UK, skins. Since MTV had ripped it off for an americanized-version I have an idea we’ll be seeing a lot more skins on the screen. Cassie was always my favorite character and not only because my best friends claimed she was me slapped into the UK drama. I love her and her general unapologetic way of dressing cute and kitschy. She doesn’t match and she doesn’t care. That’s my favorite club. She makes me feel like I’m not alone.