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animal crossing: new leaf

Le Game

Le Game: Animal Crossing New Leaf


Animal Crossing New Leaf at Miseducated

The Animal Crossing team has done it again. I always seem to get sucked into the game but none so much as the original for the Game Cube and the previous DS version, Wild World. I played with my best friend, Kimi side by side and we obsessively tried to experience and own every cute thing available. New Leaf has added to the obsession with a much smoother ability to play with friends on and offline and user-created content which is always a win when done well. I got really excited when I saw PRO DESIGN and could design all tiles of an outfit. WOW. I instantly made a bunny lolita dress in pink and mint. The color selection is also a win.

How do you unlock the QR code reader you ask? You talk to the sewing sister at Able Sisters everyday, Mable for about 6 days and it should be unlocked. With this unlocks endless possibilities of sharing user-created content of your hearts desire. All pixel artists should jump at this new feature– I know I did. I’m still a little too excited. I was getting flustered seeing all the new content in game and trying to get a bigger home for the cuteness. Now I’ve found this code and way later you can even customize items in the game upon selling and buying tons with Resale. WOOT.

Enjoy some cute finds I located around the web and enjoy the New Leaf. So far I give it a 5-star rating~ xx!



By Teacake

By Wichita Crossing


Diary Portfolio

Creations, Cares & Shop Wares


Usagi by Amber Renee

So I’ve been sketching so much more since I began living with the man of my dreams and realizing life can be comforting in transition, fear, sadness, happiness, ecstasy, extreme business, security, and overwhelming tasks lists. Sometimes those sketches are finally turned into illustrations by yours truly and other times they are filed, colored by the kiddies or lost and tossed. This one made it through to the other side. I was feeling very dark when I sketched this but also very excited about the future, thus she is split into two. Even more curious I died my hair half and half following this drawing. The dark vs cute seems to be a constant theme in my brain.

I’ve also updated my SHOP a bit and fallen in love with some old and new friends also using storenvy.



I’ve also got my digital life getting back on track with the welcome of a new computer to the office, my new lovely laptop (little MacBook Pro) which was a gift from Mistereducated. It is so happy to both work with me and snuggle in my still-in-the-plastic Lamb case that was gifted to me years ago. Such a princess of a laptop. She runs runs runs and keeps my eyes happy with a screen that is so decadent and color rich like a Japanese candy store. AH! I was so behind.

Also many more blog goodies are coming along.. I was forced by slight-OCD to organize my Gmail via Imap in Mac’s Mail app (if you need any help with this I have ultimate tips as I ripped quite a few hairs out in frustration). I had (no joke) a bit over 100,000 mails that needed to be organized into folders so I could have an empty inbox and get on track. I was living like a computer file hoarder. Mister even got me an external hard drive because like a hoarder I put off organizing my files and deleting un-needed files for so long and now every file I’ve ever cherished (except for that time in the 90s when my old PC crashed and lost all my files) is organized and neat on the hard drive. Such a relief! Everything is smooth sailing on candy seas. So alas, I have not forgotten about or misplaced your emails! After my crazy roller coaster ride and life restart I am still getting important items in order but I am now pretty much on top of a cotton candy cloud ready to welcome you for chats, cats and tea. I never forgot about you, I was only lost in the forest for awhile.

Also — I got a pink 3ds for a bit of fun in the meantime and mainly for Animal Crossing because it has always been my favorite game next to Maniac Mansion. If you’d like to be friends just leave your friend code. Mine is: 0662 4261 5265

See you in digital wonderland! XX
